Matlab calculates the solution of Ax=b, a ready-made tool for solving linear equations

1. Matlab solution Ax=b

Only the simplest way is written, where b needs to be a column vector, and semicolons are used to separate elements;

Ax = b

where the matrix A(nxn) and the column vector b(n) are known; the solution of the system of equations is stored in x, written in matlab:

> x=A\b

octave:7> A=[1,2; 1.0001, 2;]
A =

   1.0000 2.0000
   1.0001 2.0000

octave:8> b=[3; 3.0001;]
b =


octave:9> x=A\b
x =


octave:10> b-A*x
ans =



2. Ax=b iterative algorithm example

2.1 Principle

The principle of the iterative method is to create a convergent sequence of n-dimensional infinite terms. The convergence limit point x satisfies the equation Ax = b;

There are some techniques for using matrix A to create a convergent sequence. In the example here, since A is strictly dominated by the pivot element, it is easier to create convergence and the diagonal elements are directly removed;

For detailed principles, please refer to the numerical calculation textbook. It uses the induced norm of the matrix, spectral radius and other related theorems, and it is not complicated;

In order to express the principle here, I used the algorithm implementation in matrix language. The general principle is as follows. The principle is not written in a standardized way, so you can just skip it:

* ******Ax = b**********
* x = Bx + f
* x = -D'(L + U)x + D’b
* Dx = b – (L + U)x
*************************The following is the iterative process
* X1=(L + U) * X0
* X1=b-X1
* Dx = X1 ***(D here is a diagonal matrix, so you can get x by directly doing scalar division)

* x = D^-1 * X1
*X0 = x

The implementation of matrix language has two advantages. One is to facilitate traditional theoretical analysis, such as convergence analysis, and the other is to facilitate GPU parallel implementation;

2.2 Source code implementation

Here is the simplest Jacobi iteration method to find the solution of Ax=b;

gcc can be directly compiled and run;


Source code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define NA 3

void test_sgemv(int op, int N, float a, float *AA, int lda, float b, float *yy);
void sgemv(int op, int N, float a, float *A, int lda, float b, float *y); // y = a*op(A)*X + b*y
void print_matrix(float *A, int N, int lda);
void print_vector(float *V, int N);
void set_LpU(float *LpU, float *A, int N);
void set_D(float *D, float *A, int N);
void Saxpy(int n, float alpha, float *x, float beta, float *y); //y = a*x + b*y
void x_div_y(int N, float* x, float* y);//x[i] = x[i]/y[i];
void Scopy(int n, float* x, float* y); // x -> y

void Saxpy(int n, float alpha, float *x, float beta, float *y) //y = a*x + b*y
        for(int i=0; i<n; i + + ){
                y[i] = alpha*x[i] + beta*y[i];

void x_div_y(int N, float* x, float* y){//x[i] = x[i]/y[i];
        for(int i=0; i<N; i + + )
                x[i] = x[i]/y[i];

void Scopy(int n, float* x, float* y)// x -> y
        for(int i=0; i<n; i + + )
                y[i] = x[i];

void Jacobi_Ax_b(float *A, float *b, float *X0, float *Xk, int N, float eps, int iter){

        float *LpU = nullptr;
        //float *X0 = nullptr;
        //float *X1 = nullptr;
        float *D = nullptr;

        LpU = (float*)malloc( N*N*sizeof(float));
        //X0 = (float*)malloc( N*sizeof(float));
        //X1 = (float*)malloc( N*sizeof(float));
        D = (float*)malloc( N*sizeof(float));

        //1.0 set LpU, set D, X0 = 0;
        set_LpU(LpU, A, N); printf("LpU =\\
"); print_matrix(LpU, N, N);
        set_D(D, A, N); printf("D =\\
"); print_vector(D, N);
        memset(X0, 0, N*sizeof(float)); printf("X0 =\\
"); print_vector(Xk, N);

