Steam account switcher based on AutoHotkey

1. Interface display home page tray page 2. Principle and implementation Step 1: Obtain account information Read the loginusers.vdf login information file in the config folder under the Steam installation path to obtain the account name, nickname, offline status, and login time information. The file is as follows: Step 2: Write the logged in user […]

UVa1078 Steam Roller(Dijkstra)

Question meaning Given a graph, if the edge value is not equal to 0, it represents the time required to pass this road. There are some constraints as follows: Just turn the corner before entering this edge Turn immediately after leaving this edge The edge starting from the starting point end edge Time needs to […]

Industrial steam volume forecast (Speed 3)

Industrial steam volume forecast (3) Feature optimization 1 Feature optimization method 1.1 Synthetic features 1.2 Simple transformation of features 1.3 Use decision trees to create new features 1.4 Feature combination Model fusion 1Model optimization 1.1 Model learning curve 1.2 Model fusion improvement technology 1.3 Prediction result fusion strategy 1.4 Other improvement methods Feature optimization 1 […]

Industrial steam volume forecast (Speed 2)

Industrial steam volume forecast (2) feature engineering 1. Data preprocessing and feature processing 1.1 Data preprocessing 1.2 Feature processing 2.Feature dimensionality reduction 2.1 Feature selection 2.2 Multicollinearity analysis 2.3 Linear dimensionality reduction Model training 1Regression model training and prediction 2 Linear regression model 3K nearest neighbor regression model 4Decision tree regression model 5 Ensemble Regression […]

Industrial steam volume forecast (Sutong 1)

Industrial steam volume forecast (1) Comprehension of competition questions 1. Evaluation indicators 2. Competition question model 3. Problem-solving ideas theoretical knowledge 1. Variable identification 2. Variable analysis 3. Missing value processing 4. Outlier processing 5. Variable conversion 6. Generation of new variables Data exploration 1. Guide package 2. Read data 3. View data 4. Visualize […]

Java8 Actual Combat – Functional Data Processing – Collector of Steam Stream

1. Collector Collectors can concisely and flexibly define the criteria that collect uses to generate result sets. More specifically, calling the collect method on a stream will trigger a reduce operation (parameterized by Collector) on the elements in the stream. Example, group a transaction list by currency. Map<Currency, List<Transaction>> transactionsByCurrencies =; Collector functions can […]

Java8 actual combat – functional data processing – external iteration and internal iteration of steam stream

1. What is flow Streams are a new addition to the Java API that allow you to manipulate collections of data in a declarative manner. For now, you can think of them as advanced iterators for iterating over collections of data. Furthermore, streams can be processed in parallel transparently without you having to write any […]

Java8 actual combat – functional data processing – filtering, slicing, mapping, searching, matching and reduction of steam stream

In (a), the flow is switched from the outer iteration to the inner iteration. In this way, it is not necessary to write code like the following to explicitly manage the iteration of the data collection (external iteration): List<Dish> vegetarianDishes = new ArrayList<>(); for(Dish d: menu) {<!– –> if(d.isVegetarian()) {<!– –> vegetarianDishes. add(d); } } […]

CentOS 8 Steam & Docker

HCIE HCS deployment process Put the machine on the shelf and connect it physically Install Huawei Cloud Stack Deploy (physical machine installation, or virtalbox, here use physical server installation) It used to be called FCD (FusionCloud Deploy), now it is called HCSD (Huawei Cloud Stack Deploy) Configure the switch In the early stage, only switch […]