Construction, encoding and decoding of Huffman trees

1. Question requirements:

According to the principle of Huffman coding, write a program to find the Huffman code based on the user’s input node weights and decode the given code.

(1) Initialization: Enter a string from the keyboard (or read a file), count the characters that appear and the frequency of each character, use the frequency of the characters as the weight of the node, and build a Huffman tree. Perform Huffman coding on each character, and finally print out the characters and the Huffman code corresponding to each character.

(2) Coding: Use the built Huffman tree to perform Huffman coding on the “input string”, and finally print the Huffman code corresponding to the input string (written to a file).

(3) Decoding: Use the built Huffman tree to decode a given string of codes and print out the resulting string. (optional)

Test data: Encode the string {casbcatbsatbat}; decode the message “1101000”. Character set D={? }, the frequency of occurrence is w={? }

2. Question analysis

According to the meaning of the question, we can divide the code into the following parts:

(1) Based on the input string, find the character set and corresponding frequency (weight value)

(2) To construct a Huffman tree, you need to use functions that find the smallest and second smallest weights.

(3) Encoding

(4) Decoding

(5) Release memory

3. Code implementation

The code may be a little ugly, and you can also give us your feedback.

I won’t write any more explanations here. My code has a lot of complicated and somewhat useless comments to make it easier for me to read in the future.

(1) Preparatory work for building a Huffman tree: find the character set and corresponding frequency (weight value) based on the input string

using namespace std;
#defineMAXSIZE 1000

//Definition of Huffman tree
typedef struct HTNode
int weight;//weight value
int lchild, rchild, parent;//The left child, right child, and parents of this node
}HTNode, * HuffmanTree;//Dynamically allocate array to store Huffman tree

//Preparatory work for constructing Huffman tree
//Input a string to find the character set and frequency, n stores the number of leaf nodes
void findLenAndFre(char* s,int* fre,int* n)
char* temp=new char[MAXSIZE];//Input characters
cout<<"Please enter a string:";
int len=strlen(temp);
for(int i=0;i<len;i + + )//Outer loop control input characters
bool found=false;//Identifies whether the character is stored
for(int j=0;j<count;j + + )//The inner loop controls whether the characters are recorded
fre[j] + + ;
found=true;//Indicates that the character has been stored
if(!found) //If the character is not stored
s[count]=temp[i];//Assign the current character to the character set
fre[count] =1;//Frequency initialization
count + + ;//Number of character set elements + +
//Output character set and frequency
cout << "Character set" << endl << "D={";
for (int i = 0; i < count; i + + )
cout << s[i];
if (i != count-1)
cout << ",";
cout << "}" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "frequency" << endl << "W={";
for (int i = 0; i < count; i + + )
cout << fre[i];
if (i != count-1)
cout << ",";
cout << "}" << endl << endl;

(2) Find the sequence number of the smallest and second smallest weight value

//Find the corners corresponding to the smallest and second smallest weights from 1 to i
void Select(HuffmanTree HT, int pos, int* s1, int* s2)
int min1, min2;//Minimum and second smallest weight value
min1 = min2 = INT_MAX;
for (int i = 1; i <= pos; i + + )
if (HT[i].parent == 0)//Only compare weights when there are no parents
if (HT[i].weight <= min1)//If the weight is less than the minimum weight
min2 = min1;//The next smallest weight is the current minimum weight
*s2 = *s1;//Update the second smallest weight value sequence number
min1 = HT[i].weight;//Minimum weight update
*s1 = i;// i is the sequence number of the minimum weight
else if (HT[i].weight < min2)//If the weight is less than the second smallest weight
min2 = HT[i].weight;
*s2 = i;//Then i is the sequence number of the second smallest weight value

(3) Construct Huffman tree from string

a. Nodes of Huffman tree

b. Initialization of Huffman tree

c. Assignment of Huffman tree weights

void CreatHuffmanTree(HuffmanTree & HT, int n,int* fre,char* s)//Construct Huffman tree
//n--leaf node || fre--weight || s--character set
if (n <= 1) return;
int m = 2 * n - 1,i;//Number of nodes
HT = new HTNode[m + 1];//Dynamic allocation array
for (i = 1; i <= m; i + + ) //Initialize the left and right children of all nodes, the parents are 0, and the data
HT[i].parent = 0;
HT[i].lchild = 0;
HT[i].rchild = 0;
HT[i].weight = 0;

