ARCGIS GeoJsonLayer.js

It works, but it doesn’t have many functions. At most, it can mark points and lines and change the color. It won’t work if the whole thing is marked. Anyway, I didn’t get it done.

], function (declare, Graphic, GraphicsLayer, InfoTemplate, graphicsUtils, Color, SimpleMarkerSymbol,
        SimpleLineSymbol, SimpleFillSymbol, SimpleRenderer, SpatialReference, webMercatorUtils, esriRequest,
              esriConfig, Url, lang, PictureMarkerSymbol
    ) {<!-- -->
    return declare([GraphicsLayer], {<!-- -->

        // Required Terrformer library reference
        _terrafomer: (typeof Terraformer !== 'undefined') ? Terraformer : null,

        constructor: function (options) {<!-- -->
            // options:
            // url: String
            // Path to file or server endpoint. Server must be on the same domain or cors enabled. Or use a proxy.
            // data: Object[]
            // Optional: FeatureCollection of GeoJson features. This will override url if both are provided.
            // maxdraw: Number
            // Optional: The maximum graphics to render. Default is 1000.
            this._validState = true;
            // First look for url
            this._url = options.url;
            // Accept data as geojson features array. This will override options.url!
            this._data =;
            // GeoJSON spatial reference (not optional)
            this._inSpatialReference = new SpatialReference({<!-- -->wkid: 4326}); // Data must be in Geographic Coordinates
            // GeoJSON transformation (optional)
            this._outSpatialReference = null;
            //Default popup
            if (options.infoTemplate !== false) {<!-- -->
                this.setInfoTemplate(options.infoTemplate || new InfoTemplate("GeoJSON Data", "${*}"));
            // Renderer
            if (options.renderer) {<!-- -->
                this.renderer = options.renderer;
            //Default symbols
            // Enable browser to make cross-domain requests
            // Manage drawing
            this._maxDraw = options.maxdraw || 1000; // default to 1000 graphics
            this._drawCount = 0;
            this._drawCountTotal = 0;
            // Extended public properties
            this.extent = null;
            // Graphics layer does not call onLoad natively but we'll call it after features have been added to layer
            if (options.onLoad & amp; & amp; typeof options.onLoad === 'function') {<!-- -->
                this.onLoad = options.onLoad;
            // Make sure the environment is good to go!

        _setDefaultSymbols: function () {<!-- -->
            function getRandomColor(mainColor, transparency) {<!-- -->
                function getRandomInt(min, max) {<!-- -->
                    return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
                switch (mainColor) {<!-- -->
                    case "red":
                        return new Color([getRandomInt(150, 255), getRandomInt(0, 255), getRandomInt(0, 255), transparency]);
                    case "green":
                        return new Color([getRandomInt(0, 155), getRandomInt(150, 255), getRandomInt(0, 155), transparency]);
                    case "blue":
                        return new Color([getRandomInt(0, 255), getRandomInt(0, 255), getRandomInt(150, 255), transparency]);
            // Random colors
            /*this._simplePointSym = new SimpleMarkerSymbol(SimpleMarkerSymbol.STYLE_CIRCLE, 8,
                new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE_SOLID, getRandomColor("blue", 0.5), 1),
                    getRandomColor("blue", 0.75));
            this._simpleLineSym = new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE_SOLID, getRandomColor("red", 0.9), 2);
            this._simplePolygonSym = new SimpleFillSymbol("solid",
                    new SimpleLineSymbol("solid", new Color([50, 50, 50, 0.15]), 1),
                    getRandomColor("green", 0.15));*/
            // Option to hardcode colors here
            this._simplePointSym = new SimpleMarkerSymbol(SimpleMarkerSymbol.STYLE_CIRCLE, 8,
                 new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE_SOLID, new Color([150, 150, 150]), 0.5),
                 new Color([50, 130, 255, 0.75]));
            this._simpleLineSym = new SimpleLineSymbol("solid", new Color([255, 50, 50, 0.75]), 2);
            this._simplePolygonSym = new SimpleFillSymbol("solid",
                    new SimpleLineSymbol("solid", new Color([0, 0, 0, 0.10]), 1),
                    new Color([150, 255, 150, 0.10]));

        _setCorsServers: function () {<!-- -->
            // Allow browser to make cross-domain requests
            //Add server
            if (this._url) {<!-- -->
                var url = new Url(this._url),
                    scheme = url.scheme,
                    host =,
                    port = url.port,
                    server = scheme + "://" + host; // + "/"; // + (port ? port : ""); // TODO
                if (scheme & amp; & amp; host) {<!-- -->

        _setXhrDefaults: function (postSize) {<!-- -->
   = postSize; // max size of post request

        _updateState: function () {<!-- -->
            if (!this._inSpatialReference) {<!-- -->
                this._validState = false;
                console.error("GeoJsonLayer Error: Invalid SpatialReference.");
            if (!this._terrafomer) {<!-- -->
                this._validState = false;
                console.error("GeoJsonLayer Error: Invalid Terraformer reference. Please add a reference to your html page.");

