

Node.js Basics


Simply put, Node.js is JavaScript running on the server.

Node.js is a platform built on top of Chrome’s JavaScript runtime.

Node.js is an event-driven I/O server-side JavaScript environment. Based on Google’s V8 engine, the V8 engine executes Javascript very fast and has very good performance.

Chrome V8 engine

Browser kernel engines are mainly divided into two categories:

  • Rendering engine: It can convert HTML/CSS/JavaScript text and corresponding resource files into image results. The main role of the rendering engine is to convert resource files into user-visible results.
  • JavaScript engine: capable of parsing and compiling JavaScript code.

The V8 engine is a JavaScript engine implementation, originally designed by some language experts, and later acquired by Google, and then Google made it open source. V8 is developed using C++. Before running JavaScript, V8 compiles it into native machine code and uses methods such as inline caching (inline caching) compared to other JavaScript engines that convert it into bytecode or interpret execution to improve performance. With these features, JavaScript programs run as fast as binary programs under the V8 engine. V8 supports many operating systems, such as windows, linux, android, and other hardware architectures, such as IA32, X64, ARM, etc., and has good portability and cross-platform features.

Download and install


The installation package can be downloaded from the Node.js official website, and the documentation can be found on the Node.js Chinese website.


Fool-style installation, you don’t need to change anything except the path, all the way to next.

Environment variables are automatically configured.


  • View version number

    node -v
  • run a hello world

    node hello.js

Set cache and prefix location

npm config set cache "D:\develop\
npm config set prefix "D:\develop\


Prior to ES6, there was no modular syntax for frontends. Programmers use some plug-ins (for example: require.js and sea.js) to achieve front-end modularization. But since ES6, JS has native support for modularity.

Modular specification:

  • AMD
  • cmd
  • CommonJS
  • ECMAScript 2015

Front-end modularity

JS file is set as a module

When introducing a JS file in HTML, add a type="module" attribute to set the JS file as a modular file:

<script src="./index.js" type="module"> </script>

Load module

To load another module in a module import 'relative_path':

import './js/a.js';
import './js/b.js';

Exposure and introduction

  • Expose data via export in a JS file:

    // a.js
    export var num = 100;
    export function foo() {<!-- -->
        console.log('b.js foo');
  • In a JS file, only one piece of data is exposed by default, which can be exposed through export default:

    // b.js
    var num = 100;
    export default num;
  • The data exposed through export is loaded in another JS file through import from to get the data, and you can use as to change the variable name:

    import {<!-- --> num as n, foo } from './a.js';
  • The data exposed through export default is in another JS file. When import from, you can name any variable to receive the exposed data:

    import b from './b.js';

Backend modularity


CommonJS is a server-side specification for Nodejs. CommonJS stipulates that each JS file is an independent module, and each module has its own independent scope. By default, data cannot be accessed between each other.


require() is used to introduce another JS file in a JS file, and the imported file path can be set.


Files imported through require will be run and loaded.

Path rules

  1. Between directories at the same level, the path must add ./.
  2. The suffix .js of the imported JS file can be omitted.
  3. There is only one file name in the path. By default, this file loads the module that comes with Nodejs or the module downloaded by a third party.

Module cache

When we load a module for the first time through require(), Nodejs will cache the module. When the module is loaded later, it will be read directly from the cache.

In other words, if the same file is required multiple times, it will only be executed once.

Exposure and introduction

By default, JS files in Nodejs cannot access data with each other. If data exchange is required, the following two steps are required:

  1. Expose data via module.exports in a JS file:

    module.exports.num = 10;
    module.exports = {<!-- -->
        num: 10
  2. Imported via require() in another JS file:

    const aJS = require('./a.js');
    const {<!-- --> num } = require('./a.js');

Nodejs built-in module

fs file system

  • introduce

    const fs = require('fs');
  • read file asynchronously

    fs.readFile('./test.txt', 'utf-8', function (err, data) {<!-- -->
        if (err) {<!-- -->
            console.log('Failed to read file content');
        } else {<!-- -->
            console.log('File content read successfully', data);
  • Read files synchronously

    try {<!-- -->
        const data = fs.readFileSync('./test.txt', 'utf-8');
        console.log('File content read successfully', data);
    } catch (error) {<!-- -->
        console.log('Failed to read file content');
  • Overwrite

    fs.writeFile('./test.txt', 'This is the newly written content', function (err) {<!-- -->
        console. log('err', err);
    fs.writeFileSync('./test.txt', 'This is the newly written content for synchronization');
  • Append write

    fs.appendFile('./test.txt', '\
    This is the new content added', (err) => {<!-- -->
        console. log(err);
  • copy file content

    fs.copyFile('./test.txt', './newTest.txt', (err) => {<!-- -->
        console. log(err);
  • Delete Files

    fs.unlink('./newTest.txt', err => {<!-- -->
        console. log(err);
  • rename file

    fs.rename('./bbb.txt', './data/bbb.txt', err => {<!-- -->
        console. log(err);
  • create folder

    fs.mkdir('./data/b', (err) => {<!-- -->
        console. log(err);
  • delete folder

    Only empty folders can be deleted

    fs.rmdir('./data', err => {<!-- -->
        console. log(err);
  • read folder contents

    fs. readdir('./data/b', (err, data) => {<!-- -->
        console. log('err', err);
        console. log('data', data);
  • Determine whether a file\folder exists

    fs.access('./dat', (err) => {<!-- -->
        if (err) {<!-- -->
            console.log('does not exist');
        } else {<!-- -->
  • check status

    fs.stat('./data', (err, stats) => {<!-- -->
        console.log('Is it a file', stats.isFile());
        console.log('Is it a folder', stats.isDirectory());

path path

  • introduce
  • unfinished terminal