Necessary shell script

1, Server system configuration initialization #/bin/bash # Install system performance analysis tools and others yum install gcc make autoconf vim sysstat net-tools iostat iftop iotp wget lrzsz lsof unzip openssh-clients net-tool vim ntpdate -y # Set time zone and synchronize time ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai /etc/localtime if ! crontab -l |grep ntpdate & amp;>/dev/null ; then […]

Not enough samples? Sample generation: An improved algorithm for GAN generation adversarial network-Wasserstein-GAN (WGAN). The data is imported from Excel and run directly!

Applicable platforms: Matlab 2020 and above? GAN (Generative Adversarial Network) is a generative model whose working principle can be explained in the following simple way: Generator (Generator):A generator is a network whose task is to accept a random noise signal (usually a random vector) as input, Then try to generate new data samples that are […]

GD32L23X USART+DMA idle interrupt to send and receive data

GD32L23X USART + DMA idle interrupt to send and receive data DMA + USART1 sends and receives data Idle interrupt function and macro definition USART1 Understanding of hardware flow control concepts (need to add two more lines) DMA DMA direct memory access controller DMAMUX basic functions printf redefinition DMA + USART1 sends and receives data […]

STM32 USART serial port sends + receives data

Introduction to communication protocols Communication interface The purpose of communication: transfer data from one device to another device, expand the hardware system Communication protocol: Establish the rules for communication, and both parties in the communication send and receive data according to the protocol rules. Synchronous communications typically include clock signals. Simplex communication means that data […]

AutosarMCAL – ICU (NXP – S32K14x)

Article directory MCAL – ICU (NXP – S32K14x) 1 Overview 1.1 Introduction to FlexTimer module ICU 1.1.1 How input capture works 1.1.2 Filter 1.1.3 Working principle of double edge capture 2.API 3. Configuration introduction 3.1 IcuChannel 3.1.1 General 3.1.2 IcuSignalEdgeDetection 3.1.3 IcuSignalMeasurement 3.1.4 IcuTimestampMeasurement 3.2 IcuFtm 3.2.1 FTM Modules 3.2.2 IcuFtmChannels 3.3 IcuHwInterruptConfigList 3.4 Introduction […]

[AUTOSAR][Diagnosis Management][ECU][$2F] Control IO through ID

Article directory 1. Introduction service function Function description Application scenarios Request for service Request format Control parameters (IOCP) Request instance service response response format Positive response example Negative response NRC support 2. Sample code 2f_io_ctl_by_id.c 1. Introduction 2F diagnostic services are mainly common in the car body domain, such as window control, sensor switches, actuator […]

GAN adversarial neural network

Preface: Because the project requires learning GAN for image repair, the author wrote a blog like this to learn about GAN in depth against the God General Network. 1. Introduction to GAN GAN (Generative Adversarial Network) is a deep learning model consisting of a pair of neural networks: a generator and a discriminator. The purpose […]

[AUTOSAR][Diagnosis Management][ECU][$28] Communication Control

Article directory 1. Introduction 2. Application scenarios 3. Basic principles of communication control 4. Service request Request format Request instance service response Positive response format Negative response NRC support 5. Revealing the secrets of common bugs 6. Sample code 28_comm_ctl.c 1. Introduction According to the ISO14119-1 standard, the diagnostic service 28 service is mainly used […]

STM32–HAL–USART(UART) serial communication

RS232 physical layer There are many standards and variants for the physical layer of serial port communication. RS-232 Standard: RS232 Protocol Layer RS232 serial communication protocol Level standards -5v~~-15v means logic 1 + 5~~ + 15v means logic 0 There is a 2v noise tolerance line, which is 3-5v, and -3~-5v can also detect level […]


1. DMA direct memory access-DMA transfer data/DMA + AD multi-channel The following is my own learning version code, read more comments, they are all the essence. Understand the DMA library functions Understanding DMA library functions void DMA_DeInit(DMA_Channel_TypeDef* DMAy_Channelx);//Restore default configuration void DMA_Init(DMA_Channel_TypeDef* DMAy_Channelx, DMA_InitTypeDef* DMA_InitStruct);//Initialization void DMA_StructInit(DMA_InitTypeDef* DMA_InitStruct);//Structure initialization void DMA_Cmd(DMA_Channel_TypeDef* DMAy_Channelx, FunctionalState NewState);//Enable […]