Jenkins project deployment

Use jenkins to deploy projects

The simple version uses jenkins to deploy projects

Deploy the war package to tomcat

Deploy the existing war package to tomcat (jenkins and tomcat are on the same host)

Click on the new task on the Jenkins homepage

Enter task name

Choose to build a free-style software project and click OK

Add a build step within the build and choose to execute the shell

Enter the execution script

echo "============Delete old war package==================="
rm ${tomcat_path}/webapps/docker.war
echo "============Delete the old folder under tomcat============="
rm -rf ${tomcat_path}/webapps/docker
echo "======Copy the compiled war package to tomcat======="
cp /usr/java/project/docker.war ${tomcat_path}/webapps/docker.war
echo "====================Close tomcat====================="
echo "================sleep 10s========================="
for i in {1..10}
        echo $i"s"
        sleep 1s
export BUILD_ID=DontKillMe
echo "====================Start tomcat====================="

start jar
echo "============Delete old jar============="
rm -rf ${projectJar}/demo.jar
echo "======Copy the new jar to the running directory======="
cp ${jarPath}/demo.jar ${projectJar}/demo.jar
echo "====================Close the jar process====================="
l=`ps -ef|grep -v grep|grep demo|awk '{print $2}'`
kill -9 $l
echo "================sleep 10s========================="
for i in {1..10}
        echo $i"s"
        sleep 1s
export BUILD_ID=DontKillMe
echo "====================Start jar====================="
nohup java -jar ${projectJar}/demo.jar & amp;

Click Build Now on the left

The maven version uses jenkins to deploy projects

Prepare the Linux installation environment

1. Install jdk on linux and configure environment variables

2. Install tomcat on linux and configure environment variables

In the previous article, there is a configuration tutorial for disk and file management

Install and configure git on linux

Install dependent environment

Yum (full name Yellow dog Updater, Modified) is a Shell front-end package manager in Fedora, RedHat and CentOS. Based on RPM package management, it can automatically download and install RPM packages from designated servers, automatically handle dependencies, and install all dependent software packages at once, without the need to download and install them again and again.

yum install -y curl-devel expat-devel gettext-devel openssl-devel zlib-devel gcc perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker

2. Delete existing git(!!!)

Don’t forget this step. After configuring the environment variables, if the version of git –version is not the one we installed, you must execute the deletion command again

yum -y remove git

3. Transfer tar to /usr/manually created folder/git and extract it

Git ( Other ways (yum…)

Index of /pub/software/scm/git/ ( tar package download

tar -zxvf git-2.9.5.tar.gz

4. Compile

cd git-2.9.5 (enter the decompression directory)

make prefix=/usr/formwork/git all

make prefix=/usr/formwork/git install

1. Compilation may occur


yum install -y curl-devel expat-devel gettext-devel openssl-devel zlib-devel gcc perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker

Re-execute the dependency installation. Here is the configuration of the previous installation dependencies. This has already been installed.

In the previous article Disk and File Management

Remove gcc

Then continue execution after execution

make prefix=/usr/formwork/git all

make prefix=/usr/formwork/git install

5. Configure environment variables into /etc/profile

6.Restart environment variable configuration

source /etc/profile

7. Check git version

git –version

Install and configure maven on linux

1. Official website download link, download .tar.gz

Maven – Download Apache Maven

2. Decompress tar -zxvf

3. Configure environment variables

vi /etc/profile

export MAVEN_HOME=/usr/java/maven/apache-maven-3.5.0


Validate the file source /etc/profile

export MAVEN_HOME=/usr/formwork/apache-maven-3.8.8
export GIT_HOME=/usr/formwork/git
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-
4. Check the maven version number

mvn -v

5. Configure maven download image

Configure ali image

vim /usr/formwork/apache-maven-3.8.8/conf/settings.xml




        <name>aliyun maven</name>


6. Install the necessary plug-ins for maven

Remember to configure and download the image before executing it! ! Otherwise you have to wait a long time

mvn help:system

This is rather long

Jenkins security configuration (remember to save and apply)

Global configuration (remember to save and apply)

For the path, just look at the configuration path of the vim /etc/profile environment variable

Start creating a maven project

Download the maven plug-in

Download the git plug-in

1. Create a new task and create a maven project

2. After confirming, slide down to configure the git warehouse

3. Continue to slide down to configure the trigger, triggering every five minutes

4. Compilation options

clean package -U -Dmaven.test.skip=true

echo "Deployed directory and project name"
sh /usr/java/test/
echo "success"

The corresponding (stored in the /usr/java/test/ folder in Linux)

echo "Deployed directory and project name"
echo "Application server to be deployed"
#All parameter lists
for server_ip in ${server_ips[@]}
echo "Perform backup operation"
mkdir -p $DIR/backup/${projectName}
  if [ -f "$DIR/${projectName}/${projectName}.jar" ];then
    mv $DIR/${projectName}/${projectName}.jar $DIR/backup/${projectName}/${projectName}-`date " + %Y%m%d_%H%M%S"`.jar
echo "Copy the jar package to the directory of the target server"
cp ${WORKSPACE}/target/*.jar $DIR/${projectName}/${projectName}.jar

echo "Target server:$DIR/${projectName}/${projectName}.jar"

echo "Connect for publishing operation"
#mv /usr/java/test/demo.jar $DIR/backup/${projectName}/${projectName}.jar
echo "Start closing jar"
l=`ps -ef|grep demo.jar|grep -v grep|awk '{print $2}'`
for i in $l
 kill -9 $i
sleep 5s
echo "start jar"
nohup java -jar $DIR/${projectName}/${projectName}.jar --server.port=9999 > release_out.log 2> & amp;1 & amp;start_ok=false
5. Pay attention to the file path problem

Upload our project at our bound gi warehouse address


Pull code: git

Packaging: jar

Store the corresponding jar to the specified location

Start building

Both are available, build now

The wait is very long

Solution to build failure

1. Check whether the file we created has execution permission. If not, chmod -R 755

2.vim /usr/formwork/apache-maven-3.8.8/conf/settings.xml

Add s after the http of the ali mirror we configured (maven considers it unsafe and blocks access)

The article has been included in the official knowledge archive Cloud Native Getting Started Skill TreeContinuous Integration and Deployment (Jenkins)Use helm to install Jenkins16851 people are learning the system