Comprehensive explanation of Java regular expressions and various sample codes

In-Depth Guide to Java Regular Expressions Introduction Regular expressions are a powerful text matching tool that are widely used for operations such as string search and replacement. In Java, the use of regular expressions involves the Pattern and Matcher classes. This article aims to provide a more in-depth perspective, detailing the various symbols and patterns […]

Algorithm Selection API usage example based off sampleMNIST in TensorRT

Algorithm Selection API usage example based off sampleMNIST in TensorRT Table Of Contents Description How does this sample work? – Setup the algorithm selectors Preparing sample data Running the sample – Sample –help options Additional resources License Changelog Known issues Description This sample, sampleAlgorithmSelector, shows an example of how to use the algorithm selection API […]

Sample Average Approximation,SAA

1. sample average approximation,SAA The “Sample Average Approximation” (SAA) method is a widely used optimization technique in the fields of mathematical optimization and operations research. It is mainly used to deal with situations where the objective function or constraints of the optimization problem involve random or uncertain parameters. SAA is particularly suitable for problems with […]

Not enough samples? Sample generation: An improved algorithm for GAN generation adversarial network-Wasserstein-GAN (WGAN). The data is imported from Excel and run directly!

Applicable platforms: Matlab 2020 and above? GAN (Generative Adversarial Network) is a generative model whose working principle can be explained in the following simple way: Generator (Generator):A generator is a network whose task is to accept a random noise signal (usually a random vector) as input, Then try to generate new data samples that are […]

ffmpeg_sample interpretation_vaapi_encode

Encode yuv data into h264 data, use hardware encoding, and bind the hardware encoding to the codec context. * At the same time, a hardware encoding frame is created. After binding the hardware encoding context, the use is the same as the previous codec The context is the same. ffmpeg_sample interpretation_vaapi_encode – Nuggets /** * […]

R language Bayesian METROPOLIS-HASTINGS GIBBS Gibbs sampler estimation change point exponential distribution analysis Poisson process station waiting time…

Original link: The exponential distribution is a probability distribution of the time between events in a Poisson process, so it is used to predict the waiting time until the next event, for example, the time you need to wait at a bus stop until the next bus arrives(< /strong>Click “Read the original text” at […]

R language Bayesian METROPOLIS-HASTINGS GIBBS Gibbs sampler estimation change point exponential distribution analysis Poisson process station waiting time…

Original link: The exponential distribution is a probability distribution of the time between events in a Poisson process, so it is used to predict the waiting time until the next event, for example, the time you need to wait at a bus stop until the next bus arrives(< /strong>Click “Read the original text” at […]

Solve the problem of converting pytorch model to onnx model, and the grid_sample function input parameter is 5-dimensional and the export fails

When transferring pytorch to onnx, grid_sample does not have a corresponding operator, so the transfer cannot be successful. The solutions on the Internet are all four-dimensional (4D) data input, but my input is five-dimensional (5D). I looked for the code and made modifications based on some codes. . The code does not consider performance, only […]