UVa1078 Steam Roller(Dijkstra)

Question meaning

Given a graph, if the edge value is not equal to 0, it represents the time required to pass this road. There are some constraints as follows:

  • Just turn the corner before entering this edge
  • Turn immediately after leaving this edge
  • The edge starting from the starting point
  • end edge
    Time needs to be doubled, and time doubling cannot be superimposed.

Ask the shortest time required from the starting point to the ending point


Method 1: Split a point into 8 points. Each point is represented by (r, c, dir, doubled), which means that the previous step moved to the point (r, c) through the direction dir and moved to this point. Whether the value of the edge has been doubled. In the process of constructing the graph, when calculating the successor node of the current node, first check whether the corresponding direction of the point can be walked. When the calculation time is doubled, if the current node is not doubled and the direction is inconsistent with the next step, then the previous step The side needs to be doubled, and the next link also needs to be doubled.
When traversing (r, c, dir, double), you can first traverse the new direction to see if the corresponding direction is feasible to optimize the execution time.
Method 2: Add a static point, that is, one point is expanded to 5 points. When moving from a moving point to a stationary point and continuing to move, the value of the edge is not doubled. The value of the edge needs to be doubled when the stationary point changes to continuous motion and then stops after motion.


Method 1 code

#include <bits/stdc + + .h>

using namespace std;

#define _for(i, a, b) for(int i = (a); i < (b); i + + )
#define _rep(i, a, b) for (int i = (a); i <= (b); i + + )

struct Edge
{<!-- -->
    int from, to, dist;

{<!-- -->
    int u, d;

    bool operator<(const HeapNode & amp; other) const
    {<!-- -->
        return d > other.d;

template <size_t SZV, int INF>
struct Dijkstra
{<!-- -->
    int n;
    bool done[SZV];
    vector<Edge> edges;
    vector<int> graph[SZV];
    int d[SZV];
    int p[SZV];

    void init(int n)
    {<!-- -->
        this-> n = n;
        _for(i, 0, n) {<!-- -->

    void addEdge(int from, int to, int d)
    {<!-- -->
        edges.push_back((Edge){<!-- -->from, to, d});

    void dijkstra(int s)
    {<!-- -->
        priority_queue<HeapNode> pq;
        fill_n(done, n, false);
        fill_n(d, n, INF);
        d[s] = 0;
        pq.push({<!-- -->s, 0});

        while (!pq.empty()) {<!-- -->
            HeapNode curNode = pq.top();

            int u = curNode.u;
            if (done[u]) {<!-- -->

            done[u] = true;
            _for(i, 0, graph[u].size()) {<!-- -->
                Edge & edge = edges[graph[u][i]];
                if (d[u] + edge.dist < d[edge.to]) {<!-- -->
                    d[edge.to] = d[u] + edge.dist;
                    p[edge.to] = graph[u][i];
                    pq.push((HeapNode){<!-- -->edge.to, d[edge.to]});


void fastio()
{<!-- -->

const int maxr = 100;
const int maxc = 100;
const int UP = 0, LEFT = 1, DOWN = 2, RIGHT = 3;
const int inv[] = {<!-- -->2, 3, 0, 1};
const int dr[] = {<!-- -->-1, 0, 1, 0};
const int dc[] = {<!-- -->0, -1, 0, 1};
const int MAXN = maxr * maxc * 8 + 2;
const int INF = 1e6;

int R, C;
int r1, c1, r2, c2;
int grid[maxr][maxc][4];
Dijkstra<MAXN, INF> solver;
int id[maxr][maxc][4][2];
int n;

int ID(int r, int c, int dir, int doubled)
{<!-- -->
    int & amp; x= id[r][c][dir][doubled];
    if (x == 0) {<!-- -->
        x = + + n;

    return x;

bool canGo(int r, int c, int dir)
{<!-- -->
    if (r < 0 || r >= R || c < 0 || c >= C) {<!-- -->
        return false;

    return grid[r][c][dir] > 0;

int main()
{<!-- -->

    #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE
        ifstream fin("f:\OJ\\uva_in.txt");
        streambuf* back = cin.rdbuf(fin.rdbuf());

    int kase = 1;
    while (cin >> R >> C >> r1 >> c1 >> r2 >> c2) {<!-- -->
        if (R == 0) {<!-- -->