//----------Initialization ends, construction begins---------
int s1, s2;//Record the smallest and second smallest weight value sequence number
for (i = n + 1; i <= m; i + + )//Construct new nodes from bottom to top
Select(HT, i - 1, & amp;s1, & amp;s2);//Find the sequence number of the smallest and second smallest weight value
HT[s1].parent = i;
HT[s2].parent = i;//Update the parents of s1 s2
HT[i].lchild = s1;
HT[i].rchild = s2;//Update the left and right child numbers of i
HT[i].weight = HT[s1].weight + HT[s2].weight;//Update the weight of i


(4) Encoding

typedef char** HuffmanCode;//Dynamically allocate array to store Huffman code

void HuffmanCoding(HuffmanTree HT, HuffmanCode HC, int n, char* s)//encoding
//Start from the leaf node and trace back to the root node, left 0 and right 1, the code is stored in HC
HC = new char* [n];//Storage encoding of leaf nodes
char* cd = new char[n + 1];//Temporarily store the code, one more to store \0
cd[n] = '\0';//The last element of the array is the end mark. When storing the encoding, it is stored from n forward.
//Start from the first leaf node and trace back the Huffman tree to find its parents.
    //If it is the left child of both parents, cd=0; if it is the right child, cd=1
//Then find the parents of the parents, the same process as above, until the parents of the node are 0
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i + + )
int start = n;//Start points to the end. With the process of finding the root in reverse, start moves forward.
int p = HT[i].parent;//Storage parents
int c = i;//Storage the current node
while (p != 0) //If the parents are not 0, keep looping

//Is it wrong because I wrote ==i? ?

if (HT[p].lchild == c)//If it is the left child of both parents
cd[start] = '0';
else if (HT[p].rchild == c)//If it is the right child of both parents
cd[start] = '1';
c = p;//update sequence number, trace back up
p = HT[p].parent;//Update parents
}//This completes the encoding of the i-th leaf node and stores it in HC
HC[i-1] = new char[n-start + 1];//Allocate space for the i-th character encoding
strcpy(HC[i-1], & amp;cd[start]);//Copy the encoding to HC
delete[] cd;//Release temporary space
//Output encoding results
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i + + )
//cout << HT[i].data << ":" << HC[i-1] << endl;
cout << s[i-1] << ":" << HC[i-1] << endl;
cout << endl;

(5) Decoding

void HuffmanTranslate(HuffmanTree HT,int n,char* s)//Decoding
string result;
cout << "Please enter the characters that need to be decoded, with # as the end mark" << endl;

//Input character by character
    //If you enter 1, go to the right child of the current root;
    //Input 0, remove the left child until both left and right children are 0
char c;
int cur = 2 * n - 1;//Start at the root node
int l = HT[cur].lchild;
int r = HT[cur].rchild;//Record the serial numbers of the left and right children
while(cin>>c)//Input characters
if(c=='#')//End mark
else if(c=='1')
}//This has moved to the target node
if(HT[cur].lchild==0 & amp; & amp;HT[cur].rchild==0)//If the target node is a leaf node
result + =s[cur-1];//The characters corresponding to this node are entered into result
cur=2*n-1;//The current node returns to the root node and searches for the target node again
cout << endl;

//Output decoding results
cout << "Decoding result"<<endl;

(6) Release memory

void destroyHuffmanTree(HuffmanTree & HT)//Destroy the Huffman tree

void destroyHuffmanCode(HuffmanCode & HC, int n)//Destroy Huffman code
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i + + )
        delete[] HC[i];

(7) Main function

int main()
HuffmanCode HC;
char* s=(char*)malloc(sizeof(MAXSIZE));
int* fre=(int*)malloc(sizeof(MAXSIZE));
int n;
findLenAndFre(s,fre, & amp;n);//Find the character set and corresponding weight based on the input characters

CreatHuffmanTree(HT, n,fre,s);//Create Huffman tree

cout << "Encoding result" << endl;
HuffmanCoding(HT, HC, n,s);//encoding
cout << endl;

HuffmanTranslate(HT, n,s);//Decoding
cout << endl;
    destroyHuffmanCode(HC, n);

return 0;

This is the end of my code