        //2.0 loop
/* S1 X1=LU* x0
 * S2 X1=b-X1
 * S3 Dx = X1
 * S4 X1 = X1/D
        for(int it=0; it<iter; it + + ){
                //void sgemv(int op, int N, float a, float *A, int lda, float b, float *y);
                // S1 X1=LU* X0
                sgemv(0, N, 1.0f, LpU, N, 0.0f, Xk);
                //void Saxpy(int n, float alpha, float *x, float beta, float *y); //y = a*x + b*y
                // S2 X1=b-X1
                Saxpy(N, 1.0f, b, -1.0f, Xk);
                //void x_div_y(int N, float* x, float* y){//x[i] = x[i]/y[i];
                // S3 DXk + 1 = Xk
                x_div_y(N, Xk, D);
        //Scopy(N, X1, xk);


void set_LpU(float *LpU, float *A, int N){
        for(int i=0; i<N; i + + ){
                for(int j=0; j<N; j + + ){
                        LpU[i + j*N] = A[i + j*N];
                        if(i == j)
                                LpU[i + i*N] = 0.0f;

void set_D(float *D, float *A, int N){
        for(int i=0; i<N; i + + )
        D[i] = A[i + i*N];

void sgemv(int op, int N, float a, float *A, int lda, float b, float *y){
        // y = a*op(A)*X + b*y
        float* y0 = nullptr;

        y0 = (float*)malloc(N*sizeof(float));
        memcpy(y0, y, N*sizeof(float));

        for(int i=0; i<N; i + + ){
                float sigma = 0.0f;

                for(int j=0; j<N; j + + ){
                        sigma + = A[i + j*lda]*y0[j];
                y[i] = a*sigma + b*y[i];


void print_matrix(float *A, int N, int lda){
        for(int i=0; i<N; i + + ){
                for(int j=0; j<N; j + + ){
                        printf("%8.3f ", A[i + j*lda]);

void print_vector(float *V, int N){
        for(int i=0; i<N; i + + ){
                printf("%f ", V[i]);

//void sgemv(int op, int N, float a, float *A, int lda, float b, float *y){
void test_sgemv(int op, int N, float a, float *AA, int lda, float b, float *yy){
        float *y = nullptr;
        float *A = nullptr;

        y = (float*)malloc(N*sizeof(float));
        A = (float*)malloc(N*N*sizeof(float));

        memcpy(y, yy, N*sizeof(float));
        memcpy(A, AA, N*N*sizeof(float));

A =\\
        print_matrix(A, N, N);
y =\\
        print_vector(y, N);

        sgemv(1, N, a, A, lda, b, y);

 y=Ax + y=\\
        print_vector(y, N);


int main(){

        float A[NA*NA] =
                10, -1, -1, -1, 10, -1, -2, -2, 5
        // 10, 2, 1, 3, -10, 3, 1, 3, 10// column major
                10, 3, 1,
                 2, -10, 3,
                 1, 3, 10*/

        float b[NA]={
                7.2, 8.3, 4.2
                //14, -5, 14

// void test_sgemv(int op, int N, float a, float *AA, int lda, float b, float *yy){
        //test_sgemv(1, NA, 1.0f, A, NA, 1.0f, b);

        float* Ah = nullptr;
        float* bh = nullptr;
        int N = NA;
        Ah = (float*)malloc(N*N*sizeof(float));
        bh = (float*)malloc(N*sizeof(float));

        memcpy(Ah, A, N*N*sizeof(float));
        memcpy(bh, b, N*sizeof(float));
        printf("Ah =\\
        print_matrix(Ah, N, N);

        float *x0 = nullptr;
        float *x1 = nullptr;

        x0 = (float*)malloc(N*sizeof(float));
        x1 = (float*)malloc(N*sizeof(float));

        float eps = 1.0e-7;
        int iter = 15;

        Jacobi_Ax_b(Ah, bh, x0, x1, N, eps, iter);

        print_vector(x1, N);

        return 0;



Jacobi: hello_Jacobi.cpp
        g + + -g $< -o $@

.PHONY: clean
        -rm -rf Jacobi

As a reminder, the g++ line is preceded by a tab space, which is the syntax requirement of the Makefile, and the -rm is also preceded;


3.3 matlab to verify the results: