Redis-3 persistence and master-slave replication

Redis persistence files are divided into two types:

dump.rdb and appendonly.aof

1. Redis persistence RDB

Redis provides 2 different forms of persistence methods

RDB (Redis DataBase)

AOF (Append Of File)

1. What is RDB

Write a snapshot of the data set in memory to disk within a specified time interval, which is also known as Snapshot in jargon. When it is restored, the snapshot file is read directly into memory.

2. How backups are performed

Redis will create (fork) a child process separately for persistence. It will first write the data to a temporary file. After the persistence process is completed, this temporary file will be used to replace the last persisted file. During the entire process, the main process does not perform any IO operations, which ensures extremely high performance. If large-scale data recovery is required and the integrity of data recovery is not very sensitive, the RDB method is more efficient than the AOF method. of high efficiency. The disadvantage of RDB is that the data after the last persistence may be lost.


The function of Fork is to copy a process that is the same as the current process. All the data (variables, environment variables, program counter, etc.) of the new process have the same values as the original process, but it is a completely new process and serves as a child process of the original process.

4. RDB persistence process

5. dump.rdb file

Configure the file name in redis.conf, the default is dump.rdb

Wherever the file is started, the file is located

6. Configuration location

The saving path of the rdb file can also be modified. The default is the directory where the command line is located when Redis is started.


7. How to trigger RDB snapshot; retention policy

7.1 Default snapshot configuration interval in configuration file

7.2 Command save bgsave

save: When saving, just save, ignore other things, and block everything. Save manually. Not recommended.

bgsave: Redis will perform snapshot operations asynchronously in the background, and the snapshot can also respond to client requests.

You can use the lastsave command to obtain the time of the last successful snapshot execution.

7.3 flushall command

Executing the flushall command will also generate the dump.rdb file, but it is empty and meaningless.


7.5. Save

Format: save seconds number of write operations

RDB is a compressed Snapshot of the entire memory. The data structure of RDB can be configured with compound snapshot trigger conditions.

The default is 10,000 changes in 1 minute, 10 changes in 5 minutes, or 1 change in 15 minutes.


Do not set the save command, or pass an empty string to save

7.6. stop-writes-on-bgsave-error

When Redis cannot write to the disk (the disk is full), directly turn off the writing operation of Redis. Recommend yes.

7.7 rdbcompression compressed files

For snapshots stored on disk, you can set whether to compress them for storage. If so, redis will perform compression.

If you don’t want to consume CPU for compression, you can set this feature to off. Recommend yes.

7.8. rdbchecksum checks data integrity

After storing the snapshot, you can also let redis perform data verification. If the data has been damaged, there is no need to perform persistence operations. Doing so will increase performance consumption by about 10%. If you want to get the maximum performance improvement, you can Turn off this feature

Recommend yes.

7.9. RDB backup

First query the directory of the rdb file

Create backup file mkdir dump-bak.rdb

Copy the backup files to the working directory cp dump-bak.rdb dump.rdb

Close Redis

Then remove dump.rdb mv -rf dump.rdb

rdb recovery

Enter myredis and delete the original dump.rdb

Then copy dump-bak.rdb cp dump-bak.rdb dump.rdb

Start Redis and the backup data will be loaded directly.

Open client

7.10. Advantages

Suitable for large-scale data recovery

It is more suitable to use if the requirements for data integrity and consistency are not high.

Save disk space

Fast recovery

7.11 Disadvantages

When forking, the data in the memory is cloned, and roughly 2 times the expansion needs to be considered.

Although Redis uses copy-on-write technology when forking, it still consumes performance if the data is large.

A backup is made at a certain interval during the backup cycle, so if Redis goes down unexpectedly, all modifications after the last snapshot will be lost.

Two Redis persistence AOF

2.1. AOF (Append Only File)

2.1.1. What is

Record each write operation in the form of log (incremental save), record all write instructions executed by Redis (read operations are not recorded), Only files can be appended but not rewritten. When redis starts, it will read the file and reconstruct the data. In other words, when redis restarts, it will execute the write instructions from front to back according to the contents of the log file to complete the data. Return to work

2.1.2. AOF persistence process (memorize)

(1) The client’s requested write command will be appended to the AOF buffer;

(2) The AOF buffer synchronizes operations to the AOF file on the disk according to the AOF persistence policy [always, everysec, no];

(3) When the AOF file size exceeds the rewrite policy or is manually rewritten, the AOF file will be rewritten to compress the AOF file capacity;

(4) When the Redis service is restarted, the write operations in the AOF file will be reloaded to achieve data recovery;

2.1.3. AOF is not enabled by default ——–》 Change it to enabled status

The file name can be configured in redis.conf, the default is appendonly.aof

The saving path of the AOF file is the same as the path of the RDB.

aof saved policy (if the computer performance is good, change it to) Always open

Cannot select no

2.1.4. AOF and RDB are enabled at the same time, who does redis listen to?

AOF and RDB are enabled at the same time, and the system takes the AOF data by default (data will not be lost)

2.1.5. AOF Repair/Restore

If you encounter AOF file corruption, use

/usr/redis/bin/redis-check-aof –fix The location of the file /appendonly.aof Perform recovery

Back up corrupted AOF files

Recovery: restart redis and reload

./redis-check-aof –fix ./myredis/appendonly.aof (location of aof file)

Rewrite file size

The first time: 64m rewrite ->50m 50 + 50*100%=100

Second time: 100m

Third time: 200m

Trigger mechanism, when to rewrite

Redis will record the AOF size when it was last rewritten. The default configuration is to trigger when the AOF file size is twice the size after the last rewrite and the file is larger than 64M.

