Application of C++ Depth First (DFS) Algorithm: Maximum Points Obtained by Collecting All Gold Coins

Involving knowledge points

Deep optimization (DFS) memoization


There is an undirected tree consisting of n nodes at node 0, with node numbers from 0 to n – 1. You are given a two-dimensional integer array edges of length n – 1, where edges[i] = [ai, bi] means that there is an edge between nodes ai and bi on the tree. You are also given an array coins with indexes starting from 0 and length n and an integer k, where coins[i] represents the number of gold coins at node i.
Starting from the root node, you must collect all gold coins. To collect gold coins on a node, you must first collect gold coins on the node’s ancestor nodes.
Gold coins on node i can be collected using one of the following methods:
Collect all gold coins and get a total of coins[i] – k points. If coins[i] – k is negative, you will lose abs(coins[i] – k) points.
Collect all gold coins and get a total of floor(coins[i] / 2) points. If this method is adopted, the number of gold coins coins[j] of all nodes j in the subtree of node i will be reduced to floor(coins[j] / 2).
Returns the maximum points that can be obtained after collecting gold coins from all tree nodes.
Parameter range:
n == coins.length
2 <= n <= 105
0 <= coins[i] <= 104
edges.length == n – 1
0 <= edges[i][0], edges[i][1] < n
0 <= k <= 104


Time complexity

O (number of nodes), the number of DFS calls = number of nodes * 2 (two methods) * 21 (split method), when n is infinite, 2 and 21 are ignored.

Core principles

When there is an ancestor node in the second method, the gold coins of this node will be halved. Since there are at most 10,000 gold coins, it will be 0 after halving 15 times, so halving more than 15 times will have the same result as halving 15 times. During the competition, time was urgent, so I did it 20 times to avoid considering edge cases.

Variable explanation

m_vRet[m_iN];//m_vRet[0] The score of each node and descendant node that has not been halved m_vRet[i] The maximum score after halving i times


Core code

CNeiBo2(int n, bool bDirect, int iBase = 0):m_iN(n),m_bDirect(bDirect),m_iBase(iBase)
CNeiBo2(int n, vector & edges, bool bDirect,int iBase=0) :m_iN(n), m_bDirect(bDirect), m_iBase(iBase)
for (const auto & amp; v : edges)
m_vNeiB[v[0]- iBase].emplace_back(v[1]- iBase);
if (!bDirect)
m_vNeiB[v[1]- iBase].emplace_back(v[0]- iBase);
inline void Add(int iNode1, int iNode2)
iNode1 -= m_iBase;
iNode2 -= m_iBase;
if (!m_bDirect)
const int m_iN;
const bool m_bDirect;
const int m_iBase;
vector m_vNeiB;

class Solution {
int maximumPoints(vector & amp; edges, vector & amp; coins, int k) {
m_iK = k;
for (int i = 0; i < m_iN; i + + )
CNeiBo2 neiBo(coins.size(),edges, false);
dfs(0, -1, 0, neiBo, coins);
return m_vRet[0][0];
int dfs(int cur, const int parent, int split,const CNeiBo2 & amp; vNeiBo,const vector & amp; coins)
if (split >= 20)
return 0;
int & amp; iRet = m_vRet[split][cur];
if (-1 != iRet)
return iRet;
const int curCoin = coins[cur] / (1 << split);
int iType1 = curCoin – m_iK;
for (const auto & amp; next : vNeiBo.m_vNeiB[cur])
if (parent == next)
iType1 + = dfs(next, cur, split, vNeiBo, coins);
int iType2 = curCoin/2;
for (const auto & amp; next : vNeiBo.m_vNeiB[cur])
if (parent == next)
iType2 + = dfs(next, cur, split + 1, vNeiBo, coins);
iRet = max(iType1, iType2);
return iRet;
int m_iK;
static const int m_iN = 20;
vector m_vRet[m_iN];//m_vRet[0] The score of each node and descendant node that has not been halved m_vRet[i] The maximum score after halving i times

Test cases

void Assert(const vector & amp; v1, const vector & amp; v2)
if (v1.size() != v2.size())
for (int i = 0; i < v1.size(); i + + )
assert(v1[i] == v2[i]);

void Assert(const T & t1, const T & t2)
assert(t1 == t2);

int main()
Solution slug;
vector edges;
vector coins;
int k;
int res;
edges = { {0,1},{1,2},{2,3} };
coins = { 10,10,3,3 };
k = 5;
res = slu.maximumPoints(edges, coins,k);
Assert(11, res);
edges = { {0,1},{0,2} };
coins = { 8,4,4 };
k = 0;
res = slu.maximumPoints(edges, coins, k);
Assert(16, res);



Extended reading

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Test environment

Operating system: win7 Development environment: VS2019 C++ 17
Or Operating system: win10 Development environment: VS2022 C++ 17