hackmyvm | venus 21-30 mission drone

The venus target machine is suitable for those who just started playing CTF and want to practice Linux skills
Target address: https://hackmyvm.eu/venus/
A total of 50 missions are given, submitting 50 flags on this surface will count as customs clearance
(Currently the number one submitted 58 flags
Target machine introduction:
Target machine introduction

venus 21-30 mission

  • mission 21
  • mission 22
  • mission 23
  • mission 24
  • mission 25
  • mission 26
  • mission 27
  • mission 28
  • mission 29
  • mission 30

Following the previous mission 20

mission 21

~$ ls
eloise flagz.txt irispass.txt mission.txt
~$ cat mission.txt
# MISSION 0x21 #

## EN ##
User eloise has saved her password in a particular way.
User eloise saved her password in a special way
La usuaria eloise ha guardado su password de una forma particular.
scp -P 5000 [email protected]:~/eloise .
download to local

base64 -d eloise | file -
/dev/stdin: JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.01, resolution (DPI), density 96x96, segment length 16, Exif Standard: [TIFF image data, big-endian, direntries=4], baseline, precision 8, 394x102, components 3
Base64 decoding, the file type is jpg

base64 -d eloise > test.jpg

mission 22

~$ ls
flagz.txt hi mission.txt
~$ cat mission.txt
# MISSION 0x22 #

## EN ##
User lucia has been creative in saving her password.
User lucia got creative with saving passwords
La usuaria lucia ha sido creativa en la forma de guardar su password.

hi files are binary files

eloise@venus:~$ xxd -r hi

mission 23

~$ ls
dict.txt flagz.txt mission.txt
~$ cat mission.txt
# MISSION 0x23 #

## EN ##
The user isabel has left her password in a file in the /etc/xdg folder but she does not remember the name, however she has dict.txt that can help her to remember.
User isabel puts the password in a file in the /etc/xdg folder, but she can't remember the name, but she has dict.txt to help her remember

La usuaria isabel ha dejado su password en un fichero en la carpeta /etc/xdg pero no recuerda el nombre, sin embargo tiene dict.txt que puede ayudarle a recordar.

lucia cannot directly access the /etc directory, use the given dict.txt to write a bash script blasting

while IFS= read -r line; do readlink -e /etc/xdg/$line ; done <dict.txt 2>/dev/null
or combined with cat
while IFS= read -r line; do cat /etc/xdg/$line ; done <dict.txt 2>/dev/null

'IFS= ' indicates that the internal field separator is set to a space
Read each line in dict.txt for while do statement

mission 24

~$ ls
different.txt flagz.txt mission.txt
~$ cat mission.txt
# MISSION 0x24 #

## EN ##
The password of the user freya is the only string that is not repeated in different.txt
The password for user freya is the only string in different.txt that does not repeat
La password de la usuaria freya es el unico string que no se repite en different.txt

Find no repeated strings (line

sort different.txt | uniq -u
Sort first, then find non-duplicate rows

or use awk

awk 'NR==FNR{a[$0] + + ;next}a[$0]==1' different.txt different.txt
NR==FNR This is a mode which is only executed when processing the first file different.txt. In awk, NR means the current line number, and FNR means the line number of the current file.
awk parses the first argument different.txt, in NR==FNR mode, and builds an array named a with each line in the text file as a key.
a[$0] + + is used to count the number of occurrences of each line in the text file.
next instructs awk to process the next line.
Awk parses the second parameter different.txt, at a[$0]==1 , awk checks the line whose occurrence count is 1 in the array a, and outputs

If you modify a[$0]==1 to a[$0]==2 , it means that only the rows with 2 occurrences are output

mission 25

~$ cat mission.txt
# MISSION 0x25 #

## EN ##
User alexa puts her password in a .txt file in /free every minute and then deletes it.
User alexa puts her password in a .txt file at /free all the time and then deletes it

La usuaria alexa pone su password en un fichero .txt en la carpeta /free cada minuto y luego lo borra.

