Open source software FFmpeg generates models using image data sets

This article talks about the open source software ffmpeg, which has helped countless video software companies, countless online video websites, and countless CDN cloud service vendors. Share how to use it to convert various video or movie files into tens of thousands of image data sets and wallpaper collections, so that the model program in […]

FFMPEG library implements encapsulation and separation of mp4/flv files (H264+AAC)

ffmepeg 4.4 (available for personal testing) 1. Use the FFMPEG library to encapsulate 264 video and acc audio data into mp4/flv files Encapsulation process 1. Use avformat_open_input to open the video and audio files respectively, initialize their AVFormatContext, and use avformat_find_stream_info to obtain basic encoder information. 2. Use avformat_alloc_output_context2 to initialize the output AVFormatContext structure […]

Use Qt+FFmpeg to capture the desktop for rtsp streaming and write SEI information in real time

FFmpegMedia.h #pragma once #include <QObject> class QMutex; template<typename> class QFutureWatcher; class FFmpegMedia: public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: FFmpegMedia(QObject *parent = nullptr); ~FFmpegMedia(); inline void setCodecName(const QString & amp;codec) { mdesCodec = codec; } inline void setTargetWindowTitle(const QString & amp;title) { mwindowTitle = title; } inline void setFrameRate(int rate) { mframeRate = rate; } inline int […]

nginx+ffmpeg+rtsp+rtmp/http-flv streaming media service construction [full version]

nginx + ffmpeg + rtsp + rtmp/http-flv streaming media service construction [full version] Install nginx and its dependencies gcc installation yum -y install gcc gcc-c + + pcre installation #If you can’t pull it down, you can directly copy the link to the browser to download. I successfully downloaded it directly from the browser, and […]

Audio decoding using ffmpeg in ExoPlayer (compile and use)

This article table of contents 1 Compile ffmpeg in Ubuntu environment 1.1 Environment preparation 1.1.1 Ubuntu system 1.1.2 Exoplayer source code 1.1.3 JAVA 1.1.4 NDK 1.2 Compile ffmpeg source code 1.2.1 Configure the ffmpeg module path FFMPEG_MODULE_PATH 1.2.2 Configure the NDK environment variable NDK_PATH 1.2.3 Set host platform variables 1.2.4 Set ffmpeg path FFMPEG_PATH 1.2.5 […]

ffmpeg_sample interpretation_vaapi_encode

Encode yuv data into h264 data, use hardware encoding, and bind the hardware encoding to the codec context. * At the same time, a hardware encoding frame is created. After binding the hardware encoding context, the use is the same as the previous codec The context is the same. ffmpeg_sample interpretation_vaapi_encode – Nuggets /** * […]

Use of FFmpeg and FFplay

Usage of FFmpeg and FFplay ffmpeg command classification query Command parameters Content -version Show version -buildconf Show compilation configuration -formats Show available formats (muxers + demuxers) -muxers Show available muxers -demuxers Show available demultiplexers -codecs Show available codecs (decoders + encoders ) -decoders Display available decoders -encoders Show available encoders -bsfs Show available bitstream filters […]

windows ffmpeg + nginx + videojs implements rtmp push and pull streaming and hls push and pull live streaming

The previous blog has written about using ffmpeg + nginx to build an RTMP push and pull live broadcast environment under Windows. It can be played through PC client software such as ffplay and vlc. However, due to browser playback reasons, the RTMP stream passes through the browser. Playback must use the flash plug-in. The […]

FFmpeg+SDL+Qt builds a simple video player

This article mainly describes how to use FFmpeg, SDL, and Qt to build a simple video player. FFmpeg is an open source library for audio and video processing. It provides a C interface for audio and video encoding, decoding, encapsulation, and stream processing. In this tutorial, FFmpeg is mainly used to decapsulate and decode video […]