Elasticsearch cluster construction

This cluster construction is based on Elasticsearch 7.8.1
Download address (Elastic Chinese community): https://elasticsearch.cn/download/#seg-12

1. Node planning
ES Server Node Allocation master slave slave slave slave, kibana
2. es new user
useradd elastic
3. Modify the maximum number of files

Execute as root user: vim /etc/security/limits.conf

Add to:

elastic soft nofile 65536
elastic hard nofile 65536
elastic soft nproc 65536
elastic hard nproc 65536
elastic soft memlock unlimited
elastic hard memlock unlimited
4. Modify the maximum memory of the virtual machine

Execute as root user: vim /etc/sysctl.conf

Add to:


The modification takes effect: sysctl -p

Or use temporary modifications (which will become invalid after the server is restarted):

sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
sysctl -w vm.swappiness=1
5. Configure memory lock

The elasticsearch official website recommends that the production environment needs to set bootstrap.memory_lock: true

The explanation from the official website is: When system swapping (memory swapping) occurs, the performance of the ES node will be very poor, and it will also affect the stability of the node. So avoid swapping at all costs. Swapping will cause the cycle delay of Java GC to deteriorate from milliseconds to minutes. More seriously, it will cause node response delays or even leave the cluster.

vim /etc/systemd/system.conf

Add at the end of the file


But after saving, it will not take effect immediately. There are two ways to make it take effect.

  1. Restart the system
  2. Execution: systemctl daemon-reexec
6. Switch users and create directories

Switch to the elastic user and check the disk mount point

su elastic

Find a mount point with the largest disk space and create a new elasticsearch data storage directory

For this deployment, we communicated with the technical service and mounted the 2T hard disk under /data, and directly created a new directory under /data.

  • elasticsearch – application directory
  • data – data storage directory
  • logs – store logs
  • keystore – xpack cluster communication key storage
mkdir -p /data/elasticsearch
mkdir -p /data/data
mkdir -p /data/logs
mkdir -p /data/keystore

Be sure to ensure that the permissions of each file under /data belong to the non-root account you prepared for elasticsearch. If not, use the root user to execute the following

chown -R elastic:elastic /data
7. Upload tar package

Upload the installation package to /data/elasticsearch, decompress it, and then delete the compressed package

tar -zxvf elasticsearch-7.8.1.tar.gz
rm -rf elasticsearch-7.8.1.tar.gz
8. Modify JVM memory

Enter /data/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-7.8.1/config

Modify jvm configuration

vim jvm.options
-Xms8g # Note that this value should not exceed 32G, the best value is 26g

In order to ensure JVM utilization, it is recommended that the above two values are the same

9. Modify node configuration
vim elasticsearch.yml

master node:

cluster.name: es #cluster name
node.name: node-01 #Node name. It is recommended that nodes 1-9 be named 01-09 for easy viewing.
path.data: /data/data #Data storage path
path.logs: /data/logs #Log storage path
bootstrap.memory_lock: true #Enable memory locking
network.host: #Node IP
http.port: 9200 #Exposed port
discovery.seed_hosts: ["", "","","",""] #Discoverable within the cluster Node and IP
cluster.initial_master_nodes: [""]#Initialized master node

# Enable xpack authentication
xpack.security.enabled: true
xpack.security.transport.ssl.enabled: true
xpack.security.transport.ssl.verification_mode: certificate
xpack.security.transport.ssl.keystore.path: elastic-certificates.p12
xpack.security.transport.ssl.truststore.path: elastic-certificates.p12

slave node:

cluster.name: es #cluster name
node.name: node-02 #Node name. It is recommended that nodes 1-9 be named 01-09 for easy viewing.
path.data: /data/data #Data storage path
path.logs: /data/logs #Log storage path
bootstrap.memory_lock: true #Enable memory locking
network.host: #Node IP
http.port: 9200 #Exposed port
discovery.seed_hosts: ["", "","","",""] #Discoverable within the cluster Node and IP
cluster.initial_master_nodes: [""]#Initialized master node

# Enable xpack authentication
xpack.security.enabled: true
xpack.security.transport.ssl.enabled: true
xpack.security.transport.ssl.verification_mode: certificate
xpack.security.transport.ssl.keystore.path: elastic-certificates.p12
xpack.security.transport.ssl.truststore.path: elastic-certificates.p12
10. Specify built-in jdk

Enter /data/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-7.8.1/bin

vim elasticsearch

Add at the beginning

export JAVA_HOME=/data/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-7.8.1/jdk/
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

#Add jdk judgment
if [ -x "$JAVA_HOME/bin/java" ]; then
    JAVA=`which java`
11. Add word segmenter

Download the corresponding version of the word segmenter, unzip it, then organize it by folder and place it in /data/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-7.8.1/plugins

This installation uses the following three word breakers: ik, pinyin, and stconvert.

12. CA authorization certification
1. Institutional authorization

Enter the /data/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-7.8.1/bin directory and execute

./elasticsearch-certutil ca

After execution, the following question will appear. Please enter the storage path in elasticsearch.yml and use elastic-stack-ca.p12 as the file name.

Please enter the desired output file [elastic-stack-ca.p12]:/data/keystore/elastic-stack-ca.p12

Then continue to enter the ==Password of the authorized authority== that you set. This password will be very useful when the cluster is expanded in the future and needs to be remembered.

2. Generate certificate

After entering the password, the authority generates and then generates an authorization certificate

./elasticsearch-certutil cert --ca /data/keystore/elastic-stack-ca.p12

There are three inputs in this process

  1. Enter ==Password of the authorized authority==
  2. Enter the absolute path of the CA certificate:/data/keystore/elastic-certificates.p12
  3. Enter the CA certificate password (for convenience of management, it is the same as the authorized authority password)

Finally, the following two files are generated in the /data/keystore directory

  • elastic-certificates.p12
  • elastic-stack-ca.p12
3. Certificate encryption

Place elastic-certificates.p12 and elastic-stack-ca.p12 in the /data/keystore directory into the config directory

Then execute the following command

./elasticsearch-keystore add xpack.security.transport.ssl.keystore.secure_password
./elasticsearch-keystore add xpack.security.transport.ssl.truststore.secure_password

The password is the one you just entered ==Password of the authorized agency==

13. Deploy the remaining nodes

Distribute the configured elasticsearch to the corresponding location of each node, and configure the response for each node

Pay special attention to the places that need to be modified: Node name, host name, etc.

  • The remaining nodes need to perform the certificate encryption operation again
14. Start

Execute ./elasticsearch -d in the bin directory to start, start all nodes

15. Configure built-in user password
./elasticsearch-setup-passwords interactive
Username Function
elastic Super user
kibana is used to connect Kibana to Elasticsearch
logstash_system Logstash is used when storing monitoring information in Elasticsearch
beats_system Beats is used when storing monitoring information in Elasticsearch
apm_system The APM server uses it when storing monitoring information in Elasticsearch
remote_monitoring_user Metricbeat user Used when collecting and storing monitoring information in Elasticsearch
Sixteen, kibana
vim kibana.yml
server.port: 5601
server.host: "" #Local IP
elasticsearch.hosts: ["","",""," 9200",""] #ES cluster IP
elasticsearch.username: "elastic"
elasticsearch.password: "***"
i18n.locale: "zh-CN"
nohup ./kibana &