The password is in a .txt file in the /free folder, and it is constantly created and deleted
Here also use the bash script

false; while [ $? -ne 0 ];do cat /free/*.txt ;done 2>/dev/null
Among them, the spaces in while [] cannot be saved
Command explanation:
This is the loop command
false; if it was not found last time, return false, if false is used here, it will be true
while [ $? -ne 0 ] Check the exit code of the previous command, if it is not 0, continue
Therefore, the termination condition is 'the result of the last operation is true', use false at the beginning, and the exit code checked by while is 0, terminate

mission 26

~$ cat mission.txt
# MISSION 0x26 #

## EN ##
The password of the user ariel is online! (HTTP)

El password de la usuaria ariel esta online! (HTTP)
curl http://localhost

mission 27

~$ ls -a
. .. .bash_logout .bashrc .goas.swp .profile flagz.txt mission.txt
~$ cat mission.txt
# MISSION 0x27 #

## EN ##
Seems that ariel dont save the password for lola, but there is a temporal file.
It seems that ariel doesn't save lola's password, but there is a temporary file

Parece ser que a ariel no le dio tiempo a guardar la password de lola... menosmal que hay un temporal!

vimtemporary file .goas.swp

vim -r .goas.swp

After opening it is
vim temporary file
Ctrl V to enter the block mode, select the redundant d to delete, and make a dictionary

Save as, exit
:w /tmp/dict.txt

Download to the local, blast with hydra

scp -P 5000 [email protected]:/tmp/dict.txt .
hydra -l lola -P dict.txt ssh://venus.hackmyvm.eu:5000

You can also directly use the bash script to blast

while IFS= read -r line; do echo $line | timeout 2 su lola 2>/dev/null; if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo $line; break; fi; done < /tmp/ dict.txt
Read each line in /tmp/dict.txt and use it as the password to try to log in as the lola user,
until successful login or all passwords have been tried
timeout 2 The su lola command attempts to log in as the lola user within 2 seconds.
If the login is successful, a status code of 0 is returned, otherwise a non-zero status code is returned.
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo $line; break; fi;
Judge the exit status code of the last command, if the status code is 0, it means the login is successful, output the currently attempted password and jump out of the loop

mission 28

~$ ls
flagz.txt mission.txt pages.txt
~$ cat mission.txt
# MISSION 0x28 #

## EN ##
The user celeste has left a list of names of possible .html pages where to find her password.
User celeste left a list of names of possible .html pages where her password could be found

La usuaria celeste ha dejado un listado de nombres de possibles paginas .html donde encontrar su password.

Directly find

find /var/www -name *.html 2>/dev/null
Use curl again

Or, download the given pages.txt to the local, build ssh tunnel and use tools to blast

ssh -L 2333: [email protected] -p 5000
gobuster blasting
gobuster dir -w pages.txt -u -x html

mission 29

~$ cat mission.txt
# MISSION 0x29 #

## EN ##
The user celeste has access to mysql but for what?

La usuaria celeste tiene acceso al mysql, pero para que?

Prompt that the current user can use mysql

mysql -uceleste -p
show databases;
use venus;
show tables;
select * from people;

Get a bunch of id_people uzer pazz
data in this format

| 1 | nuna | ixpfdsvcxeqdW |
| 2 | nona | ixpvcxvcxeqdW |

build dictionary
Copy to venus.txt, because it is a corresponding relationship, and the default separator of hydra -C is a colon
sed handles the following format

sed -i 's/.*|\s*\([^ ]*\)\s*|\s*\([^ ]*\)\s*|.*/\1:\2 /g' venus.txt

get the following format


ssh blasting

hydra -C venus.txt ssh://venus.hackmyvm.eu:5000

mission 30

~$ cat mission.txt
# MISSION 0x30 #

## EN ##
The user kira is hiding something in http://localhost/method.php

La usuaria kira esconde algo en http://localhost/method.php
~$ curl localhost/method.php

I don't like this method!

~$ curl -XPUT http://localhost/method.php