Decrypting Web Security: The Mysteries of Session, Cookies and Tokens

Decrypting Web Security: The Mysteries of Session, Cookie and Token

  • Preface
  • Part 1: What are Session, Cookie and Token
    • 1. Session:
    • 2. Cookie (HTTP Cookie):
    • 3. Token:
    • Compare:
  • Part 2: The secret of cookies
    • Create, read and delete cookies:
    • Cookie persistence and security:
  • Part 3: In-depth understanding of user sessions (Session)
    • What is a user session:
    • Session life cycle and management skills:
    • Handling user sessions in web applications, including state management and security:
  • Part 4: Understanding Tokens
    • Type of token:
    • The key role of tokens in authentication and authorization:
    • Uses and advantages of JWT (JSON Web Tokens):
  • Part 5: Authentication and Authorization
    • Session-Based Authentication and Authorization
    • Cookie-Based Authentication and Authorization
    • Token-Based Authentication and Authorization


In today’s digital world, we encounter user authentication and data protection challenges everywhere we go. Whether it’s online shopping, social media or online banking, our identities and private information need to be properly protected. This article will guide you to explore three core concepts: Session, Cookie and Token, which are indispensable components for building modern web applications. We’ll demystify them, gain insight into how they work, and how to use them smartly in your applications.

Part 1: What are Session, Cookie and Token

Session, Cookie, and Token are all important tools for maintaining user identity and status in Web applications. They each have different definitions and functions, and have their own usage scenarios in Web applications.

1. Session:

  • Definition: Session is a server-side storage mechanism used to store user status information, usually stored on the server in the form of key-value pairs.
  • Function: Session is used to maintain the user’s session state, allowing data to be shared between multiple requests. It is usually used to store the user’s login information, shopping cart contents, etc.
  • Usage scenario: When a user logs in to the web application, the server will create a unique Session and store the user’s data in this Session. This Session ID is usually stored in a cookie to identify the user on subsequent requests. Session is very suitable for storing sensitive data because the data is stored on the server side and cannot be easily stolen.

2. Cookie (HTTP Cookie):

  • Definition: A cookie is a small piece of text information that is stored in the user’s browser to pass data between different HTTP requests.
  • Role: Cookies are used to transfer data between the client and the server. They are usually used to identify users, track user behavior and save user preferences.
  • Usage scenario: The web server can send cookies to the client in the HTTP response, and then the browser will automatically attach these cookies to the request header in subsequent requests. This allows web applications to maintain the user’s authentication status and other information between pages.

3. Token:

  • Definition: Token is a token used for authentication and authorization, usually a string of randomly generated characters.
  • Role: Token is used to verify the user’s identity. It is usually generated after the user logs in, and then passed in each request to verify the user’s permissions.
  • Usage scenarios: In many modern web applications, Token is widely used to implement authentication (such as JWT) and authorization, especially in distributed systems. Tokens can be stored on the client side or server side, depending on the design of the application.


  • Both Session and Cookie are mechanisms to maintain user state between the server and the browser, but Session data is stored on the server side, while Cookie is stored on the client side.
  • Token is different from Session and Cookie. It is mainly used for authentication and authorization. It is usually passed as a token rather than used to store user state data.

Part 2: The secret of cookies

What are cookies:
A cookie is a small text file that is sent to the user’s browser by a web server and stored on the user’s computer. Its main purpose is to maintain and transfer data between different HTTP requests. It is usually used to identify users, track user sessions, store user preferences, etc.

Where cookies are stored:
Cookies are usually stored in the user’s browser in the browser’s “Cookie Folder”. Each cookie contains a name, a value, and some other attributes, such as expiration time and domain name.

Create, read and delete cookies:

  1. Create Cookie:

    • The server can set cookies through the header information of the HTTP response, example:
    Set-Cookie: username=John; expires=Wed, 18 Oct 2023 12:00:00 GMT; path=/

    This will create a cookie named “username” with a value of “John” and an expiration time and path set.

