Android data flow carnival: Channel and Flow

In the development of Android applications, handling asynchronous data streams is a common requirement. To better address these needs, Kotlin coroutines introduce Channel and Flow, which provide powerful tools to handle data flows, implement producer-consumer patterns, and build reactive applications.

This article will take a deep dive into the internals of Channel and Flow, advanced usage tips, and how to make the most of them in Android development.


Channel and Flow are two key concepts in the Kotlin coroutine library, which are used to handle data streams and asynchronous operations. They allow you to generate, send, receive, and process data asynchronously without worrying about thread management or callback hell. Let’s dive into their inner workings and advanced usage.

Channel: Asynchronous data communication

Channel is a data structure used for communication between coroutines. It allows one coroutine to send data to the Channel and another coroutine to receive data from the Channel. Channel can implement the producer-consumer pattern, where one coroutine acts as a producer, generating data and sending it to the Channel, while another coroutine acts as a consumer, receiving and processing data from the Channel.

Internal implementation principle

The internal implementation of Channel is based on coroutine scheduler and locks. It uses a queue to store data sent to the Channel and uses locks to achieve thread-safe data access. When a coroutine sends data to a Channel, it will try to put the data into the queue. If the queue is full, the sending coroutine will be suspended until space is available. On the other hand, the receiving coroutine will fetch data from the queue. If the queue is empty, the receiving coroutine will also be suspended until data is available.

Channels can be bounded or unbounded. Bounded Channels limit the amount of data that can be sent to the Channel, while unbounded Channels have no restrictions.

Specific use

Here is an example that demonstrates how to use Channel for asynchronous communication between coroutines:

import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.*

fun main() = runBlocking {
    val channel = Channel<Int>()

    launch {
        for (i in 1..5) {

    launch {
        for (value in channel) {

In the above example, we created a Channel, one coroutine for sending data and another coroutine for receiving data. This helps achieve asynchronous communication between coroutines, such as data generated by one coroutine and sent to another coroutine for processing.

Advanced usage tips

Send data in batches

You can use the channel.offer() function to send data in batches without blocking the sending coroutine. This is useful for high-throughput data transfer.

val channel = Channel<Int>(capacity = 10)

launch {
    repeat(100) {
Using BroadcastChannel

BroadcastChannel allows multiple receivers to subscribe to the same data stream, similar to broadcasting, and is suitable for multiple consumer scenarios.

val broadcastChannel = BroadcastChannel<Int>(capacity = 1)

val receiver1 = broadcastChannel.openSubscription()
val receiver2 = broadcastChannel.openSubscription()

launch {

receiver1.consumeEach { value ->
    println("Receiver 1: $value")

receiver2.consumeEach { value ->
    println("Receiver 2: $value")

Flow: Responsive data flow

Flow is another key concept in the Kotlin coroutine library, which is used to build reactive data flows. Flow is a cold stream that allows you to generate and consume data asynchronously. Flow can represent a potentially infinite flow of data, such as sensor data, real-time events, etc.

Internal implementation principle

Flow’s internal implementation is based on coroutine builders and suspend functions. It is a lazy data flow that only starts execution when collected. When a coroutine subscribes to a Flow through the collect() function, it starts a new coroutine to execute the Flow’s code block and push data to the subscriber.

Flow can perform various operations such as mapping, filtering, merging, and buffering to process and transform data streams.

Specific use

Here’s an example of how to use Flow to build a reactive data flow:

import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.*

fun main() = runBlocking {
    val flow = flow {
        for (i in 1..5) {

    flow.collect { value ->

In the example above, we created a Flow that emits a value every 1 second. Through the collect function, we subscribe to and consume the values in the Flow. This can be used to build real-time data streams, handle network request responses, and update data in real time on the user interface.

Advanced usage tips

Using StateFlow

StateFlow is a special variant of Flow used to manage the data flow of application states. It can track state changes and push new states to subscribers.

val stateFlow = MutableStateFlow(0)

stateFlow.collect { value ->
    println("Current State: $value")

// update status
stateFlow.value = 1
Use Channel conversion

You can use the channelFlow builder to combine a Channel with a Flow to implement more complex data processing logic.

fun produceNumbers(): Flow<Int> = flow {
    for (x in 1..5) {

fun filterEven(flow: Flow<Int>): Flow<Int> = channelFlow {
    flow.collect { value ->
        if (value % 2 == 0) {

fun main() = runBlocking {
    val numbers = produceNumbers()
    val evenNumbers = filterEven(numbers)
    evenNumbers.collect { value ->
        println("Even: $value")

Choice of Channel and Flow

Both Channel and Flow are suitable for processing asynchronous data flows, but they have different applicable scenarios.

  • Use Channel when two-way communication between coroutines is required, such as the producer-consumer model, or when a bounded Channel is required to limit the amount of data.

  • Use Flow when you need to build responsive data flows, handle unlimited or limited data flows, and perform various data flow operations. Flow is more suitable for processing the transformation and filtering of data streams.

In Android development, Channel and Flow are usually used together, and the appropriate tool is selected according to specific needs.


Channel and Flow are two powerful tools in the Kotlin coroutine library for handling asynchronous data flows and building reactive applications. Understanding their inner workings and advanced usage can help you better handle asynchronous operations in Android apps. Whether you’re implementing two-way communication or building responsive data flows, Channel and Flow have your back.

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