WIndows’ CMD\PowerShell command line startup program runs a nohup command similar to Linux system in the background.

There is no command similar to nohup under windows, but you can use other commands to achieve this function. 1. Explanation of commands used: 1. Start-Process: Start one or more processes on the local computer. Related introduction links: Start-Process (Microsoft.PowerShell.Management) | Microsoft Learn? Mainly used parameters 1.1, -WindowStyle Specifies the state of the window used […]

10 ready-to-use shell script examples!

Author:JackTian Source: Public account “Jackie’s IT Journey” ID:Jake_Internet Link: 10 Shell Script Examples You Can Use Now! Script 1: This script is used to read all /bin/bash in the /etc/passwd file of the Linux system >A list of users that log in to the default Shell and extract the username of each user. Check whether […]

Necessary shell script

1, Server system configuration initialization #/bin/bash # Install system performance analysis tools and others yum install gcc make autoconf vim sysstat net-tools iostat iftop iotp wget lrzsz lsof unzip openssh-clients net-tool vim ntpdate -y # Set time zone and synchronize time ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai /etc/localtime if ! crontab -l |grep ntpdate & amp;>/dev/null ; then […]

shell – regular expression, sed streaming editor

Regular Expressions Overview Overview Use a “string of symbols” to describe data with common attributes Basic regular list Extended regular list Prepare materials [root@localhost ~]# head -5 /etc/passwd > user [root@localhost ~]# cat user root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash bin:x:1:1:bin:/bin:/sbin/nologin daemon:x:2:2:daemon:/sbin:/sbin/nologin adm:x:3:4:adm:/var/adm:/sbin/nologin lp:x:4:7:lp:/var/spool/lpd:/sbin/nologin Test ^ $ [root@localhost ~]# grep root user root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash [root@localhost ~]# grep ^root user root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash [root@localhost […]

Apache Airflow (4): Airflow scheduling shell command

Personal homepage: IT Pindao_Big data OLAP system technology stack, Apache Doris, Clickhouse technology-CSDN blog Private chat with bloggers: Join the big data technology discussion group chat to get more big data information. Blogger’s personal B stack address: Brother Bao teaches you about big data’s personal space – Brother Bao teaches you about big data personal […]

The first IDE developed by AOSP in history (supports Java/Kotlin/C++/Jni/Native/Shell/Python)

ASFP Study The first IDE developed by AOSP in history (supports Java/Kotlin/C++/Jni/Native/Shell/Python) Similar to Android Studio, it can be used to develop Android system source code. Android studio for platform, referred to as asfp (Falling in Love with a Rich Woman). Background & amp;Download & amp;Use Background Because the Android system source code is too […]

Simulation implementation of Linux-Shell command line interpreter

Introduction: This article is mainly about simply implementing a shell command line interpreter, which can support basic common Linux commands, support built-in named echo and cd, and also support redirection operations! 1. Code analysis 1. Header file introduction: Because the code is implemented under Linux, most of the header files introduced are Linux system calls, […]

RHCE—shell script programming awk

Article Directory Table of Contents Article directory Preface 1.awk concept 2. Workflow 3.awk execution method 4.awk syntax structure and cases Pure command execution script awk command calls script execution Direct awk pure script execution 5. Records and Domains concept: 6. awk variables Summarize Foreword The previous article has introduced in detail two of the grep […]

Shell programming in Linux

Shell programming in Linux Quick Start with Shell Programming Why should you learn Shell programming? 1. When Linux operation and maintenance engineers perform server cluster management, they need to write Shell programs for server management. 2. For JavaEE and Python programmers, due to work needs, your boss will ask you to write some Shell scripts […]

01. Shell-Gadget

grep Introduction Purpose grep is a line filtering tool; used to filter lines based on keywords. Grammar grep [options] ‘keyword’ filename #Search using keywords in file names Options -i: case insensitive -v: Find lines that do not contain the specified content, reverse selection -w: search by word -o: Print matching keywords -c: Count the number […]