01. Shell-Gadget




grep is a line filtering tool; used to filter lines based on keywords.


grep [options] 'keyword' filename

#Search using keywords in file names


-i: case insensitive
-v: Find lines that do not contain the specified content, reverse selection
-w: search by word
-o: Print matching keywords
-c: Count the number of matches
-n: display line number
-r: Traverse the directory search layer by layer
-A: Display the matching line and how many lines follow it
-B: Display the matching line and how many lines before it
-C: Display how many lines before and after the matching line
-l: Only list matching file names
-L: List unmatched file names
-e: Use regular matching
-E: Use extended regular matching
^keyWord: starts with keyword
keyWord$: ends with keyword
^$: matches empty lines
--color=auto: Add color to the found keyword part and display it


man grep


Filter out the keywords in the file and display the keywords in color

  • Normal search
grep --color=auto 'root' /tmp/passwd
  • Alias settings
#Temporary settings (only for the current user)
alias grep='grep --color=auto'

#Permanent settings (for all users)
echo "alias grep='grep --color=auto'" >> /etc/bashrc
source /etc/bashrc

Filter out the lines containing keywords in the file and display the line number

grep -n 'root' /tmp/passwd

#-n: number, indicating row

Filter out keywords in the file and ignore case matching

grep -i 'root' /tmp/passwd
grep -i 'root' /tmp/passwd

Filter out the keywords in the file and display the keywords that start or end with the keyword

grep '^root' /tmp/passwd
grep 'bash$' /tmp/passwd

Filter out the keywords in the file and display the lines that do not contain the keywords

grep -v 'root' /tmp/passwd

Filter out the keywords in the file and display the first few lines, the last few lines, or the upper and lower lines containing the keywords

grep -A 3 'ftp' /tmp/passwd
grep -B 3 'ftp' /tmp/passwd
grep -C 3 'ftp' /tmp/passwd

#-A: after, after
#-B: before, before

Filter out the keywords in the file and display the lines containing the keywords as words

grep -w 'word' /tmp/passwd

#-w: word, word

Filter out the keywords in the file and only display the keywords themselves

grep -o 'root' /tmp/passwd

Filter out keywords in the file and count the number of times the keyword appears

grep -c 'root' /tmp/passwd




cut is a column interception tool; used for column interception.


cut option file name


-c: Split and intercept in character units (the number following indicates the number of characters)
-d: Custom delimiter, the default tab character is "\t"
-f: Used together with -d to specify which area to intercept (the following number indicates the line number)


man cut


Use “:” as the separator to intercept the content of the first column

cut -d: -f1 /tmp/passwd
cut -d ":" -f1 /tmp/passwd

Use “:” as the separator to intercept the contents of the first and last columns of the first three rows

cut -d ":" -f1,7 /tmp/passwd | head -n 3
#"," means sum, -f1,7 means columns 1 and 7

Intercept the first to fifth characters in the file

cut -c1-5 /tmp/passwd
#"-" means to, -c1-5 means the 1st to 5th characters

Intercept the content from the 10th character to the last character in the file

cut -c10- /tmp/passwd




The sort tool is used for sorting; it takes each line of the file as a unit, compares them by ASCII code value from the first character backward, and finally outputs them in ascending order.


sort option file name


-u: remove duplicate lines
-r: Sort in descending order, the default is ascending order
-o: Output the sorting results to a file, similar to the redirection symbol
-n: Sort numerically, the default is sorting by characters
-t: delimiter
-k: Column N
-b: Ignore leading spaces
-R: Random sorting, the results of each run are different


man sort


Arrange in ascending order according to user UID

sort -n -t ":" -k 3 /tmp/passwd

#-n: Sort numerically
#-t: Specify delimiter
#-k: Specify which column

Sort in descending order by user’s UID

sort -n -r -t ":" -k 3 /tmp/passwd

#-n: Sort numerically
#-t: Specify delimiter
#-k: Specify which column
#-r: Sort in descending order

Arrange numerically

sort -n /tmp/passwd

Sort by numbers and remove duplicates

sort -n -u /tmp/passwd

Arrange numerically and redirect results to a new file

sort -n -u /tmp/passwd -o /tmp/passwd.bak




uniq is used to remove consecutive duplicates


uniq option filename


-i: ignore case
-c: Count the number of repeated lines
-d: Show only duplicate lines


man uniq


Remove consecutive duplicate rows and return the deduplicated results

uniq /tmp/passwd

Only show duplicate rows

uniq -d /tmp/passwd

Count the number of duplicate rows

uniq -c -d /tmp/passwd




The tee tool reads from standard input and writes to standard output and files, that is, bidirectional override redirection (screen output | text input)


tee option file name


-a: Bidirectional append redirection


man tee


Print a copy of the screen and overwrite the printed content into the file

echo "wang ming" | tee test.txt

Print a copy of the screen and append the printed content to the file

echo "wang ming qu" | tee -a test.txt




The diff tool is used to compare differences in files line by line.
Note: diff describes the two files in different ways, telling us how to change the first file to match the second file.


diff option filename1 filename2


-b: Do not check spaces
-B: Do not check for blank lines
-i: Do not check case
-w: ignore all spaces
--normal: Comparison results, displayed in normal format (default is normal format)
-c: Comparison results, displayed in context format
-u: Compare results and display in merged format


man diff


Compare the similarities and differences between two text files and display them normally

diff old.txt new.txt

1,3d0 #Delete lines 1 to 3 of the first file to match line 0 of the second file, d means delete
< wang ming qu *5 #The less than sign "<" indicates the file on the left, that is, the old.txt file
6c3,4 #The 6th line of the first file must be modified to match the 3rd to 4th lines of the second file, c means modification
< wang ming
--- # represents the delimiter
> wang ming qu
> wang ming qu
13a12,15 #Add line 13 of the first file to match lines 12 to 15 of the second file, a means add
> wang quan zi zhi #The greater than sign ">" indicates the file on the right, that is, the new.txt file
> wang quan zi zhi
> wang quan zi zhi
> wang quan zi zhi