        --r1; --c1; --r2; --c2;
        _for(r, 0, R) {<!-- -->
            _for(c, 0, C - 1) {<!-- -->
                int num;
                cin >> num;
                grid[r][c][RIGHT] = grid[r][c + 1][LEFT] = num;

            if (r != R - 1) {<!-- -->
                _for(c, 0, C) {<!-- -->
                    int num;
                    cin >> num;
                    grid[r][c][DOWN] = grid[r + 1][c][UP] = num;

        solver.init(R * C * 8 + 1);
        n = 0;
        memset(id, 0x00, sizeof(id));

        _for(dir, 0, 4) {<!-- -->
            if (canGo(r1, c1, dir)) {<!-- -->
                solver.addEdge(0, ID(r1 + dr[dir], c1 + dc[dir], dir, 1), grid[r1][c1][dir] * 2);

        _for(r, 0, R) {<!-- -->
            _for(c, 0, C) {<!-- -->
                _for(dir, 0, 4) {<!-- -->
                    if (!canGo(r, c, inv[dir])) {<!-- -->
                     _for(newdir, 0, 4) {<!-- -->
                        if (!canGo(r, c, newdir)) {<!-- -->

                        _for(doubled, 0, 2) {<!-- -->

                            int newr = r + dr[newdir];
                            int newc = c + dc[newdir];
                            int v = grid[r][c][newdir];
                            int newdoubled = 0;

                            if (dir != newdir) {<!-- -->
                                if (!doubled) {<!-- -->
                                    v + = grid[r][c][inv[dir]];
                                newdoubled = 1;
                                v + = grid[r][c][newdir];

                            solver.addEdge(ID(r, c, dir, doubled), ID(newr, newc, newdir, newdoubled), v);


        int ans = INF;
        _for(dir, 0, 4) {<!-- -->
            if (!canGo(r2, c2, inv[dir])) {<!-- -->

            _for(doubled, 0, 2) {<!-- -->
                int v = solver.d[ID(r2, c2, dir, doubled)];
                //cout << "v:" << v << endl;
                if (!doubled) {<!-- -->
                    v + = grid[r2][c2][inv[dir]];

                ans = min(ans, v);

        cout << "Case " << kase + + << ": ";
        if (ans == INF) {<!-- -->
            cout << "Impossible" << endl;
        } else {<!-- -->
            cout << ans << endl;

    #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE

    return 0;

Method 2 code

#include <bits/stdc + + .h>

using namespace std;

#define _for(i, a, b) for(int i = (a); i < (b); i + + )
#define _rep(i, a, b) for (int i = (a); i <= (b); i + + )

struct Edge
{<!-- -->
    int from, to, dist;

{<!-- -->
    int u, d;

    bool operator<(const HeapNode & amp; other) const
    {<!-- -->
        return d > other.d;

template <size_t SZV, int INF>
struct Dijkstra
{<!-- -->
    int n;
    bool done[SZV];
    vector<Edge> edges;
    vector<int> graph[SZV];
    int d[SZV];
    int p[SZV];

    void init(int n)
    {<!-- -->
        this-> n = n;
        _for(i, 0, n) {<!-- -->

    void addEdge(int from, int to, int d)
    {<!-- -->
        edges.push_back((Edge){<!-- -->from, to, d});

    void dijkstra(int s)
    {<!-- -->
        priority_queue<HeapNode> pq;
        fill_n(done, n, false);
        fill_n(d, n, INF);
        d[s] = 0;
        pq.push({<!-- -->s, 0});

        while (!pq.empty()) {<!-- -->
            HeapNode curNode = pq.top();

