shell – regular expression, sed streaming editor

Regular Expressions Overview


Use a “string of symbols” to describe data with common attributes

Basic regular list

Extended regular list

Prepare materials

[root@localhost ~]# head -5 /etc/passwd > user
[root@localhost ~]# cat user

Test ^ $

[root@localhost ~]# grep root user
[root@localhost ~]# grep ^root user
[root@localhost ~]# grep root$ user
[root@localhost ~]# grep bash$ user
[root@localhost ~]# vim user
[root@localhost ~]# grep ^$ user #^$ represents a blank line

[root@localhost ~]# cat user


[root@localhost ~]# grep -v ^$ user # -v means the opposite, query except blank lines, spaces also represent characters

[ ] Collection

Matches any character in the set. If at least one character is found, the match is successful.

[^ ] Negate the set

grep "[root]" user #Find any character of r, o, t
grep "[rot]" user #The effect is the same as above
grep "[^rot]" user #Display content other than r or o or t
grep "[0123456789]" user #Find all numbers
grep "[0-9]" user #The effect is the same as above
grep "[^0-9]" user #Display content other than numbers
grep "[a-z]" user #Find all lowercase letters
grep "[A-Z]" user #Find all uppercase letters
grep "[a-Z]" user #Find all letters
grep "[^0-9a-Z]" user #Find all symbols

Exercise: Write a script that asks the user for an integer number and gives a prompt if the user does not respond.

read -p "Please enter an integer number: " n
echo $n | grep "[^0-9]"
[$? -ne 0 ] & amp; & amp; echo ok || echo "Must enter a number

. Matches a single character

* Matches the previous character any number of times and cannot be used alone

.* concatenate to represent wildcard characters

[root@localhost ~]# grep "*" user
[root@localhost ~]# grep "ro*t" user
[root@localhost ~]# grep ".*" user


Test \{n\} \{n,\} \{n,m\} \(\)

grep "ro\{1,2\}t" user #Look for rt, there can be 1~2 o in the middle
grep "ro\{2,6\}t" user #Find rt, there can be 2~6 o's in the middle
grep "ro\{1,\}t" user #Find rt, there can be 1 or more o in the middle
grep "ro\{3\}t" user #Find rt, there must be only 3 o's in the middle
grep "\(0:\)\{2\}" user #Find two consecutive 0s: The function of parentheses is to combine characters into a whole

Extended regular expression

grep "ro\{1,\}t" user #Use basic regular rules to find o appearing 1 or more times
egrep "ro{1,}t" user #Use extended regular rules, the effect is the same as above, more streamlined
egrep "ro + t" user #Use extended regular rules, the effect is the same as above, the most streamlined
grep "roo\{0,1\}t" user #Use basic regular rules to find the second o appearing 0~1 times
egrep "roo{0,1}t" user #Use extended regular rules, the effect is the same as above, more streamlined
egrep "roo?t" user #Use extended regular rules, the effect is the same as above, the most streamlined
egrep "(0:){2}" user #Find two consecutive 0s: The function of parentheses is to combine characters into a whole
egrep "root|bin" user #Find lines with root or bin
egrep "the\b" abc.txt #Find the word the, numbers, letters, and underlines are not allowed on the right
egrep "\bthe\b" abc.txt #No numbers, letters, or underscores are allowed on both sides of the
egrep "\<the\>" abc.txt #The effect is the same as above

Thinking: How to match a large range of numbers? For example, 250-255

Method 1:
[root@localhost ~]# grep "25[0-5]" shuzi.txt
253 456 234 34 254
Method Two:
[root@localhost ~]# egrep "250|251|252|253|254|255" shuzi.txt
253 456 234 34 254

Basic usage of sed (sed streaming editor, line-by-line processing)


Non-interactive addition, deletion, modification and query of documents can be performed


