XML parsing document parsing

1. First is my project structure and the dependencies I introduced:

2. Introduced dependencies: jdk uses 17

    <!--Do xml parsing-->

3. The test code is as follows:

public class TestMybatis {

    public void testPorerXml() throws DocumentException {
        SAXReader saxReader=new SAXReader();
        InputStream resourceAsStream = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("mybatis-conf.xml");
        Document read = saxReader.read(resourceAsStream);
        System.out.println("read = " + read);
        String xPath="/configuration/environments";
          Element node =(Element) read.selectSingleNode(xPath);
        String node1 = node.attributeValue("default");
        System.out.println("node1 = " + node1);
        String xPath1="/configuration/environments/environment[@id='" + node1 + "']";
        System.out.println("xPath1 = " + xPath1);
        Elementele = (Element) read.selectSingleNode(xPath1);
        System.out.println("ele = " + ele);
        Element transactionManager = ele.element("transactionManager");
        String transactionManager1 = transactionManager.attributeValue("type");
        System.out.println("transactionManager1 = " + transactionManager1);
        Element dataSource = ele.element("dataSource");
        String pooled = dataSource.attributeValue("type");
        System.out.println("pooled = " + pooled);
        List<Element> elements = dataSource.elements();
            String name = elem.attributeValue("name");
            String value = elem.attributeValue("value");
            System.out.println("name = " + name + "-----" + "value = " + value);

        String xpaht2="//mapper";
        List<Element> list = read.selectNodes(xpaht2);
        for (Element l:list) {
            System.out.println("l = " + l);
            String resource = l.attributeValue("resource");
            System.out.println("resource = " + resource);

    public void testAdminXml() throws DocumentException {
        SAXReader saxReader=new SAXReader();
        InputStream resourceAsStream = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("AdminMapper.xml");
        Document document = saxReader.read(resourceAsStream);
        String path="/mapper";
        Element element = (Element) document.selectSingleNode(path);
        String namespace = element.attributeValue("namespace");
        System.out.println("namespace = " + namespace);
        List<Element> elements = element.elements();
            String id = elem.attributeValue("id");
            System.out.println("id = " + id);
            String useGeneratedKeys = elem.attributeValue("useGeneratedKeys");
            System.out.println("useGeneratedKeys = " + useGeneratedKeys);
            String keyProperty = elem.attributeValue("keyProperty");
            System.out.println("keyProperty = " + keyProperty);
            String resultType = elem.attributeValue("resultType");
            System.out.println("resultType = " + resultType);
            String resultMapper = elem.attributeValue("resultMap");
            System.out.println("resultMapper = " + resultMapper);
            String textTrim = elem.getTextTrim();
            System.out.println("textTrim = " + textTrim);
            String s = textTrim.replaceAll("#\{[0-9A-Za-z_$]*}", "?");
            System.out.println("s = " + s);


4. Talk about what each method is used for and its specific function:

SAXReader saxReader=new SAXReader();
InputStream resourceAsStream = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("mybatis-conf.xml");
Document read = saxReader.read(resourceAsStream);

0. The SAX parser reads the XML file named "mybatis-conf.xml" located on the classpath and parses it into a Document object. Among them, SAXReader is a SAX parser,
InputStream resourceAsStream = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("mybatis-conf.xml") is used to obtain the input stream of the mybatis-conf.xml file,
Document read = saxReader.read(resourceAsStream) parses the input stream into a Document object: 

1. Element node =(Element) read.selectSingleNode(xPath);: Get the root node in the mybatis-conf.xml file based on the XPath expression, which is the node.

2. String node1 = node.attributeValue(“default”);: Get the default attribute value of the node, which is used to specify the default environment (i.e. database).

3. String xPath1=”/configuration/environments/environment[@id='” + node1 + “‘]”;: Constructs an XPath expression based on the default attribute value, used to obtain the Node.

4. Element ele = (Element) read.selectSingleNode(xPath1);: Get the node with the specified id based on the XPath expression.

5. Element transactionManager = ele.element(“transactionManager”);: Get the node under the node.

6. String transactionManager1 = transactionManager.attributeValue(“type”);: Get the type attribute value of the node, that is, the type of transaction manager.

7. Element dataSource = ele.element(“dataSource”);: Get the node under the node, that is, the database connection pool configuration information.

8. String pooled = dataSource.attributeValue(“type”);: Get the type attribute value of the node, which is the type of the database connection pool.

9. List elements = dataSource.elements();: Get all child nodes under the node, that is, the configuration information of the database connection pool.

10. elements.forEach(elem->{}: Traverse the configuration information of the database connection pool and obtain the name and value attributes of each child node.

11. String xpaht2=”//mapper”;: Constructs an XPath expression to obtain all nodes.

12. List list = read.selectNodes(xpaht2);: Get all nodes based on XPath expression.

13. for (Element l:list) {}: Traverse all nodes and obtain the resource attribute value of each node, that is, the path to the mapper file.

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