Compare the similarities and differences between two text files and display them in context

diff -c old.txt new.txt

*** old.txt 2023-10-26 01:32:09.085672356 + 0800 #Definition *** represents the file old.txt
--- new.txt 2023-10-26 01:42:15.243662950 + 0800 #Definition --- represents the file new.txt
*************** # represents the delimiter
*** 1,9 **** # Lines 1 to 9 of the first file
- wang ming qu *5 #It needs to be deleted before it can match the second file, - means delete
  wang ming qu
  wang ming qu
! wang ming #needs modification to match the second file, ! means modification
  wang ming
  wang ming
  wang ming
--- 1,7 ---- #Lines 1 to 7 of the second file
  wang ming qu
  wang ming qu
! wang ming qu #The first file needs to be modified to "wang ming qu" to match the second file, ! means modification
! wang ming qu
  wang ming
  wang ming
  wang ming
--- 9,15 ----
 + wang quan zi zhi #The first file needs to be added as "wang quan zi zhi" to match the second file, + means adding
 + wang quan zi zhi
 + wang quan zi zhi
 + wang quan zi zhi

Compare the similarities and differences between two text files and display them together

diff -u old.txt new.txt

--- old.txt 2023-10-26 01:32:09.085672356 + 0800 #Definition --- represents the old.txt file
 + + + new.txt 2023-10-26 01:42:15.243662950 + 0800 #Definition + + + represents new.txt file
@@ -1,9 + 1,7 @@ #"-1,9" means lines 1 to 9 of the first file, "+ 1,7" means lines 1 to 7 of the second file
-wang ming qu *5 #The first file must be deleted before it can match the second file, - means delete
 wang ming qu
 wang ming qu
-wang ming
 + wang ming qu #The first file must be added before it can match the second file, + means adding
 + wang ming qu
 wang ming
 wang ming
 wang ming
@@ -11,3 + 9,7 @@
 + wang quan zi zhi
 + wang quan zi zhi
 + wang quan zi zhi
 + wang quan zi zhi

Compare the differences between the two directories

#By default, the contents of the same files in the two directories will also be compared.
diff /tmp/ /etc

#If you only need to compare the differences between the files in the two directories and do not need to further compare Wenjing content, you need to add the parameter -q
diff -q /tmp/ /etc

Other tips

Sometimes we need to use one file as a standard to modify other files, and when there are many modifications, we can do it by patching.

  1. First find the difference between the files and then output to another file
diff -uN old.txt new.txt > change.txt

-u: merge mode display
-N: treat non-existing files as empty files
  1. Patches different content to files
patch old.txt change.txt
  1. Test verification
diff old.txt new.txt




paste tool is used to merge lines of files


paste option filename1 filename2


-d: Custom separator, the default is tab
-s: serial processing,


man paste


Split and merge two files with:

paste -d ":" old.txt new.txt

Serially merge two files

paste -s old.txt new.txt

#Display content: The first line is all the first file; the second line is all the second file




tr is used for character conversion, replacement and deletion; mainly used to delete control characters in files or perform character conversion.


#Usage 1: The execution result of the command is handed over to tr for processing, where string1 is used for query and string2 is used for conversion processing.
commands | tr 'string1' 'string2'

#Usage 2: The content processed by tr comes from files, remember to use "<" standard input
tr 'string1' 'string2' < filename

#Usage 3: Match string1 and perform corresponding operations, such as deletion operations
tr option 'string1' < filename


-d: Delete all input characters in string 1.
-s: Delete all repeated character sequences and keep only the first one; that is, compress the repeated character string into one string.


String Meaning Remarks
a-z or [:lower:] Match all lowercase letters
A-Z or [:upper:] Match all uppercase letters
0-9 or [:digit:] Match all numbers
[:alnum:] Match all letters and numbers
[:alpha:] Match all letters
[:blank:] Match all horizontal whitespace
[:punct:] Match all punctuation characters
[:space:] Match all horizontal or vertical spaces
[:cntrl:] Match all control characters \f Ctrl-L Walk page change
Ctrl-J newline
\r Ctrl-M Enter
\t Ctrl-I tab key


man tr


Replace all lowercase letters in the file with uppercase letters

tr 'a-z' 'A-Z' < /tmp/passwd
tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' < /tmp/passwd

Replace all numbers in the file with special symbols

tr '0-9' '@' < /tmp/passwd
tr '[:digit:]' '@' < /tmp/passwd

Replace all “” in the file with “#”

tr ':/' '#' < /tmp/passwd

#Note: Character replacement can only be done one by one.

Remove all lowercase letters in the file

tr -d 'a-z' < /tmp/passwd

Delete all characters except letters in the file

tr -d ':/, 0-9[:punct:]' < /tmp/passwd

Small exercise


  1. disassembly task
  2. Analysis command
  3. Achieve goals step by step

List the running level of the current system and only display the level number

runlevel | cut -d " " -f 2
runlevel | cut -c 3

Intercept the IP, Netmask, and broadcast address of the current host respectively

ifconfig ens32 | grep inet | grep -v inet6 | awk -F " " '{print $2,$4,$6}' | tr ' ' '\

Intercept the MAC address of the current host

ifconfig ens32 | grep 'ether' | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 3