C language code for temperature sensor related to I2C

#include <stdio.h> //Introduce the standard input and output library for input and output data
#include <windows.h> //Introduce Windows API header files for operating Windows systems
#include <winioctl.h> //Introduce Windows I/O control function header file

#define I2C_ADDRESS 0x48 //Define the I2C address as 0x48, which is the address of the LM75 sensor
#define I2C_REG_READ 0x00 //Define the I2C read operation command as 0x00
#define I2C_REG_WRITE 0x01 //Define the I2C write operation command as 0x01

int main() // define main function
    HANDLE hI2C; // Define a handle variable hI2C for operating the I2C bus
    char data[2]; //Define a character array data to store the read temperature data
    int temperature; // Define an integer variable temperature to store the calculated temperature value

    //Open the I2C bus
    hI2C = CreateFile("I2C0", GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); // Open the I2C bus, the parameters are bus name, access mode, sharing mode, etc.
    if (hI2C == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) // If the opening fails
        printf("Error: Unable to open I2C bus\
"); // Output error message
        return 1; //End program

    //Write I2C address and operation command
    if (!WriteFile(hI2C, & amp;I2C_ADDRESS, sizeof(I2C_ADDRESS), NULL, NULL)) // Write address to I2C bus
        printf("Error: Failed to write I2C address\
"); // Output error message
        CloseHandle(hI2C); // Close the I2C bus
        return 1; //End program

    if (!WriteFile(hI2C, & amp;I2C_REG_READ, sizeof(I2C_REG_READ), NULL, NULL)) // Write operation command to I2C bus
        printf("Error: Failed to write I2C operation command\
"); // Output error message
        CloseHandle(hI2C); // Close the I2C bus
        return 1; //End program

    //Read temperature data
    if (!ReadFile(hI2C, data, sizeof(data), NULL, NULL)) // Read data from the I2C bus
        printf("Error: Failed to read temperature data\
"); // Output error message
        CloseHandle(hI2C); // Close the I2C bus
        return 1; //End program

    // Calculate the temperature (assuming the LM75 data format is 2'b10, that is, a 10-bit binary number, the highest bit is the sign bit)
    temperature = ((data[0] & amp; 0x7F) << 8) | data[1]; // Calculate the temperature value
    if (data[0] & amp; 0x80) // If the highest bit is 1, it means negative temperature
        temperature = -temperature; // Negate to get the actual temperature value

    printf("Temperature: %d°C\
", temperature); // Output the calculated temperature value

    // Close the I2C bus
    CloseHandle(hI2C); // Close the I2C bus

    return 0; //The program runs successfully
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>

int main()
    HANDLE hI2C; //I2C bus handle
    BYTE I2C_ADDRESS = 0x48; // I2C device address
    BYTE I2C_REG_READ = 0x00; //Read the temperature register address
    BYTE data[2]; //Storage the read temperature data
    int temperature; //Storage the calculated temperature value

    //Open the I2C bus
        printf("Error: Unable to open I2C bus\
        return 1;

    //Write I2C address and operation command
    if (!WriteFile(hI2C, & amp;I2C_ADDRESS, sizeof(I2C_ADDRESS), NULL, NULL))
        printf("Error: Failed to write I2C address\
        return 1;

    if (!WriteFile(hI2C, & amp;I2C_REG_READ, sizeof(I2C_REG_READ), NULL, NULL))
        printf("Error: Failed to write I2C operation command\
        return 1;

    //Read temperature data
    if (!ReadFile(hI2C, data, sizeof(data), NULL, NULL))
        printf("Error: Failed to read temperature data\
        return 1;

    // Calculate temperature
    temperature = ((data[0] << 8) | data[1]) >> 5;
    if (temperature & amp; 0x0400) // If the highest bit is 1, it means negative temperature
        temperature |= 0xF800; // Extended sign bit

    printf("Temperature: %d°C\
", temperature);

    // Close the I2C bus

    return 0;
#include <stdio.h> //Introduce the standard input and output library
#include <windows.h> //Introducing the Windows system library, which contains some functions and data types of the operating system

// Function declaration, used to read temperature sensor data
int readTemperature(HANDLE hI2C, BYTE deviceAddress, BYTE registerAddress);

int main() // program entry function
    HANDLE hI2C; // Define I2C bus handle
    BYTE I2C_ADDRESS = 0x48; // Define the I2C device address of the temperature sensor
    BYTE I2C_REG_READ = 0x00; // Define the register address for reading temperature
    int temperature; // Define the variable that stores the calculated temperature value

    //Open the I2C bus and return an I2C bus handle
    if (hI2C == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) // If the I2C bus handle is invalid
        printf("Unable to open I2C bus\
"); // Output error message
        return 1; // return 1

    //Call the readTemperature function to read the temperature sensor data
    temperature = readTemperature(hI2C, I2C_ADDRESS, I2C_REG_READ);
    if (temperature == -1) //If reading the temperature fails
        printf("Unable to read temperature\
"); // Output error message
        CloseHandle(hI2C); // Close the I2C bus handle
        return 1; // return 1

    // Output the calculated temperature value
    printf("Temperature: %d°C\
", temperature);

    //Close the I2C bus handle

    return 0; // The program ends normally and returns 0

//Define the readTemperature function for reading temperature sensor data
int readTemperature(HANDLE hI2C, BYTE deviceAddress, BYTE registerAddress)
    BYTE data[2]; //Define an array of length 2 to store the read temperature data
    int temperature; // Define the variable that stores the calculated temperature value

    //Write the device address to the I2C bus, return -1 if the writing fails
    if (!WriteFile(hI2C, & amp;deviceAddress, sizeof(deviceAddress), NULL, NULL))
        return -1;

    //Write the register address to the I2C bus, if the writing fails, return -1
    if (!WriteFile(hI2C, & amp;registerAddress, sizeof(registerAddress), NULL, NULL))
        return -1;

    //Read temperature data from the I2C bus, return -1 if the reading fails
    if (!ReadFile(hI2C, data, sizeof(data), NULL, NULL))
        return -1;

    // Perform bit operations on the read temperature data to calculate the temperature value
    temperature = ((data[0] << 8) | data[1]) >> 5;

    // If the highest bit is 1, it means negative temperature
    if (temperature & 0x0400)
        temperature |= 0xF800; // Extended sign bit

    return temperature; // Return the calculated temperature value

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