LaTeX formula and table drawing skills

  • LaTeX formulas and drawing techniques
  • The formula can basically be divided into
    • Single formula single number
    • Single formula numbered by row
    • Single formula multiple subnumbers
    • Single formula part subnumber
    • piecewise formula
  • Now give the respective codes
  • Single formula single number
 Formula 1: equation + aligned
a= &b + c\
b= &a + 2\
c= &b-3
  • Single formula numbered by row
 Formula 2:align
a= &b + c\
b= &a + 2\
c= &b-3
  • Single formula multiple subnumbers
 Formula 3: subequations + align (subnumber the formula)
a= &b + c\
b= &a + 2\
c= &b-3
  • Single formula part subnumber
 Formula 4: subequations + align + nonumber (partial subequations do not need to be numbered)
a= &b + c\
b= &a + 2\\
c= &b-3
  • piecewise formula
 Formula 5: subequations + align + cases (piecewise function)
y= &\begin{cases}
a &x>0\
f= &\begin{cases}
c &x>0\
  • Why not use split
    • Because split is for a single formula, although the micro-operation is as good as align, it is not standardized and inconvenient for latecomers to micro-operation. It is essentially the same as programmers writing comments.
  • Complete code
\usepackage{fancyhdr} % Customize the header and footer styles of the page
\usepackage{tocloft} % Command to control the style of the table of contents (including table of contents, table table of contents and illustration table of contents)
\usepackage{titlesec} % Customize title styles, such as chapter titles, section titles, etc.
\usepackage{lipsum} % generate dummy text
\usepackage{biblatex} % Manage and generate reference lists
\usepackage{appendix} % Generate appendix part
\usepackage{listings} % typeset source code blocks
\usepackage{geometry} % Set page layout
\usepackage{graphicx} % Insert images and arrange them
\usepackage{subcaption} % sub-image
\usepackage{amsmath} % matrix can be wrapped
\usepackage{times} % Use times new roman font
\setCJKmonofont{imitation Song}
umberwithin{equation}{section}% formula numbered by section
umberwithin{figure}{section}% Figures are numbered by chapter

% Set directory format
ormalfont} % Change the table of contents title font
ormalfont} % Set the chapter title font
ormalfont} % Set subsection title font
\setlength{\cftbeforesecskip}{2em} % Set the vertical distance between chapters
\setlength{\cftbeforesubsecskip}{1em} % Set the vertical distance between subsections

% Set page layout

% Set code layout
showspaces=false, % show spaces

% Set header and footer
\fancyhead[L]{Small article template}
\fancyhead[C]{Made by Qian Ruiwen}


\textbf{<!-- -->{\fontsize{15}{14}\itshape\selectfont
LaTeX small article template
\textbf{<!-- -->{\fontsize{15}{14}\itshape\selectfont
\pagenumbering{arabic} % Start of text page
\section{Formula editing skills}
Formula 1: equation + aligned
a= &b + c\
b= &a + 2\
c= &b-3

Formula 2: align
a= &b + c\
b= &a + 2\
c= &b-3

Formula 3: subequations + align (subnumber the formula)
a= &b + c\
b= &a + 2\
c= &b-3

Formula 4: subequations + align + nonumber (partial subequations do not need to be numbered)
a= &b + c\
b= &a + 2\\
c= &b-3

Formula 5: subequations + align + cases (piecewise function)
y= &\begin{cases}
a &x>0\
f= &\begin{cases}
c &x>0\

\bibitem{ref1} Author A. Title of the paper. Journal name, year.
\bibitem{ref2} Author B. Title of the book. Publisher, year.
% appendix page
\appendix % marks the following parts as appendices
This is the content of the appendix.
# Python example
def hello_world():
print("Hello, World!")
print("Hello, World!","Hello, World!","Hello, World!","Hello, World!","Hello, World!","Hello , World!","Hello, World!","Hello, World!","Hello, World!","Hello, World!","Hello, World!" ,"Hello, World!")
hello_world() # call hello_world
  • achieve effect

LaTeX table drawing skills

  • Tables can basically be divided into
    • three-wire meter
    • Commonly used tables
    • Adjust wireframe
    • Adjust alignment
      • c,l,r
  • Only tabular cannot generate captions
    • No alignment is set here
 Table 1: Three-line table (without using table environment):
Header 1 & Header 2 & Header 3 \
Data 1 & Data 2 & Data 3 \
Data 4 & Data 5 & Data 6 \
Table 2: Three-line table (using table environment)
\caption{Three-line table}
Header 1 & Header 2 & Header 3 \
Data 1 & Data 2 & Data 3 \
Data 4 & Data 5 & Data 6 \

  • Adjusting the table is too complicated. I can only do two operations, which I think are enough.
    • Do not seek to determine the width of each column, only require alignment
      • Note that automatic line wrapping cannot be achieved in this way, so you need to be careful
    • Pursue the width of each column, but the alignment is always left-aligned
  • Form 3:
$a_b$ & amp; $a_b + c_d + e_f + g_h$ & amp; $m_n$ \
$a_b + c_d + e_f + g_h + m_n-k_j$ & Data 2 & Data 3 \
Data 4 & Data 5 & $1 + 2 + 3 + a_b + c_d + e_f + g_h + m_n-k_j + 5 + 6 + 7$ \

  • Form 4:
$a_b$ & amp; $a_b + c_d + e_f + g_h$ & amp; $m_n$ \
$a_b + c_d + e_f + g_h + m_n-k_j$ & Data 2 & Data 3 \
Data 4 & Data 5 & $1 + 2 + 3 + a_b + c_d + e_f + g_h + m_n-k_j + 5 + 6 + 7$ \

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