Although rewriting can save a lot of disk space and reduce recovery time. However, each rewrite still carries a certain burden, so Redis must meet certain conditions before it can be rewritten.

auto-aof-rewrite-percentage: Set the baseline value for rewriting, and start rewriting when the file reaches 100% (triggered when the file is twice the size of the original rewritten file)

->40m 80

auto-aof-rewrite-min-size: Set the baseline value for rewriting, the minimum file is 64MB. Rewriting starts when this value is reached.

3. Rewriting process (back)

(1) bgrewriteaof triggers rewriting and determines whether bgsave or bgrewriteaof is currently running. If so, wait for the command to end before continuing execution.

(2) The main process forks out the child process to perform the rewrite operation to ensure that the main process will not be blocked.

(3) The child process traverses the data in the redis memory to the temporary file. The client’s write request is written to the aof_buf buffer and the aof_rewrite_buf rewrite buffer at the same time to ensure that the original AOF file is complete and the new data modification actions during the generation of the new AOF file will not be lost. .

(4) 1). After the child process finishes writing the new AOF file, it sends a signal to the main process, and the parent process updates the statistical information. 2). The main process writes the data in aof_rewrite_buf to the new AOF file.

(5) Use the new AOF file to overwrite the old AOF file to complete AOF rewriting.

3.1. Advantages

3.2. Disadvantages

  • Takes up more disk space than RDB.
  • Restoring backups is slower.
  • If each read and write is synchronized, there will be a certain performance pressure.
  • There are individual bugs that prevent recovery.

3.3. Which one is better?

It is officially recommended to enable both.

If the data is not sensitive, you can choose to use RDB alone.

It is not recommended to use AOF alone because bugs may occur.

If you are just doing pure memory caching, you don’t need to use it at all.

Three master-slave replication

3.1. What is

After the host data is updated, it is automatically synchronized to the master/slaver mechanism of the standby machine according to the configuration and policy. Master is mainly for writing, and Slave is mainly for reading

3.2. What can you do

Read and write separation, performance expansion (master write slave read)

Disaster recovery and rapid recovery

3.3 Master-slave replication

One master, two servants

6380 main

6381 from

6382 from

Copy multiple redis.conf files include (write absolute path)

enable daemonize yes

Pid file name pidfile

Specify port port

Log file name


Appendonly changed to no

Note: Password cannot be set

Host configuration file redis.conf

include /usr/redis/bin/redis.conf

port 6380

dbfilename dump_6380.rdb

appendfilename "appendonly_6380.aof"

pidfile /var/run/

daemonize yes

View the operation status of three servers

Connect client: ./redis-cli -p 6380 (6381/6382)

Check the running status: info replication

All three are hosts

With slaves

The host does not need to be configured

6380 master 81 82 slave


Become a slave server for an instance

1. Execute on 6381 and 6382: slaveof 6380

host data

Slave data

2. Write on the host and read data on the slave

3. If the host hangs up, just restart it and everything will be as before.

4. The slave needs to be reset after restarting: slaveof 6379

(If the host machine is down, just restart and everything will be restored. If the slave machine is down, reset the corresponding host)

Copying Principle

  • After the slave starts and successfully connects to the master, it will send a sync command.
  • The master receives the command to start the background save process and collects all received commands for modifying the data set. After the background process is completed, the master will transfer the entire data file to the slave to complete a complete synchronization.
  • Full copy: After receiving the database file data, the slave service saves it and loads it into memory.
  • Incremental replication: Master continues to pass all new collected modification commands to slave in order to complete synchronization.
  • But as long as the master is reconnected, a full synchronization (full replication) will be automatically performed.

Passing on the Fire

The previous slave can be the master of the next slave, and the slave can also receive connection and synchronization requests from other slaves. Then the slave acts as the next master in the chain, which can effectively reduce the write pressure of the master and reduce risks through decentralization.

Use slaveof

Midway change direction: the previous data will be cleared and the latest copy will be re-created.

The risk is that once a slave goes down, subsequent slaves cannot be backed up.

The host is down, and the slave is still a slave and cannot write data.

Focus on customers

When a master goes down, the following slave can be promoted to master immediately without any modifications to the following slave.

Use slaveof no one to change from slave to master.

Manual version

Sentinel mode (sentinel)

Automatic version that is mainly anti-customer can monitor whether the host is faulty in the background. If it fails, it will automatically switch from the slave database to the main database based on the number of votes.

Adjusted to one master and two servants mode, 6379 brings 6380 and 6381

Create a new sentinel.conf file in the customized /myredis directory. The name must not be wrong.


Configure Sentinel and fill in the content

sentinel monitor mymaster 6380 1

Among them, mymaster is the server name of the monitoring object, and 1 is the minimum number of sentinels that agree to migrate.

Start Sentinel

Execute ./redis-sentinel sentinel.conf

sentinel.conf after startup

If the test is successful, shut down the host 6380 and generate a new host from the slave election

(You can see the Sentinel window log in about 10 seconds, switching to a new host)

Which slave has the chance to be elected as the master? According to priority: replica-priority

  1. replica-priority: 100 The smaller the value, the higher the priority.
  2. Offset: The data obtained from the host is relatively complete
  3. Runid: 40 small uuid automatically generated by redis

The original host will become a slave after restarting.

Leadership (Master)

Reserve cadre employees

The default priority in redis.conf is replica-priority 100. The smaller the value, the higher the priority.

The offset refers to the most complete data obtained from the original host.

After each redis instance is started, a 40-digit runid will be randomly generated.

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