        // GraphicLayer overrides
        _setMap: function (map, surface) {<!-- -->
            var div = this.inherited(arguments);
            // Check spatial reference
            if (!this._validState) {<!-- -->
                return div;
            // Set sr if need to project
            this._outSpatialReference = map.spatialReference;
            // Load GeoJSON as graphics
            // Return div - sets
            return div;

        _unsetMap: function () {<!-- -->
            return this.inherited(arguments);

        add: function (graphic) {<!-- -->
            if (!this._validState) {<!-- -->
            // Can do more with graphic if needed

        clear: function () {<!-- -->
            this._drawCount = 0;
            this._drawCountMax = 0;
            return this.inherited(arguments);

        // GeoJsonLayer class functions
        _loadGeoJson: function () {<!-- -->
            if (this._data) {<!-- -->
                //Load data
            } else if (this._url) {<!-- -->
                 //XHR request

        _getGeoJsonXhr: function (url) {<!-- -->
            // xhr request to get data
            var requestHandle = esriRequest({<!-- -->
                url: url,
                handleAs: "json"
            requestHandle.then(lang.hitch(this, this._getGeoJson),
                lang.hitch(this, this._errorGetGeoJsonXhr));

        _getGeoJson: function (geojson) {<!-- -->
            // Check data
            if (geojson.type !== "FeatureCollection" || !geojson.features) {<!-- -->
                console.error("GeoJsonLayer Error: Invalid GeoJSON FeatureCollection. Check url or data structure.");
            // Convert GeoJSON to ArcGIS JSON
            var arcgisJson = this._terraformerConverter(geojson);
            //Add graphics to layer

        // GeoJSON to ArcGIS JSON
        _terraformerConverter: function (geojson) {<!-- -->
            var json,
            // Convert the geojson object to a Primitive json representation
            json = new this._terrafomer.Primitive(geojson);
            // Convert to ArcGIS JSON
            arcgis = this._terrafomer.ArcGIS.convert(json);
            return arcgis;

        _errorGetGeoJsonXhr: function (e) {<!-- -->
            console.error("GeoJsonLayer Error: Couldn't load GeoJSON. Check url. File must be on the same domain or server must be CORS enabled.\
" + e);

        _incrementDrawCount: function () {<!-- -->
            this._drawCount + + ;
            if (this._drawCount === this._drawCountTotal) {<!-- -->

        _decrementDrawCount: function () {<!-- -->

        _updateLayerExtent: function () {<!-- -->
            var extent;
            if ( {<!-- -->
                extent = graphicsUtils.graphicsExtent(;
            this.extent = extent;

         //Type functions
        _getEsriSymbol: function (geometryType) {<!-- -->
            var sym;
            switch (geometryType) {<!-- -->
            case "point":
                sym = this._simplePointSym;
            case "multipoint":
                sym = this._simplePointSym;
            case "polyline":
                sym = this._simpleLineSym;
            case "polygon":
                sym = this._simplePolygonSym;
            case "extent":
                sym = this._simplePolygonSym;
            return sym;

        _addGraphicToLayer: function (graphic) {<!-- -->
            // Add or project and then add graphic
            if (this._inSpatialReference.wkid === 4326 || this._inSpatialReference.wkid === 102100) {<!-- -->
                // ArcGIS API automatically translates between these!
                // if (graphic.geometry.spatialReference.wkid === 4326) {<!-- -->
                // graphic.setGeometry(webMercatorUtils.geographicToWebMercator(graphic.geometry));
                // }
                //Add graphic directly

        _createGraphic: function (arcgisJson) {<!-- -->
            var graphic;
            // This magically sets geometry type!
            graphic = new Graphic(arcgisJson);
            // Set the correct symbol based on type and render - NOTE: Only supports simple renderers
            if (this.renderer & amp; & amp; this.renderer.symbol) {<!-- -->
                //graphic.setSymbol(this.render.getSymbol(graphic)); // use for complex renderers
            } else {<!-- -->
            // Update SR because terraformer sets incorrect spatial reference
            graphic.geometry.setSpatialReference(this._inSpatialReference); // NOTE: Has to match features!
            return graphic;

        _addGraphics: function (arcgisJson) {<!-- -->
            var i,
            // Limit size of data that can be drawn
            if (arcgisJson.length > this._maxDraw) {<!-- -->
                this._drawCountTotal = this._maxDraw;
                console.warn("GeoJsonLayer Warning: Large dataset detected. Only drawing the first " + this._maxDraw + " features!");
            } else {<!-- -->
                this._drawCountTotal = arcgisJson.length;
            // Add graphics to the layer with symbols, project if needed
            for (i = 0; i <this._drawCountTotal; i + + ) {<!-- -->
                feature = arcgisJson[i];
                // Create graphic - magically sets the geometry type!
                graphic = this._createGraphic(feature);
                //Add to layer
            // Call onLoad
            // emit mixes in `layer` and `target` properties as event object
            // onLoad provided via constructor just returns `layer` object