SolvingException “unhandled TypeError“ expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, not tuple

Table of Contents

SolvingException “unhandled TypeError” expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, not tuple

root cause of error


1. Check the documentation for the function or method

2. Use indexed or unpacked parameters

3. Check whether the parameter values are correct

4. Check the implementation of the function or method



Sample code: read file contents


Create tuple

Access tuple elements

Properties of tuples


Create string

String operations

Common methods for strings

Solving Exception “unhandled TypeError” expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, not tuple

In Python programming, sometimes we encounter such an exception: “unhandled TypeError: expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, not tuple”. This error is usually caused by us mistakenly passing a tuple to a function or method that expects a string, byte stream, or path object. This article will show you how to resolve this exception.

Error root cause

This exception usually occurs when we mistakenly pass a tuple where a string, byte stream, or path object is expected. Sometimes, we may use tuples in function or method calls and want them to be automatically unpacked into multiple parameters. However, some functions or methods do not support passing tuples, but only accept strings, byte streams, or path objects. So when we accidentally pass a tuple, this exception is thrown.


To resolve this exception, we need to ensure that the argument we pass to the function or method is a string, byte stream, or path object, and not a tuple. Here are some ways to solve this problem:

1. Check the documentation of the function or method

First, we should consult the function or method’s documentation to determine the parameter types it expects. If the documentation explicitly states that it only accepts strings, byte streams, or path objects, then we need to make sure that the parameters passed to it conform to these types.

2. Use index or unpack parameters

If we really need to use tuples to pass parameters, but the function or method does not support accepting tuples, we can use indexing or unpacking parameters to solve this problem. For example, if we have a tuple ??params?? that contains multiple parameter values, we can use indexing to pass the parameters to the function or method one by one instead of passing the entire tuple directly. .

pythonCopy codeparams = ('value1', 'value2', 'value3')
function(param[0], param[1], param[2])

Another method is to use unpacking parameters to automatically unpack the tuple value into multiple parameters.

pythonCopy codeparams = ('value1', 'value2', 'value3')

3. Check whether the parameter value is correct

Sometimes, we encounter this exception because the parameter value we pass does not meet the expected type. When encountering this situation, we need to check whether the parameter value passed to the function or method is correct and whether it is a string, byte stream or path object.

4. Check the implementation of the function or method

Finally, if we are using a custom function or method, we need to check whether its implementation correctly handles the way it accepts parameters. Sometimes, we may accidentally use a tuple in a function or method, causing this exception to be thrown. In this case, we need to modify the implementation of the function or method to suit our needs.


Here is a sample code showing how to resolve this exception:

pythonCopy codedef function(param):
    # some code
params = ('value1', 'value2', 'value3')
# Wrong way - passing tuples
function(params) # throw exception
# The right way - use indexed or unpacked parameters
function(*params) # Parameter unpacking
# Or, pass the parameter value directly
function(params[0]) # Parameter index

In the above code, we define a function??function??, which expects to accept a string, byte stream, or path object as a parameter. We use a tuple??params?? to store multiple parameter values. An exception is thrown when we mistakenly pass the entire tuple to the function. To solve this problem, we can use parameter unpacking or indexing to pass parameters to the function one by one.


When we encounter Exception “unhandled TypeError” expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, not tuple exception, we need to check whether we mistakenly passed a tuple to a function that expected a string, byte stream or path object or method. We can solve this exception by using indexing or unpacking parameters according to the function or method’s documentation. At the same time, we also need to ensure that the parameter value itself passed to the function or method conforms to the expected type. Finally, if we are using a custom function or method, we need to check whether its implementation correctly handles the way it accepts parameters. I hope this article can help you solve the Exception “unhandled TypeError” expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, not tuple exception. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to ask.

