WIndows’ CMD\PowerShell command line startup program runs a nohup command similar to Linux system in the background.

There is no command similar to nohup under windows, but you can use other commands to achieve this function. 1. Explanation of commands used: 1. Start-Process: Start one or more processes on the local computer. Related introduction links: Start-Process (Microsoft.PowerShell.Management) | Microsoft Learn? Mainly used parameters 1.1, -WindowStyle Specifies the state of the window used […]

Invoke-Obfuscation: A powerful PowerShell code obfuscation tool

About Invoke-Obfuscation Invoke-Obfuscation is a powerful PowerShell code obfuscation tool that is compatible with PowerShell v2.0+, can help researchers obfuscate PowerShell commands and script codes. Tool purpose Many cyber attackers and commercial malware are using some very basic code obfuscation techniques and try to hide most commands from the command line arguments of powershell.exe. Therefore, […]

Windows Powershell sorting and grouping pipeline results example

Windows Powershell sorting and grouping pipeline results example Pipeline results can be grouped using Sort-Object and Group-Object. In fact, the results after executing each command have been sorted. For example, if you view the file list through ls, it will be sorted according to the Name attribute by default, but you can specify Properties to […]

Windows system uses powershell to check which Windows function options are supported by the system

View windows function options In PowerShell, we can use the Get-WindowsOptionalFeature cmdlet command to view Windows feature options. Open PowerShell Enter the following command: Output the results to 1.log Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online >1.log You can see that the file is generated under the specified path Open to view the content: FeatureName is the unique identifier of […]

Serialization and deserialization of PowerShell objects

PowerShell / Operation and Maintenance Serialization and deserialization of PowerShell objects Author: Li Juncai (jcLee95): Email:[email protected] This article address: Directory 1. Overview 2. Serialization: Convert objects into strings 3. Deserialization: Restore object from string Appendix: Command and option parameter analysis F.1 ConvertTo-Json command F.2 ConvertFrom-Json command Example Example 1: Convert DateTime object to […]

PowerShell Basics

Basic use of PowerShell type of data Basic data types Data type conversion implicit type conversion cast Collection type define collection Add element Remove element dictionary type definition dictionary Add element Remove element access element sort object Create object Add attributes Add method transfer Relational operators arithmetic operators comparison operator Value size comparison Array element […]

Revoke-Obfuscation: A powerful PowerShell obfuscation detection framework

About Revoke-Obfuscation Revoke-Obfuscation is a powerful PowerShell obfuscation detection framework, which is developed based on PowerShell and is compatible with PowerShell. v3.0+ script. With the help of this tool, researchers can easily implement large-scale obfuscation detection of PowerShell commands or scripts. It relies on PowerShell’s AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) to quickly extract thousands of features […]

PowerShell obtains all files and folders in a certain directory, and replaces the obtained file path string at the same time

PowerShell obtains all files and folders in a directory, and replaces the obtained file path string Foreword: In order to compare the Java compiled file under the Windows system with the file on the Linux server, the acquisition and path processing of the file path are carried out. Comparisons where there are only file paths […]

Feel the power of AI – use Cursor to automatically generate powershell scripts Download TheOldNewThing blog post

Dependence When I checked the information today, I accidentally found a foreign netizen who mirrored the blog posts of TheOleNewThing from 2003 to 2019 (https://, there are actually more than 5000 articles (really productive). It’s worth noting that many of the links in Microsoft’s official blog are no longer valid. In order to prevent […]