Invoke-Obfuscation: A powerful PowerShell code obfuscation tool

About Invoke-Obfuscation

Invoke-Obfuscation is a powerful PowerShell code obfuscation tool that is compatible with PowerShell
v2.0+, can help researchers obfuscate PowerShell commands and script codes.

Tool purpose

Many cyber attackers and commercial malware are using some very basic code obfuscation techniques and try to hide most commands from the command line arguments of powershell.exe. Therefore, Invoke-
The main purpose of Obfuscation is to help blue team researchers test and research PowerShell
There may be command confusion issues in the syntax of v2.0-v5.0 in order to improve the detection capabilities of researchers and anti-virus products.

Tool download

The complete source code of the project has been hosted on GitHub, so researchers can directly use the following command to clone the project source code locally:

git clone

Tool installation

We can directly install and call Invoke-Obfuscation using the following commands:

Import-Module ./Invoke-Obfuscation.psd1


Tool usage

While all obfuscation layers are built into separate scripts, most users will find that Invoke-
Obfuscation is very easy to use because it allows you to use and study obfuscation techniques for PowerShell code and commands in a visual form. The tool running command is as follows:

Import-Module ./Invoke-Obfuscation.psd1

Screenshot of tool running

The external link image transfer failed. The source site may have an anti-leeching mechanism. It is recommended to save the image and upload it directly

License Agreement

The development and release of this project follows [ Apache -2.0](
Obfuscation/blob/master/LICENSE) open source license agreement.

Project address

Invoke-Obfuscation: [
GitHub Portal


Network security learning route

This is an overview of the learning route outline for network security from basic to advanced. Friends, please remember to click and add it to your collection!

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Phase 1: Basic Introduction

imgExternal link image transfer failed, Origin site There may be an anti-hotlinking mechanism, it is recommended to save the image and upload it directly

Introduction to Cyber Security

Penetration Testing Basics

Network basics

Operating system basics

Web security basics

Database basics

Programming basics

CTF basics

After completing this stage, you can earn an annual salary of 150,000 +

Phase 2: Technical advancement (you are considered a beginner at this step)

imgExternal link image transfer failed,origin site There may be an anti-hotlinking mechanism, it is recommended to save the image and upload it directly

Weak passwords and password blasting

XSS vulnerability

CSRF vulnerability

SSRF vulnerability

XXE vulnerability

SQL injection

Arbitrary file manipulation vulnerability

Business logic vulnerability

The annual salary after completing this stage is 250,000 +

Stage 3: High-level improvement

imgExternal link image transfer failed,origin site There may be an anti-hotlinking mechanism, it is recommended to save the image and upload it directly

Deserialization vulnerability


Comprehensive shooting range practical project

Intranet penetration

Traffic Analysis

Log analysis

Malicious code analysis

Emergency Response

Practical training

After completing this stage, you can earn an annual salary of 300,000 +

Phase 4: Blue Team Course

imgExternal link image transfer failed , origin station There may be an anti-hotlinking mechanism, it is recommended to save the image and upload it directly

Blue Team Basics

Blue team advanced

This section focuses on the defense of the blue team, the network security engineers who are more easily understood by everyone.

With both offense and defense, the annual salary can reach 400,000+

Phase 5: Interview Guide &Phase 6: Upgraded Content


You need the network security supporting videos, source codes and more network security related books & interview questions corresponding to the above roadmap.

If you are interested in getting started with network security, you can click here if you need it Big benefits of network security: Getting started & advanced full set of 282G learning resource package to share for free!

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