  2. Read Cookie:

    • Browsers automatically send domain-specific cookies with every HTTP request. JavaScript can read Cookie values through document.cookie.
    var username = document.cookie;
  3. Delete Cookies:

    • To delete a cookie, you can make it invalid by setting its expiration time to a point in time in the past. For example:
    Set-Cookie: username=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT; path=/

Cookie persistence and security:

  1. Persistence:

    • Session Cookies: These cookies are stored on the user’s computer but are automatically deleted after the user closes the browser.
    • Persistent Cookie: You can set the expiration time of the cookie so that it expires after a certain period of time. This enables the creation of long-term user authentication or persistent preference settings.
  2. Security:

    • Cookies are text files stored on the user’s computer and are therefore not suitable for storing sensitive data such as passwords. Storing sensitive information in cookies should be avoided.
    • Using the security flag (Secure) can force cookies to be transmitted only through HTTPS connections, improving transmission security.
    • Use the HttpOnly flag to limit cookies to be accessed only through HTTP requests, preventing cross-site scripting attacks.

In short, cookies are a useful tool for maintaining state and tracking users in web applications, but you need to pay attention to security and privacy issues when using them. Sensitive information should not be stored, and the properties of cookies should be set carefully to ensure security. and compliance.

Part 3: In-depth understanding of user sessions (Session)

What is a user session:

A user session is a mechanism in web applications used to track a specific user’s interaction with the application over a period of time. This interaction can include users logging in, adding items to shopping carts on shopping sites, filling out forms, etc. User sessions typically involve maintaining state information between the server and client in order to track the user’s activities and provide a personalized experience.

How user sessions work on the server and client sides:

  • Server side: When a user accesses a web application for the first time, the server creates a unique session ID (usually a Session ID), which is associated with the user’s session. The server uses this Session ID to store and retrieve data related to the user’s session. This data can be stored in the server’s memory or persisted to a database or other storage media.

  • Client: The client usually stores the Session ID in a cookie so that it can be sent back to the server on subsequent requests. This allows the server to identify a specific user between requests and restore their session state.

Session life cycle and management skills:

  • Lifecycle: The lifecycle of a user session typically includes the following stages:

    1. Creation: When a user accesses the application and starts a new session, the server creates a session object and assigns a unique Session ID.
    2. Activities: Users interact in the app and data is stored in the session and can be shared across multiple requests.
    3. Expiration: The session can set an expiration time. Once it expires, the session data will be deleted.
    4. Termination: The user exits or closes the browser, the session is terminated, and related data is cleared.
  • Management Tips:

    • Control session expiration time: Based on application requirements, you can set the session expiration time to ensure that inactive sessions are not kept for long periods of time.
    • Security: Use HTTPS to protect the transmission security of Session ID and avoid storing sensitive information in Session.
    • Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) protection: Implement CSRF tokens to ensure requests come from legitimate users.
    • Control concurrency: To prevent users from logging in on multiple devices at the same time, you can use single sign-on (SSO) or other control methods.

Handling user sessions in web applications, including state management and security:

  • State management: User sessions can be used to maintain user status, including login status, shopping cart contents, preferences, etc. Through Session, the application can store this information on the server side so that it can be accessed and modified during the user session.

  • Security: It is crucial to ensure the security of Session data. It is wise to adopt the following security measures:

    • Use HTTPS to encrypt data transmission, including Session ID.
    • Set Session expiration time to limit the life cycle of the session.
    • Avoid storing sensitive information in Session, especially passwords.
    • Implement CSRF protection to prevent cross-site request forgery attacks.
    • Regularly review and update application session management policies to adapt to new security threats.

User sessions are a key technology in web applications, which enable applications to track user activities, provide personalized experiences, and ensure data security. Understanding how to manage sessions effectively is critical to building secure and reliable web applications.

Part 4: Understanding Token

Token type:

Tokens play a key role in authentication and authorization and are mainly divided into two types: access tokens and authentication tokens.

  1. Access Token:

    • An access token is a token used for authorization, typically used by client applications to access protected APIs or resources.
    • It indicates that the client application has permission to access a specific resource without involving user authentication.
    • Usually represented as a string of random characters or encoded data, with a limited lifetime.
  2. Authentication Token:

    • An authentication token is a token used to verify a user’s identity and usually contains information about the user, such as username, role, etc.
    • It represents the user’s identity and is typically used to authenticate the user after they log in, as well as to verify the user’s identity during the user’s session.
    • Authentication tokens are typically short-lived and are used to ensure that the user’s identity is valid for a certain period of time.

