[Solved] vitis HLS : ERROR: ‘2208201530’ is an invalid argument. Please specify an integer value. Failed to export IP core

Version: vitis HLS 2021.2.

Error reporting method: ERROR: ‘2208201530’ is an invalid argument. Please specify an integer value.
while executing
“rdi::set_property core_revision 2208201530 {component component_1}”
invoked from within
“set_property core_revision $Revision $core”
(file “run_ippack.tcl” line 829)
INFO: [Common 17-206] Exiting Vivado at Sat Aug 20 15:31:17 2022…
ERROR: [IMPL 213-28] Failed to generate IP.
Problem description: As of January 1, 2022, the export_ip command used by Vivado HLS and Vitis HLS will not be able to export IP.
Vivado and Vitis tools that use HLS in the background are also affected by this issue. The HLS tool sets ip_version in YYMMDDHHMM format, this value is accessed as a signed integer (32-bit), which causes an overflow and generates the error below (or similar). Xilinx recommends that all customers apply this patch for security.
Solution: Download the patch on the official website forum.
Download address: https://support.xilinx.com/s/article/76960?language=en_US
After the download is complete, as shown in the figure:
Figure 1
After decompression, as shown in the figure:
Figure 2
1. Unzip the compressed package to the main directory of the Xilinx software, such as C:\Xilinx
2. Open the README and find the relevant command statements according to the version of your software.
3. For example, my computer is a Windows system, and the vitis HLS version number is 2021.2, then I look for this line in the README:
On all Linux Flavors (Centos, RHEL, Ubuntu 18,… ) where python version 3.8.3 used, follow the instructions below

 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PWD/Vivado/2021.2/tps/lnx64/python-3.8.3/lib/
 Vivado/2021.2/tps/lnx64/python-3.8.3/bin/python3 y2k22_patch/patch.py

On Windows run:

Vivado\2021.2\tps\win64\python-3.8.3\python.exe y2k22_patch\patch.py

*2021.2 represents the software version number, and the above two lines of code are commands under Linux and Windows systems respectively.
4. If you are Windows, open the command line cmd and enter the main directory of the Xilinx software (not Baidu). In the home directory, run the above code, copy and paste it. The result of successful operation is shown in the figure:
Figure 3
Figure 4
5. Then, you can export the IP core normally