Algorithm {Maximum matching of selected points in the interval}

Algorithm {Maximum matching of selected points in the interval}

Maximum matching of selected points in the interval


Given an interval set A (each interval [l,r] is an integer), you need to select a point set P from the real number domain so that there is a subset SA of A, satisfying: There is a double Shoot P<->SA so that point x in P is included in the area [l,r] of SA (i.e. l<=x<=r);
Find the maximum size of the point set P; (In short, make the point set P as large as possible so that every point in P can match the interval in A one-to-one)
. For example, A: {[1,1], [2,2], [1,2]}, then the answer is 2, select P= {1,2}, SA={[1,1] [2,2]} (SA is not unique);


{ Mistake

Sort A by the left endpoint and maintain a global variable pos. If l,r >= 0 then let pos=-1 (indicates that it has been selected The P sets are all points of <=pos), for the current interval [l,r], if r >= max(pos + 1,l) Then select max(pos + 1,l) This point matches the current interval;

long long L = -1;
int ANS = 0;
for( auto & amp; i : A){
    auto lef = i.first, rig = i.second;
    if(rig >= max(L + 1, lef)){
        L = max(L + 1,lef); //Select L to match the current interval `i`;
         + + ANS;

This greedy strategy is actually wrong...
For example, [1,1], [1,3], [2,2], your answer is 2, but the actual answer is 3;


The correct approach is also to be greedy, but not as simple as the greed above...
If 0<=l/r<=1e18, traverse for( pos : [0,1,...,1e18]):
. 1: [Delete all right endpoint intervals in A];
. 2: [Select an interval with the smallest right endpoint among all the
left endpoint <=pos intervals in A T];
. (T must contain pos at this time) Then pos-T is a match. Of course, T is deleted from A;
Although it is also greedy, it is much more complicated than the above method;
There is no proof here, after all, the greedy question...; A simple proof, at this time [0,...pos-1] does not matter that they have already matched, so 1: is Reasonable, for the T selected by 2:, for example, it is [l,r], and its [l,pos] subinterval Don't worry about it because it is on the left side of pos. The key is to look at the sub-range of [pos + 1, r] because r satisfies (covers pos
), which means that the [pos + 1, r]< of the interval T among all current intervals that satisfy (covering pos) /code>The sub-interval is the smallest, which means that it leaves more space and possibility for the next point [pos + 1, pos + 2,...] because In the remaining intervals, the R>r in their [pos + 1, R] are very large, which means the selectivity is large, that is, the selected T is the worst, and the rest of the intervals are excellent;

This is a timeout and you need to optimize the for loop of pos. If you optimize it to: let pos incrementally traverse the intersection of A em>, then it also times out because the range of A can be [0,1e18];
Because there are only N final answers to pos, try to make each traversal of pos the answer, that is, traverse at most N times;

The operation in 1: is to find the right endpoint in A, while the operation in 2: is to find the left endpoint in A. point, they cannot be coordinated because if you sort A, it is either the left endpoint or the right endpoint, which is very contradictory and mutually exclusive logic;
. At this time, an important leap of thinking came. We merged 1:, 2: because there was no other way. They are incompatible, because 1: operation is very simple (just delete some specific intervals), so the 1: operation is integrated into 2: to form a new operation. :[In the interval set S of all left endpoints<=pos in A, put all the intervals in S (right endpoints ) are deleted to obtain the S1 set, and the interval T with the smallest right endpoint in the S1 set is obtained];
The set S is just an intermediary. The key is to get the S1 set; at this time, there are properties: Let SS be the set S of the current pos, let SSS be The set S of any >pos, let SS1 be the set S1 of the current pos, let SSS1 be any >pos’s set S1, then there will be
















SS \subset SSS, SS1 \subset SSS1

SS?SSS,SS1?SSS1, and there are





S1 \subset S

S1?S, so we can directly and globally maintain the {S, S1} set at the same time;
Let heap be a increasingly sorted heap of pair, and sort the interval Aaccording to the left endpoint< /em>, let ind=0, for the current pos, it must satisfy: all A[>=ind]. Left endpoint> pos It means that the interval matched by pos must be in the range of [0...ind-1]; the intervals stored in heap are all A[0 ...ind-1] and satisfies all the intervals in A[0...ind-1] (right endpoint >=pos ) interval must be in the heap;
1: Delete the heap (the interval with the right endpoint (must be at the top of the heap));
2: At this time, if the top element of heap exists, it is the range matching pos, delete it and record the answer;
3: Update pos;
. IF (heap is not empty): execute + + pos; such as A= [ [1,2], [1 ,3]] When pos=1, the heap at this time is [1,3] at this time ind =2, then continue to let pos + + ;
. @ELSE: @IF(ind == N):[End of algorithm]; @ELSE: Let pos = A[ind].Left endpoint code>; For example, A= [ [1,1], [5,5]], when pos=1, the heap is empty, let pos= 2There is no need for him to jump directly to 5;
4: Update heap; because pos is updated at this time, the heap also needs to be updated. Traverse while( ind < N) as long as A[ind].Left endpoint< = pos Put A[ind + + ] into the heap;


    __A: Collection of intervals;
    __N: __A’s length;
    Sort `__A` by *left endpoint*;
    int64_t __pos = 0; // coordinates of point
    priority_queue< pair<int64_t,int64_t>, vector<pair<int64_t,int64_t>>, greater<>> __heap; // Its elements are `[right endpoint, left endpoint]`;
    for(int __ind = 0;;){
        //>< `A[ind].first(left endpoint) > pos`;
        while( __heap.empty()==false & amp; & amp;<__pos){ // The *right endpoint* of the range of the top element of the heap is ``;
        if( false == __heap.empty()){
            //><The point `pos` matches the interval corresponding to ``;

            if( __ind == __N){ break;}
            __pos = A[__ind].first;
             + + __pos;
        while( __ind<__N & amp; & amp; A[__ind].first<=__pos){
            __heap.push( {A[__ind].second, A[__ind].first}); + + __ind;


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