vue3 drag and drop plug-in Vue3DraggableResizable

Official documentation of the Vue3DraggableResizable drag-and-drop plug-in

1. Properties and events of Vue3DraggableResizable

1. Property configuration of Vue3DraggableResizable


Attributes Type Default value Function description Example
initW Number null Set initial width (px)
initH Number null Set initial height (px)
w Number 0 The current width (px) of the component, you can use the “v-model:w” syntax to make it consistent with the parent component
h Number 0 component The current height (px), you can use the “v-model:h” syntax to make it consistent with the parent component
x Number 0 The distance (px) between the component and the left side of the parent container. You can use “v -model:x” syntax makes it consistent with the parent component
y Number 0 The distance (px) between the component and the right side of the parent container. You can use the “v-model:y” syntax to make it the same as the parent component Be consistent
minW Number 20 The minimum width of the component (px)
minH Number 20 Minimum height of component (px)
active Boolean false Whether the component is currently active, you can use “v-model:active ” syntax makes it consistent with the parent component
draggable Boolean true Whether the component can be dragged
resizable Boolean true Whether the component is resizable
lockAspectRatio Boolean false This property is used to set whether to lock the ratio
disabledX Boolean false Whether to prohibit the component from moving on the X axis
disabledY Boolean false Whether to prohibit the component from moving on the Y axis
disabledW Boolean false Whether to prohibit the component from modifying the width
disabledH Boolean false Whether to prohibit components from modifying height
parent Boolean false Whether the component’s Dragging and scaling are limited to its parent node, that is, the component will not exceed the parent node, and is turned off by default
handles Array [‘tl’, ‘tm’, ‘tr’, ‘ml’, ‘mr’, ‘bl’, ‘bm’, ‘br’ ] Defines the handle of scaling (eight directions in total):
tl: top left
tm: upper middle
tr: top right
mr : center left
ml : center right
bl : lower left
bm: lower middle
br : Bottom right
classNameDraggable String ‘draggable’ Customize the class name of the component, which is displayed when the component is “dragable”
classNameResizable String ‘resizable’ Customize the component class name, which is displayed when the component is “scalable”
classNameDragging String ‘dragging’ Define the class name displayed when the component is dragged
classNameActive String ‘active ‘ Define the class name of the component in the active state

String ‘handle’ The class name that defines the scaling handle
classNameHandle String ‘handle’ The class name that defines the scaling handle

2. Vue3DraggableResizable events

Event Input parameters Trigger timing Function description Example
activated Triggered when the component changes from inactive state to active state
deactivated Triggered when the component changes from active state to inactive state
drag -start { x: number, y: number } Triggered when the component starts dragging
dragging { x: number, y: number } The component is dragging Continuously triggering during the process
drag-end { x: number, y: number } Triggered when component dragging ends
resize-start { x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number } Triggered when the component starts scaling
resizing { x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number } The component continues to fire during the scaling process
resize-end { x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number } Triggered when component scaling ends

2. Use cases of Vue3DraggableResizable

Take the vue3 project as an example to see how Vue3DraggableResizable is used:

First, introduce Vue3DraggableResizable in main.ts and hang it on the vue instance:

//Introduce drag and drop library
import Vue3DraggableResizable from 'vue3-draggable-resizable'
import 'vue3-draggable-resizable/dist/Vue3DraggableResizable.css'

// Vue instance
const app = createApp(App)

Then use it in the component as follows:

<!-- Drag and drop component -->
<script setup lang="ts">
// Drag and drop configuration
const dragData = reactive({<!-- -->
    x: 10,
    y: 10,
    h: 100,
    w: 100,
    active: false,
//Drag event
const print = (val) => {<!-- -->