The battle of front-end frameworks: Vue.js vs. React.js vs. Angular

Article directory

    • Vue.js – The beauty of progressive frameworks
      • Simple and easy to use
      • Component development
      • Ecosystem and Tools
      • Applicable scene
    • React.js – High-performance virtual DOM
      • Virtual DOM
      • One-way data flow
      • Communities and Ecosystems
      • Applicable scene
    • Angular – a one-stop framework
      • complete framework
      • Two-way data binding
      • type safety
      • Applicable scene
    • how to choose?
      • Project scale
      • ecosystem
      • Skills and experience
      • Performance requirements
    • in conclusion

Welcome to the Web front-end column ~ Front-end framework battle: Vue.js vs. React.js vs. Angular

  • ☆* o(≧▽≦)o *☆Hi~I am IT·Chen Han
  • ?Blog homepage: IT·Chen Han’s blog
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  • The author of the article has limited skills and level. If there are errors in the article, I hope everyone can correct them
  • Welcome everyone to pay attention!

With the rapid growth of front-end development, developers now have more options to build modern, interactive web applications. In this era of front-end framework wars, Vue.js, React.js, and Angular are the three most popular choices. This article will delve into the features, advantages, and disadvantages of these three front-end frameworks to help you better understand when to choose which framework to meet your project needs.

Vue.js – The charm of progressive framework

Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework created by a former Google engineer. Its main features include:

Easy to use

Vue.js is known for its simple, intuitive API. It uses template syntax that allows you to declaratively render data into the DOM. This makes it easy for beginners to get started quickly and understand.

<div id="app">
  {<!-- -->{ message }}

var app = new Vue({<!-- -->
  el: '#app',
  data: {<!-- -->
    message: 'Hello, Vue.js!'

Component-based development

Vue.js encourages component-based development, making code easier to maintain and reuse. You can split your application into small components, each with its own state and logic.

    <button @click="increment">{<!-- -->{ count }}</button>

export default {<!-- -->
  data() {<!-- -->
    return {<!-- -->
      count: 0
  methods: {<!-- -->
    increment() {<!-- -->
      this.count + + ;

Ecosystem and Tools

Vue.js has a rich ecosystem, including Vue Router for routing management, Vuex for state management, and many third-party libraries and tools. The existence of these tools makes it easier to build large-scale applications.

Applicable scenarios

Vue.js is particularly suitable for small to medium-sized applications, as well as projects that require rapid prototyping. Its simplicity and flexibility make it the first choice for many developers.

React.js – High-performance virtual DOM

Developed by Facebook, React.js is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. Its main features include:

Virtual DOM

React.js uses virtual DOM to improve performance. It maintains a virtual DOM tree in memory. When the data changes, React will calculate the new virtual DOM tree and compare it with the previous virtual DOM tree, and then only update the changed parts instead of re-rendering the entire DOM tree.

class Counter extends React.Component {<!-- -->
  constructor() {<!-- -->
    this.state = {<!-- --> count: 0 };

  increment() {<!-- -->
    this.setState({<!-- --> count: this.state.count + 1 });

  render() {<!-- -->
    return (
        <button onClick={<!-- -->() => this.increment()}>{<!-- -->this.state.count}</button>

One-way data flow

React.js adopts a one-way data flow architecture. Parent components can pass data to child components through props. Child components cannot directly modify props and can only change data by triggering events. This model makes data flow more controllable and predictable.

Community and Ecosystem

React.js has a large community and rich ecosystem. There are many third-party libraries and tools, such as React Router, Redux, etc., that can help developers build powerful web applications.

Applicable scenarios

React.js is suitable for projects of all sizes, including large applications. Its performance and virtual DOM mechanism make it excellent at handling large amounts of data and complex UIs.

Angular – one-stop framework

Angular is a one-stop front-end framework developed by Google. Its main features include:

Complete framework

Angular is a complete framework that provides many features including modularization, routing, form handling, HTTP client, and more. This means you can use one tool to handle all aspects of your application without relying on third-party libraries.

import {<!-- --> Component } from '@angular/core';

@Component({<!-- -->
  selector: 'app-root',
  template: '<h1>Hello, Angular!</h1>'
export class AppComponent {<!-- --> }

Two-way data binding

Angular provides two-way data binding, making it easier to synchronize data between models and views. When the model changes, the view automatically updates and vice versa.

<input [(ngModel)]="name">
<p>Hello, {<!-- -->{ name }}!</p>

Type safety

Angular uses TypeScript as the main development language, which introduces static type checking to help developers catch potential errors during the development process.

Applicable scenarios

Angular is suitable for large-scale enterprise-level applications, especially projects that require rich feature integration and powerful tool support. Its one-stop framework provides comprehensive solutions for large-scale teams and projects.

How to choose?

Choosing a front-end framework depends on the needs of the project and the skills of your team. Here are some considerations:

Project scale

  • For small projects, Vue.js may be a good choice because it is easy to use and quick to get started with.
  • For medium to large projects, both React.js and Angular provide more tools and structures to help deal with complexity.


  • If you need extensive third-party library and tool support, both React.js and Angular have large ecosystems.
  • If you want more flexibility in your choice of tools, Vue.js also has an active community, but the ecosystem is relatively small.

Skills and experience

  • If your team is already familiar with a framework, it may be more efficient to continue using it.
  • If you’re looking to improve your team’s skill level, learning a new framework might be a good opportunity.

Performance requirements

  • If your application requires high performance, React.js’s virtual DOM mechanism can be an advantage.
  • Angular also offers good performance, but it may be better suited for handling data flows in large applications.


Choosing between Vue.js, React.js, and Angular is an important decision that will impact the development and maintenance of your project. Each framework has its own unique features and benefits, so the choice should be made based on the needs of the project and the skills of the team. No matter which framework you choose, you can build modern, high-performance web applications that meet the needs of your users. In the ever-changing world of front-end, learning and adapting to new technologies is key to success.

End Thank you for your support and encouragement!
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