Sample code: read file content

In some cases, we will encounter a situation where we need to read the contents of a file. Suppose we have a list of tuples of file paths and we wish to read the contents of each file. We can use the following sample code to solve this problem:

pythonCopy codeimport os
def read_file_content(file_path):
    with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
        content =
    return content
# File path list
file_paths = [
# Read file content
for file_path in file_paths:
    # Unpack file path tuple
    file_path = file_path[0]
    # Check if the file exists
    if not os.path.isfile(file_path):
        print(f"File '{file_path}' does not exist")
    # Read file content
    content = read_file_content(file_path)
    print(f"The content of file '{file_path}' is:")

In the sample code above, we define a ??read_file_content?? function to read the contents of the file. We open the file through the ??open?? function and read the contents of the file using the ??read?? method. We then use a loop to iterate over the list of tuples of file paths. On each iteration, we unpack the file path tuple using the index and check if the file exists. If the file exists, call the ??read_file_content?? function to read the content of the file and print it. This sample code solves the Exception “unhandled TypeError” expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, not tuple exception. In this example, we avoid the incorrect operation of passing tuples by correctly passing the file path, and ensure the normal operation of the program.


Tuple is a data type in Python used to store an ordered set of data. Similar to a list, but a tuple is immutable and cannot be modified once created. Tuples are represented using parentheses and can contain any type of data, including numbers, strings, lists, etc.

Create Tuple

In Python, you can use commas to create a tuple, or you can use parentheses to enclose multiple elements to create a tuple.

pythonCopy code# Create tuples via commas
tuple1 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
# Create a tuple using parentheses
tuple2 = (6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
Access Tuple Element

Elements in a tuple can be accessed using indexes, which start from 0.

pythonCopy codetuple1 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
print(tuple1[0]) # Output: 1
print(tuple1[2]) # Output: 3
print(tuple1[-1]) # Output: 5 (the first element from the last)
Characteristics of tuple
  • Tuples are immutable, that is, once a tuple is created, its elements cannot be modified, added, or deleted.
  • Tuples can store elements of different types.
  • Tuples can be sliced to obtain a part of the tuple.
  • Tuples can use the ??len()?? function to get the number of elements.
  • Elements in a tuple can be concatenated using the ?? + ?? operator.
  • Tuples can be repeated using the ??*?? operator.


A string is an object composed of multiple characters and is used to represent and process text data. In Python, strings are immutable, which means that once a string is created, its contents cannot be changed. Strings are delimited using single, double or triple quotes. Examples: ??'hello'??, ??"world"??, ??'''Hello, world!'''??.

Create string

You can use quotes (single or double quotes) to create a string.

pythonCopy codestr1 = 'Hello' # Create a string using single quotes
str2 = "World" # Use double quotes to create a string
str3 = '''Python is a "powerful" language''' # Use triple quotes to create a string
String operations

Strings can perform a variety of operations, including concatenation, slicing, indexing, search, replacement, etc.

pythonCopy code# connection string
str1 = 'Hello'
str2 = 'World'
result = str1 + ', ' + str2 # Result: 'Hello, World'
# slice
str3 = 'Hello, World!'
print(str3[7:12]) # Output: 'World', intercept the 7th to 12th characters
# index
print(str3[0]) # Output: 'H', get the first character
# Find substring
print(str3.find('World')) # Output: 7, return the starting position of the substring 'World'
# Replace substring
new_str = str3.replace('World', 'Python') # Result: 'Hello, Python!'
Common methods for strings

Strings have many built-in methods for manipulating and processing strings. Commonly used methods are:

  • ??split()??: Split the string into a list according to the specified delimiter.
  • ??strip()??: Removes whitespace characters at the beginning and end of the string.
  • ??lower()??: Converts all letters in the string to lowercase.
  • ??upper()??: Converts all letters in the string to uppercase.
  • ??join()??: Join the strings in the list.
  • ??format()??: Format string.
pythonCopy codestr4 = 'Hello,World!'
print(str4.split(',')) # Output: ['Hello', 'World!']
print(str4.strip()) # Output: 'Hello,World!'
print(str4.lower()) # Output: 'hello,world!'
print(str4.upper()) # Output: 'HELLO,WORLD!'
list1 = ['Hello', 'World']
print(' '.join(list1)) # Output: 'Hello World'
print("My name is {}.".format("Alice")) # Output: 'My name is Alice.'

Summary: Tuples and strings are both commonly used data types in Python.

  • Tuples are ordered immutable objects used to store a set of data.
  • Strings are immutable objects composed of characters used for processing and storing text data.
  • Tuples obtain elements through indexing, and strings also support indexing and slicing operations.
  • Strings have many built-in methods for manipulation of strings.

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