Pygam Lesson 5 – Homemade Music Player

Foreword: We have learned a lot of knowledge points in the previous lessons, welcome everyone to go to the archeology

Today we will learn to load music and make a music player. The interface functions include:

  • Load background cover
  • previous song
  • start\pause
  • next song
  • replay
  • Shuffle Playback
  • fast forward

Effect display (GIF so you can’t hear the sound)

Please add a picture description


  • Load music # load music # Set the volume of the player, parameters: 0-1, remember to write smaller, so as not to sound too loud
  • Play

The first parameter 1 means to play once, 0 means to play in a loop
time: refers to the number of milliseconds from which to start playing, time)
''' # play
  • Pause
  • Resume playback
  • Fast forward

The first parameter 1 means to play once, 0 means to play in a loop
time: refers to the number of milliseconds from which to start playing, time)
''', time)
  • Shuffle

    • randon.randint(number of music)

Precautions and solutions

  • 1, start at the same position as the icon of the tentative button, set the variable to switch back and forth

  • 2. The first song is currently playing, click the previous one to switch to the last song; play to the last song, click the next one, it should switch to the first song

  • 3. Every time a music is played, it should automatically jump to the next one

Material acquisition (function icon, music cover, music can only be downloaded by yourself): click me

Directory structure

file\folder name function
image2 Player interface function icon picture storage
music store music
Cover store music cover

Full version code:

import os

import pygame, random, sys, time

# create window
sc = pygame.display.set_mode((300, 250))
# load image
bg = pygame.image.load("image2/bg.png") # background
pre_song = pygame.image.load("image2/previous.png") # previous song
start = pygame.image.load("image2/play.png") # play
pause = pygame.image.load("image2/pause.png") # pause
next_song = pygame.image.load("image2/next song.png") # next song
ff = pygame.image.load("image2/fast forward.png") # fast forward
res = pygame.image.load("image2/replay.png") # replay
rand = pygame.image.load("image2/shuffle.png") # random
# Load music playback picture
bg_list = os.listdir("./cover/")

bg_list1 = []
for bg in bg_list:
    bg_list1.append(pygame.image.load("./cover/" + bg))

# The initial button is "Start" state
btn = start
# Set btn_flag to control the shape of the pause/start button
btn_flag = 0
# 9 Save the name of the song in the list. The encrypted name on the client side is very long. It is best to wrap and align each song name for easy reference
song_list = ['./music/' + i for i in os.listdir('./music/')]

# load music
index = 0
song = song_list[index]
# Control the volume, the value range is a floating point number from 0-1.0. 0 is the minimum value and 1 is the maximum value.
# Play the first music, remind students here to turn down the volume of the computer to prevent the sound from suddenly being too loud to damage hearing
time = 0
length = len(song_list)
while True: # Add a loop to lead to events

    # If it is an even number, the button switches to "start", if it is an odd number, it switches to "stop".
    if btn_flag % 2 == 0:
        btn = start
        # Pause the music
        btn = pause
        # Beginning of the music
    # draw background, button
    sc.blit(bg_list1[index],(0,0)) # Draw the background image of the currently playing music
    sc.blit(pre_song, (20, 90))
    sc. blit(next_song, (210, 90))
    sc.blit(rand, (115, 170))
    sc. blit(btn, (115, 90))
    sc.blit(ff, (210, 170))
    sc.blit(res, (20, 170))
    # get event list
    for event in pygame.event.get():
        mouse_x, mouse_y = pygame. mouse. get_pos()
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            pygame.quit() # exit window
            sys.exit() # Exit the program
        if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
            # The effect after clicking the pause button
            if 115 < mouse_x < 185 and 90 < mouse_y < 160:
                btn_flag += 1
            # 1. Click the next song button to switch to the next song
            if 210 < mouse_x < 280 and 90 < mouse_y < 160:
                # index + =1 #Try simply, click the next song several times, and find that the list index exceeds the limit.
                index = (index + 1) % len(song_list) # realize music carousel
                song = song_list[index]
      , 0)
            # 1. Click the previous button to switch to the previous music
            if 20 < mouse_x < 90 and 90 < mouse_y < 160:
                # index + =1 #Try simply, click the next song several times, and find that the list index exceeds the limit.

                index = (index + length - 1) % length # realize music carousel
                song = song_list[index]
      , 0)
            # 2. The effect after clicking the fast forward
            elif 210 < mouse_x < 280 and 170 < mouse_y < 240:
                # Get the playback time and convert it to seconds
                # Time is added automatically
                time += 10
      , time)
                # Advance knowledge
                if == False:
                    # Get the new subscript
                    index = (index + 1) % length
                    # Play new music
                    song = song_list[index]

            # 3. Click on the effect after replaying
            elif 20 < mouse_x < 90 and 170 < mouse_y < 240:
                time = 0
      , time)

            # 4. The effect after clicking random
            elif 115 < mouse_x < 185 and 170 < mouse_y < 240:
                # Get the new subscript
                index = random.randint(0, 3)
                # Play new music
                song = song_list[index]

Hope it helps everyone

A little programmer dedicated to office automation#

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