MATLAB writes a more complex checkers program

To create a complete, relatively complex checkers game program, we need to consider multiple aspects of the game, including the drawing of the board, the placement and movement of chess pieces, player interaction, the implementation of game rules, and the tracking of game states. The following MATLAB code provides a more complete implementation of the checkers game

function checkersGame()
    % Initialize global variables
    global board pieces currentPlayer validMoves selectedPiece

    % Create graphical interface
    axis([1 8 1 8]);
    hold on;
    grid on;

    % Initialize the chessboard and chess pieces
    board = zeros(8,8); % 0 means empty, 1 means player 1's chess piece, -1 means player 2's chess piece
    pieces = gobjects(8,8); % graphic object that stores chess pieces
    currentPlayer = 1; % current player
    validMoves = []; % valid moves
    selectedPiece = [];

    % Draw the chessboard and chess pieces

    % Setup interaction
    set(gcf, 'WindowButtonDownFcn', @clickBoard);

function drawBoard()
    for x = 1:8
        for y = 1:8
            if mod(x + y, 2) == 0
                patch([x-1 x x x-1], [y-1 y-1 y y], [1 1 1]);
                patch([x-1 x x x-1], [y-1 y-1 y y], [0 0 0]);

function placeInitialPieces()
    global board pieces
    for x = 1:8
        for y = 1:3
            if mod(x + y, 2) == 1
                board(x,y) = -1;
                pieces(x,y) = drawCircle(x, y, 'r'); % red chess piece
        for y = 6:8
            if mod(x + y, 2) == 1
                board(x,y) = 1;
                pieces(x,y) = drawCircle(x, y, 'w'); % white chess pieces

function circle = drawCircle(x, y, color)
    % draw chess pieces
    theta = linspace(0, 2*pi);
    r = 0.4;
    circle = fill(x + r*cos(theta), y + r*sin(theta), color);

function clickBoard(~,~)
    global board pieces currentPlayer validMoves selectedPiece

    [x, y] = ginput(1);
    x = ceil(x);
    y = ceil(y);

    if ~isempty(selectedPiece)
        % Check if a valid mobile position was clicked
        if isValidMove(x, y)
            movePiece(selectedPiece, x, y);
        selectedPiece = [];
        if board(x,y) == currentPlayer
            selectedPiece = [x y];
            validMoves = findValidMoves(x, y);

function isValid = isValidMove(x, y)
    global validMoves
    isValid = any(ismember(validMoves, [x y], 'rows'));

% Insert new findValidMoves function
function moves = findValidMoves(x, y)
    global board currentPlayer
    moves = [];
    directions = [-1, 1; 1, 1; -1, -1; 1, -1]; % four directions: upper left, upper right, lower left, lower right

    for i = 1:size(directions, 1)
        dx = directions(i, 1);
        dy = directions(i, 2);
        newX = x + dx;
        newY = y + dy;

        % Check if the new position is on the board
        if newX >= 1 & amp; & amp; newX <= 8 & amp; & amp; newY >= 1 & amp; & amp; newY <= 8
            % Check if the new location is empty
            if board(newX, newY) == 0
                moves = [moves; newX, newY];
            elseif board(newX, newY) == -currentPlayer
                % Check for skipping
                jumpX = newX + dx;
                jumpY = newY + dy;
                if jumpX >= 1 & amp; & amp; jumpX <= 8 & amp; & amp; jumpY >= 1 & amp; & amp; jumpY <= 8 & amp; & amp; board(jumpX, jumpY) == 0
                    moves = [moves; jumpX, jumpY];

function movePiece(pos, x, y)
    global board pieces

    oldX = pos(1);
    oldY = pos(2);
    piece = pieces(oldX, oldY);

    % Move graphic objects
    set(piece, 'XData', get(piece, 'XData') + x - oldX);
    set(piece, 'YData', get(piece, 'YData') + y - oldY);

    % Update the chessboard array
    board(x, y) = board(oldX, oldY);
    board(oldX, oldY) = 0;

    % Check whether it is a skip eating
    if abs(x - oldX) == 2
        midX = (x + oldX) / 2;
        midY = (y + oldY) / 2;
        delete(pieces(midX, midY)); % Delete the captured pieces
        board(midX, midY) = 0;

    % Update the chess piece position
    pieces(x, y) = piece;
    pieces(oldX, oldY) =;

function switchPlayer()
    global currentPlayer
    currentPlayer = -currentPlayer;

function highlightValidMoves(moves)
    % Highlight valid movement positions

% checkersGame(); % Start the game

This program contains the following key parts:

  • Draw the board and pieces: Create an 8×8 chessboard and place the initial red and white pieces in the appropriate positions.
  • Player interaction: Select and move pieces by clicking on the board.
  • Game logic: includes checking for valid moves, moving pieces, rotating players, etc.

Here is a basic guide on how to play this MATLAB-implemented checkers game:

Game preparation

  1. Launch Game: Run your checkers game script in MATLAB.
  2. View Board: The game will display an 8×8 board with red and white pieces distributed at both ends of the board.

Game rules

  1. Piece Movement: Each player takes turns moving their piece. Ordinary movement means moving a piece diagonally to an adjacent space.
  2. Skip over opponent’s pieces: If one of your opponent’s pieces is on a diagonal next to your piece, and the space on the other side of that diagonal is empty, you can jump over Pieces arrive at empty spaces, and skipped pieces are removed from the board.
  3. Continuous Jumps: In one move, if it is possible to jump over multiple opponent pieces in a row, you can jump continuously.
  4. Victory Condition: A player wins when he captures all of his opponent’s pieces or prevents his opponent from making any moves.

Operation Guide

  1. Select a piece: Click to select the piece you want to move.
  2. Move the piece: Click on the target square to move the piece to.
  3. Take turns: The game automatically switches to another player after each move.

Game interface

  • The game interface will display the chessboard and chess pieces.
  • You may see some visual cues, such as highlighting movable pieces or available movement paths.

Please keep in mind that this MATLAB implementation of the checkers game may have some simplifications or changes depending on the implementation details of the code. You may need to make some adjustments based on your actual program and game logic. If you are a beginner at checkers, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the basic rules and strategies before starting the game.