Predirectives | sed options conditional directives

sed options conditions directives documentation

Options, instructions, conditions

Option -n masks default output

Option -r supports extended regular expressions

Option -i Modify source file

Command p output d delete s replace

Condition line number regular expression

Line number case

head -5 /etc/passwd > user #Prepare materials
sed -n 'p' user #Output all lines
sed -n '1p' user #Output line 1
sed -n '2p' user #Output line 2
sed -n '3p' user #Output line 3
sed -n '2,4p' user #Output lines 2~4
sed -n '2p;4p' user #Output lines 2 and 4
sed -n '3, + 1p' user #Output the 3rd line and the following 1 line
sed -n '1~2p' /etc/passwd #Output odd lines
sed -n '2~2p' /etc/passwd #Output even lines

Use regular expressions as conditions

Use regular expressions as conditions
sed -n '/^root/p' user #Output lines starting with root
sed -n '/root/p' user #Output lines containing root
sed -nr '/^root|^bin/p' user #Output lines starting with root or lines starting with bin. | is an extended regular expression and requires the r option.

Special usage
sed -n '1!p' user #Output except the content of line 1, ! is the inversion
sed -n '$p' user #Output the last line
sed -n '=' user #Output the line number. If it is $=, it is the line number of the last line

Sed command’s s replacement basic function (s/old content/new content/options)

[root@svr5 ~]# vim shu.txt #New material
2017 2011 2018
2017 2017 2024
2017 2017 2017
sed 's/2017/6666/' shu.txt #Replace the first 2017 in all lines with 6666
sed 's/2017/6666/2' shu.txt #Replace the second 2017 in all lines with 6666
sed '1s/2017/6666/' shu.txt #Replace the first 2017 in line 1 with 6666
sed '3s/2017/6666/3' shu.txt #Replace the third 2017 in line 3 with 6666
sed 's/2017/6666/g' shu.txt #Replace all 2017 in all lines
sed '/2024/s/2017/6666/g' shu.txt #Find the line containing 2024 and replace all 2017 inside with 6666

Thinking: What if you want to replace /bin/bash with /sbin/sh?

sed comprehensive script application

Fulfill the following requirements:

  • Find the local account name using bash as login shell
  • List the shadow password records for these accounts
  • Save each line of “Account Name –> Password Record” to the file

u=$(sed -n '/bash$/s/:.*//p' /etc/passwd) #Find the line ending with bash in the passwd document, and then delete the colon and the content after the colon in the line , p here means only displaying the rows where s was successfully replaced, and finally assigning it to u
for i in $u #Give those bash account names to the for loop
pass=$(grep $i /etc/shadow) #Use each account name to find the corresponding information in shadow
pass=${pass#*:} #Pinch your head and delete from left to right to the first colon
pass=${pass%%:*} #Remove the tail from right to left to the last colon. After the above steps, pass is the final password.
echo "$i --> $pass" #Shout according to the format. If you want to save it to a file, use append redirection.

Regular expression supplement

\w matches numbers, letters, and underscores

egrep "roo\w" user #Find the string that must be followed by roo with numbers, letters or underscores

\s matches spaces and tab keys

egrep "roo\s" user #Find the string that is followed by roo and is followed by a space or the space typed by the tab key, if not
No output

\d matches numbers, equivalent to [0-9]

egrep "(25[0-5]\.|2[0-4][0-9]\.|1?[0-9]?[0-9]\.){ 3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1?[0-9]?[0-9])" #match ip address
grep -P "(25[0-5]\.|2[0-4]\d\.|1?\d?\d\.){3}(25[0- 5]|2[0-4]\d|1?\d?\d)" #match ip address


Match IP address

sed supplement

Append to line a and add c to line i to replace the entire line.

sed 'a 666' user #Append 666 below all lines
sed '1a 666' user #Append 666 below line 1
sed '/^bin/a 666' user #Append 666 below the line starting with bin
sed 'i 666' user #Add 666 above all lines
sed '5i 666' user #Add 666 above line 5
sed '$i 666' user #Add 666 above the last line
sed 'c 666' user #Replace all lines with 666
sed '1c 666' user #Replace the first line with 666

( ) retains functional testing, retaining means copying

cat abc.txt #Prepare materials first
100 laowang
98 gangge
59 laoniu
sed -r 's/([0-9] + )(\s + )([a-z] + )/\3\2\1/' abc.txt #Use the replace function to change the text column ,The parentheses here are equivalent to retaining (copying), \1 is equivalent to pasting the content in the first parentheses

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