Use xlrd in Django to read excel table data


Method 1: Read by line

Method 2: According to the one-to-one correspondence between table headers and table data

Method 3: Read by column

I talked about how to read the database data in Django and write it into excel. Today, let’s talk about how to read the data in excel (it can be written into the database after reading)?

The xlrd module needs to be installed before starting

pip install -i xlrd

The latest version is installed by default, and it supports excel files in xls format. If it is an xlsx file format, you may need to install an old version of xlrd

Method 1: Read by line
import xlrd

class ReadExcel(View):
    def post(self, request):
        excel_file = request.FILES['excel_file'] # Get the uploaded Excel file

        workbook = xlrd.open_workbook( # Open Excel file

        sheet_names = workbook.sheet_names() # Get the names of all worksheets
        # Method 1: By row
        data = [] # Store the data of all worksheets
        for sheet_name in sheet_names:
            sheet = workbook.sheet_by_name(sheet_name) # Get a specific worksheet

            rows = []
            for row_num in range(sheet.nrows): # Iterate each row of data
                row_values = sheet.row_values(row_num) # Get the value of the current row

                'sheet_name': sheet_name,
                'rows': rows,

        return JsonResponse({"res": data})

Use the book_data.xls table file, the content is as follows

Output result:

    "res": [
            "sheet_name": "Book Sheet",
            "rows": [
                    "Book Name",
                    ""Python + Cookbook" third edition Chinese v3.0.0.pdf",
                    "Django 2.2 official document Chinese version.pdf",
                    "Dongcheng District, Beijing",
                    "MySQL must know and know (text version).pdf",
                    "Drum Tower District, Nanjing",
                    "PyCharm Knowledge Manual V1.0.pdf",
                    "Hefei City, Anhui",
                    "Smooth Python.pdf",
                    "Nanjing Gaochun District",
                    "In-depth understanding of Python Chinese version HD (Dive + into + Python)",
                    "LuoYang HeNan",
            "sheet_name": "Sheet2",
            "rows": [
                    "Picture name",
                    "Test path"
            "sheet_name": "Sheet3",
            "rows": []
Method 2: According to the one-to-one correspondence between table header and table data
import xlrd

class ReadExcel(View):
    def post(self, request):
        excel_file = request.FILES['excel_file'] # Get the uploaded Excel file

        workbook = xlrd.open_workbook( # Open Excel file

        sheet_names = workbook.sheet_names() # Get the names of all worksheets

        # Method 2: According to the one-to-one correspondence between table header and table data
        data = [] # Store the data of all worksheets
        for sheet_name in sheet_names:
            sheet = workbook.sheet_by_name(sheet_name) # Get a specific worksheet
            if sheet.nrows != 0:
                rows = []
                first_row = sheet.row_values(0) # Original header data
                # first_row = ['name', 'address', 'year'] # Use the corresponding English field to replace the Chinese header name obtained by first_row from the table above
                for row_num in range(1, sheet.nrows): # Iterate each row of data
                    row_values = sheet.row_values(row_num) # Get the value of the current row
                    zip_data = dict(zip(first_row, row_values))

                    'sheet_name': sheet_name,
                    'rows': rows,

        return JsonResponse({"res": data})

The result is as follows:

    "res": [
            "sheet_name": "Book Sheet",
            "rows": [
                    "Book Name": ""Python + Cookbook" Third Edition Chinese v3.0.0.pdf",
                    "Address": "Tianjin City",
                    "Year": "1999.11"
                    "Book Name": "Django 2.2 Official Document Chinese Version.pdf",
                    "Address": "Dongcheng District, Beijing",
                    "Year": "1980.07"
                    "Book Name": "MySQL must know and know (text version).pdf",
                    "Address": "Gulou District, Nanjing",
                    "Year": "2020.08"
                    "Book Name": "PyCharm Knowledge Manual V1.0.pdf",
                    "Address": "Hefei City, Anhui",
                    "Year": "1987.12"
                    "Book Name": "Smooth Python.pdf",
                    "Address": "Gaochun District, Nanjing",
                    "Year": "2000.01"
                    "Book Name": "In-depth understanding of Python Chinese version HD (Dive + into + Python)",
                    "Address": "Luoyang, Henan",
                    "Year": "2023.10"
            "sheet_name": "Sheet2",
            "rows": [
                    "Picture Name": "Test",
                    "Path": "Test Path"
Method 3: Read by column
import xlrd

class ReadExcel(View):
    def post(self, request):
        excel_file = request.FILES['excel_file'] # Get the uploaded Excel file

        workbook = xlrd.open_workbook( # Open Excel file

        sheet_names = workbook.sheet_names() # Get the names of all worksheets

        # Method 3: by column
        data = [] # Store the data of all worksheets
        for sheet_name in sheet_names:
            sheet = workbook.sheet_by_name(sheet_name) # Get a specific worksheet
            if sheet.nrows != 0:
                cols = []
                cols_data = {}
                for col_num in range(sheet.ncols): # Iterate each column of data
                    first_row = sheet.col_values(col_num, 0, 1)[0] # Get the data of the first row of each column (that is, the header)
                    col_values = sheet.col_values(col_num, 1) # Get data from the second row of the column
                    cols_data. update({first_row: col_values})

                    'sheet_name': sheet_name,
                    'cols': cols,

        return JsonResponse({"res": data})

The result is as follows:

    "res": [
            "sheet_name": "Book Sheet",
            "cols": [
                    "Book Name": [
                        ""Python + Cookbook" third edition Chinese v3.0.0.pdf",
                        "Django 2.2 official document Chinese version.pdf",
                        "MySQL must know must know (text version).pdf",
                        "PyCharm Knowledge Manual V1.0.pdf",
                        "Smooth Python.pdf",
                        "In-depth understanding of Python Chinese version HD (Dive + into + Python)"
                    "address": [
                        "Dongcheng District, Beijing",
                        "Drum Tower District, Nanjing",
                        "Hefei City, Anhui",
                        "Nanjing Gaochun District",
                        "LuoYang HeNan"
                    "Era": [
            "sheet_name": "Sheet2",
            "cols": [
                    "Picture name": [
                    "Path": [
                        "Test path"

There are three ways to read

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