10 ready-to-use shell script examples!

Author:JackTian Source: Public account “Jackie’s IT Journey” ID:Jake_Internet Link: 10 Shell Script Examples You Can Use Now! Script 1: This script is used to read all /bin/bash in the /etc/passwd file of the Linux system >A list of users that log in to the default Shell and extract the username of each user. Check whether […]

vue+elementUI tree selection box, upload attachments, ready to use;

<template> <div style=”margin-bottom: 3.75rem;”> <el-card class=”box-card” :body-style=”{ padding: ‘0px’ }” style=”height: 100%;”> <div style=”margin: 1rem;”> <el-button type=”danger” @click=”delRec”>Delete</el-button> <el-button type=”primary”>Refresh</el-button> </div> <el-table highlight-current-row :key=”key” @cell-dblclick=”doubleClick” :header-cell-style=”{‘text-align’:’center’}” :cell-style=”{‘text-align’:’center’}” style=”width: 100%;margin: 0.25rem;” :data=”tableData.slice((currentPage – 1) * pageSize, currentPage * pageSize)” @selection-change=”handleSelectionchange” border> <el-table-column type=”selection” width=”50px”/> <el-table-column type=”index” label=”serial number” width=”50px”/> <el-table-column prop=”address” label=”title”/> <el-table-column prop=”name” label=”Sender”/> <el-table-column […]

10 classic Python codes, ready to use!

Article directory Preface 1.for-else 2. One star* and two stars** 3.Ternary expression 4.with-as 5. List comprehension 6. Various troublesome operations on list indexes 7.lambda function 8.yield and generators and iterators 9. Decorator 10. Use assertion skillfully Summarize About Python technical reserves 1. Learning routes in all directions of Python 2. Python basic learning video 3. […]

Springboot+Element+Vue upload and download ready to use out of the box

Preface. Uploading and downloading are the most common development requirements. Many article upload functions directly use the el-upload type upload function. Downloads are all transferred through files. The upload written in this article calls the backend through the element upload component. The interface is implemented, and the download is a universal transmission URL (that is, […]

High-performance log desensitization component: already supports log4j2 and logback plug-ins

Project introduction Log desensitization is a common security requirement. The ordinary method based on tool class methods is too intrusive to the code and is particularly troublesome to write. Sensitive provides an annotation-based approach and has built-in common desensitization methods to facilitate development. It also supports common log desensitization plug-ins such as logback and log4j2. […]

ExceptionAddress already in use: no further information: localhost/

Article directory Environment | Environment Background | Background Reproduction steps | Reproduction steps production news Consume news Error log | Error log Cause Analysis | Analysis Solution | Solution References | References Talk is cheap, show me the code. Environment | Environment k version OS windows 10 jdk 1.8 maven 3.6.0 spring boot 2.3.4.RELEASE redis […]

It’s already 2023, is it still necessary to learn Servlet? This article will take you to quickly understand Servlet

Article directory 1 Introduction 2. Introduction to Servlets 3. Quick Start 4. Execution process 5. Life cycle 6. First introduction to methods 7. Architecture 8. urlPattern configuration 9. XML configuration 10. Summary 1. Preface At first, all Web websites were static, and the web page was only used as an information publishing platform. The client […]