The key role of tokens in authentication and authorization:

  • Authentication: The authentication token is used to verify the user’s identity. The user provides credentials (such as username and password), and the application server verifies these credentials and, if valid, issues an authentication token that is later used to identify the user.

  • Authorization: The access token is used for authorization. Once the user is successfully authenticated, the application server can issue an access token, which allows the client application to access specific resources, such as APIs or protected data.

Uses and advantages of JWT (JSON Web Tokens):

  • Usage of JWT:

    • JSON Web Tokens (JWT) is an open standard for passing information in tokens.
    • JWT usually consists of three parts: Header, Payload and Signature. The header contains the token’s type and signature algorithm, the payload contains information about the user or authorization, and the signature is used to verify the integrity of the token.
  • Advantages of JWT:

    1. Self-contained: JWT contains all necessary information and does not require additional database queries.
    2. Lightweight: The encoding and transmission of JWT is very efficient and suitable for distributed systems.
    3. Cross-domain support: JWT can be used between different domains and is suitable for scenarios such as single sign-on (SSO).
    4. Verifiability: The signature of a JWT ensures the integrity and origin of the token.
    5. Extensibility: JWT supports custom claims, making it suitable for a variety of usage scenarios.

In short, tokens are key elements in authentication and authorization and can be divided into access tokens and authentication tokens, each of which has different uses. As a common token type, JWT has the advantages of self-contained, lightweight and cross-domain support, and is widely used in modern applications.

Part 5: Authentication and Authorization

Authentication and authorization are crucial security aspects in web applications, and Sessions, Cookies, and Tokens can all be used to implement these functions. The following is a comparison of their advantages and disadvantages in different scenarios:

Session-Based Authentication and Authorization

  • Advantages:
    1. Security: Session data is stored on the server, which is relatively safe and difficult to be stolen.
    2. Simple: Easy to implement and manage, no special technology required.
    3. Control: The server can maintain user state and permissions within a session and easily update or terminate the session.
  • Disadvantages:
    1. Scalability: Server-side state needs to be maintained, which may affect the scalability and load balancing of the application.
    2. Performance: Storing and managing session data may cause increased server load.
    3. Not suitable for cross-domain use: Session may cause problems when sharing session data between multiple web servers.

Cookie-Based Authentication and Authorization

  • Advantages:
    1. Cross-domain support: Cookies are stored on the client and are easy to transfer between different domains. They are suitable for scenarios such as single sign-on (SSO).
    2. Performance: Reduces server load since session data is stored client-side.
    3. Persistence: Persistent cookies can be set to implement functions such as “remember me”.
  • Disadvantages:
    1. Security: Cookies are stored on the client side and are vulnerable to cross-site scripting attacks (XSS) and cross-site request forgery (CSRF).
    2. Privacy Issues: Cookies can raise privacy issues because they can be tracked and analyzed.
    3. Limited storage capacity: Cookies have limited storage capacity and cannot be used to store large amounts of data.

Token-Based Authentication and Authorization

  • Advantages:
    1. Security: Token can be transmitted via HTTPS and verified using signatures, providing high security.
    2. Scalability: Suitable for distributed systems because Tokens can be transferred between different services.
    3. Flexibility: Can be used for different types of authentication and authorization, such as JWT for web applications and APIs.
  • Disadvantages:
    1. Complexity: Implementing and managing tokens can be complex, requiring key management and signature verification.
    2. Difficult to terminate: The life cycle of a token is determined by its expiration time, and additional mechanisms may be needed to handle expiration and termination.

To sum up, Session, Cookie and Token each have advantages and disadvantages in different scenarios. The selection of appropriate authentication and authorization mechanisms should be based on specific application needs and security considerations. Generally, Token-Based authentication and authorization are more advantageous in distributed systems, while Cookie-Based method is suitable for cross-domain authentication and Session-Based method is suitable for simple Web applications. Security considerations are also a key factor in choice, so options need to be weighed on a case-by-case basis.