One article to solve: Swagger API unauthorized access vulnerability problem

Swagger is an open source software framework for designing, building, documenting, and consuming RESTful style web services. It makes it easier for developers to view and test API interfaces by providing an interactive documentation page. However, in some cases, unauthorized access may result in a security breach. This article will describe how to resolve the Swagger API Unauthorized Access Vulnerability issue.

Basic concepts of unauthorized access vulnerabilities

Unauthorized access vulnerability is when an unprotected resource or functionality can be accessed by unauthorized users. In the Swagger API, without appropriate access control measures, attackers can discover and exploit unprotected APIs by looking at the API interface and parameters in the Swagger documentation.

To address the unauthorized access vulnerability of the Swagger API, the following measures can be taken:

  1. Authentication and authorization: Implement appropriate authentication and authorization mechanisms to restrict access to the API. For example, use an API key, token, or access token to authenticate the user and grant appropriate permissions.
  2. Access Control List (ACL): Create and maintain a list of users who can access the API, and only allow users in this list to access the API. This prevents unauthorized users from accessing API endpoints through the Swagger API.
  3. API endpoint restrictions: Restrict access to sensitive or privileged API endpoints. For example, only allow users or roles with specific permissions to access these endpoints.
  4. API Documentation Security: Ensure that the Swagger API documentation itself is protected and only accessible by authenticated and authorized users. This prevents attackers from discovering unauthorized APIs by viewing the Swagger documentation.
  5. Regular vulnerability scanning: Regularly conduct vulnerability scanning and security testing of APIs to promptly discover and fix any possible unauthorized access vulnerabilities.

Configuration in SpringBoot project

In Spring Boot, the unauthorized access vulnerability of Swagger API can be solved by the following methods:

1. Add Swagger dependencies: In the pom.xml file, add Swagger dependencies.


2. Configure the Swagger API document: In the Spring Boot main configuration class, add the Swagger configuration.

public class SwaggerConfig {
    public Docket api() {
        return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)

This will enable Swagger documentation and configure it to scan @Controller annotated classes and generate API documentation.

3. Add access control: In order to restrict access to Swagger API documents, you can add access control settings. For example, only allow authenticated users to access the API documentation.

public class SwaggerConfig {
    public Docket api() {
        return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)

    private ApiKey apiKey() {
        return new ApiKey("apiKey", "api_key", "header");

    private SecurityContext securityContext() {
        return SecurityContext.builder()

    List<SecurityReference> defaultAuth() {
        AuthorizationScope authorizationScope = new AuthorizationScope("global", "accessEverything");
        AuthorizationScope[] authorizationScopes = new AuthorizationScope[1];
        authorizationScopes[0] = authorizationScope;
        return Arrays.asList(new SecurityReference("apiKey", authorizationScopes));

Appropriate modifications can be made based on the actual situation, such as changing the roles or permissions of access control.

4. Configure Spring Security: If Spring Security is used in your application, make sure it is configured correctly to allow or deny access to the Swagger API. For example, Spring Security rules can be configured based on roles or permissions.

With these steps, you can protect your Swagger API from unauthorized access vulnerabilities and provide appropriate access control mechanisms. Also ensure regular vulnerability scanning and security testing, and keep an eye on the latest security updates and recommendations for Swagger and Spring Boot.


There are several considerations to consider when resolving Swagger API unauthorized access vulnerabilities:

  1. Only allow authorized users to access the Swagger API: Ensure that only authenticated and authorized users or roles can access the Swagger API documentation and related endpoints. Do not expose Swagger documents to the public network.
  2. Carefully evaluate access control settings: When configuring Swagger, use appropriate access control settings to restrict access to the API. Ensure that only necessary endpoints are exposed while still allowing authorization and authentication.
  3. Pay attention to the leakage of sensitive information: In the Swagger document, make sure that no sensitive information is leaked, such as database connection strings, passwords, etc. Review and delete potentially sensitive information.
  4. Consider other security measures: In addition to access control, consider other security measures such as firewalls, IP whitelists, DDoS protection, etc. to provide stronger security protection.

Other solutions

The Swagger management interface is sometimes inconvenient and lacks certain security and sharing and collaboration between teams. You can also try the IDEA plug-in of Apifox. You can automatically synchronize Swagger annotations to Apifox in IDEA, generate interface documents with one click, and synchronize multiple terminals, which is very convenient for testing and maintenance, so that you can quickly share APIs with other partners.

Apifox’s IDEA plug-in can automatically parse code comments and generate API documentation based on Javadoc, KDoc and ScalaDoc. The platform supports protocols and frameworks such as Spring Boot, Swagger, and JAX-RS. With the Apifox Helper plugin for IntelliJ IDEA, developers can synchronize their documents with Apifox projects without switching tools.

When there is a change in the interface information in the IDEA project, you only need to right-click “Upload to Apifox” to complete the synchronization without running around to tell the news. Team members can see the latest synced content in Apifox.

Knowledge expansion:

  • How to use Swagger additionalProperties
  • How to useSwagger annotations? Detailed explanation of Swagger annotations

Reference link:

  • Swagger official documentation: Swagger Documentation
  • SpringFox official documentation: Springfox Reference Documentation

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