            int u = curNode.u;
            if (done[u]) {<!-- -->

            done[u] = true;
            _for(i, 0, graph[u].size()) {<!-- -->
                Edge & edge = edges[graph[u][i]];
                if (d[u] + edge.dist < d[edge.to]) {<!-- -->
                    d[edge.to] = d[u] + edge.dist;
                    p[edge.to] = graph[u][i];
                    pq.push((HeapNode){<!-- -->edge.to, d[edge.to]});


void fastio()
{<!-- -->

const int maxr = 100;
const int maxc = 100;
const int UP = 0, LEFT = 1, DOWN = 2, RIGHT = 3;
const int inv[] = {<!-- -->2, 3, 0, 1};
const int dr[] = {<!-- -->-1, 0, 1, 0};
const int dc[] = {<!-- -->0, -1, 0, 1};
const int MAXN = maxr * maxc * 8 + 2;
const int INF = 1e6;

int R, C;
int r1, c1, r2, c2;
int grid[maxr][maxc][4];
Dijkstra<MAXN, INF> solver;
int id[maxr][maxc][5];
int n;

int ID(int r, int c, int dir)
{<!-- -->
    int & amp; x= id[r][c][dir];
    if (x == 0) {<!-- -->
        x = + + n;

    return x;

bool canGo(int r, int c, int dir)
{<!-- -->
    if (r < 0 || r >= R || c < 0 || c >= C) {<!-- -->
        return false;

    return grid[r][c][dir] > 0;

int main()
{<!-- -->

    #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE
        ifstream fin("f:\OJ\\uva_in.txt");
        streambuf* back = cin.rdbuf(fin.rdbuf());

    int kase = 1;
    while (cin >> R >> C >> r1 >> c1 >> r2 >> c2) {<!-- -->
        if (R == 0) {<!-- -->

        --r1; --c1; --r2; --c2;
        _for(r, 0, R) {<!-- -->
            _for(c, 0, C - 1) {<!-- -->
                int num;
                cin >> num;
                grid[r][c][RIGHT] = grid[r][c + 1][LEFT] = num;

            if (r != R - 1) {<!-- -->
                _for(c, 0, C) {<!-- -->
                    int num;
                    cin >> num;
                    grid[r][c][DOWN] = grid[r + 1][c][UP] = num;

        solver.init(R * C * 5 + 1);
        n = 0;
        memset(id, 0x00, sizeof(id));

        _for(dir, 0, 4) {<!-- -->
            if (!canGo(r1, c1, dir)) {<!-- -->

            solver.addEdge(0, ID(r1 + dr[dir], c1 + dc[dir], dir), grid[r1][c1][dir] * 2);
            solver.addEdge(0, ID(r1 + dr[dir], c1 + dc[dir], 4), grid[r1][c1][dir] * 2);

        _for(r, 0, R) {<!-- -->
            _for(c, 0, C) {<!-- -->
                _for(dir, 0, 4) {<!-- -->
                    if (!canGo(r, c, inv[dir])) {<!-- -->

                    solver.addEdge(ID(r, c, dir), ID(r, c, 4), grid[r][c][inv[dir]]);

                    if (!canGo(r, c, dir)) {<!-- -->

                    solver.addEdge(ID(r, c, dir), ID(r + dr[dir], c + dc[dir], dir), grid[r][c][dir]);

                _for(dir, 0, 4) {<!-- -->
                    if (!canGo(r, c, dir)) {<!-- -->

                    solver.addEdge(ID(r, c, 4), ID(r + dr[dir], c + dc[dir], dir), grid[r][c][dir] * 2);
                    solver.addEdge(ID(r, c, 4), ID(r + dr[dir], c + dc[dir], 4), grid[r][c][dir] * 2);


        int ans = solver.d[ID(r2, c2, 4)];
        cout << "Case " << kase + + << ": ";
        if (ans == INF) {<!-- -->
            cout << "Impossible" << endl;
        } else {<!-- -->
            cout << ans << endl;

    #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE

    return 0;