Solving python\ops\ TypeError: ms_error() got an unexpected keyword argument labels

Table of Contents

Solve python\ops\ TypeError: ms_error() got an unexpected keyword argument ‘labels’

Problem Description


in conclusion

Practical application scenario: text summary generation

Solve python\ops\ TypeError: ms_error() got an unexpected keyword argument ‘labels’

Recently, when using TensorFlow’s seq2seq module, I encountered the error ??TypeError: ms_error() got an unexpected keyword argument 'labels'??. After careful troubleshooting and research, I found a solution to this error and share it with you here.

Problem Description

When using the seq2seq module in TensorFlow for sequence-to-sequence training, I encountered the following error:

pythonCopy codeFile "python\ops\", line 73, in ms_error
    error = math_ops.square(eval_fn(arg, arg_labels, name=name))
TypeError: ms_error() got an unexpected keyword argument 'labels'

This error occurs because the ??ms_error?? function is called with an unexpected keyword argument ??labels?? in the code.


To resolve this error, you need to modify the ??ms_error?? function in the file. First, open the ??python\ops\ file and find the definition of the ??ms_error?? function. ??ms_error?? The definition of the function is located around line 73 of the file. In the code block of the function, you can see the following line of code:

pythonCopy codeerror = math_ops.square(eval_fn(arg, arg_labels, name=name))

In this line of code, the ??eval_fn?? function is called, passing ??arg?? and ??arg_labels?? as parameter. To resolve this error, we need to modify this line of code to:

pythonCopy codeerror = math_ops.square(eval_fn(arg, name=name) - arg_labels)

The above modification is to remove the ??arg_labels?? parameter and change it to a difference operation. Next, save and close the ?? file.


After the above modifications, when you rerun the code, you will no longer encounter the error ??TypeError: ms_error() got an unexpected keyword argument 'labels'??. It’s common to encounter errors when using the seq2seq module. But by carefully troubleshooting and modifying the relevant code, we can resolve these errors and proceed with model training and inference smoothly. I hope this blog post can help students who encounter the same problem, and I wish everyone success when using TensorFlow’s seq2seq module! The above is a solution to the ??python\ops\ TypeError: ms_error() got an unexpected keyword argument 'labels'?? error. thanks for reading!

Actual application scenario: Text summary generation

To better illustrate how to solve this error, we will show it using a real application scenario. We will use the seq2seq model to generate text summaries, automatically reducing long texts into short text summaries. Here is an example code snippet illustrating how to use the seq2seq model for text summary generation:

pythonCopy codeimport tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.sequence import pad_sequences
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Input, Embedding, LSTM, Dense
from tensorflow.keras.models import Model
from tensorflow.keras.losses import sparse_categorical_crossentropy
from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import Adam
# Prepare data
# Assume we already have the input text and the corresponding summary text
input_texts = ['Long input text 1', 'Long input text 2', 'Long input text 3']
target_texts = ['Short summary text 1', 'Short summary text 2', 'Short summary text 3']
# Build vocabulary and sequences
input_vocab = set()
target_vocab = set()
for input_text, target_text in zip(input_texts, target_texts):
input_vocab = sorted(list(input_vocab))
target_vocab = sorted(list(target_vocab))
input_tokenizer = tf.keras.preprocessing.text.Tokenizer(filters='')
input_seq = input_tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(input_texts)
input_seq = pad_sequences(input_seq, padding='post')
target_tokenizer = tf.keras.preprocessing.text.Tokenizer(filters='')
target_seq = target_tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(target_texts)
target_seq = pad_sequences(target_seq, padding='post')
# Build model
input_vocab_size = len(input_vocab) + 1
target_vocab_size = len(target_vocab) + 1
embedding_dim = 256
hidden_units = 512
encoder_input = Input(shape=(None,))
encoder_embed = Embedding(input_vocab_size, embedding_dim)(encoder_input)
encoder_lstm = LSTM(hidden_units, return_state=True)
encoder_outputs, state_h, state_c = encoder_lstm(encoder_embed)
encoder_states = [state_h, state_c]
decoder_input = Input(shape=(None,))
decoder_embed = Embedding(target_vocab_size, embedding_dim)(decoder_input)
decoder_lstm = LSTM(hidden_units, return_sequences=True, return_state=True)
decoder_outputs, _, _ = decoder_lstm(decoder_embed, initial_state=encoder_states)
decoder_dense = Dense(target_vocab_size, activation='softmax')
decoder_outputs = decoder_dense(decoder_outputs)
model = Model([encoder_input, decoder_input], decoder_outputs)
# Compile model
model.compile(optimizer=Adam(), loss=sparse_categorical_crossentropy)
#Train model[input_seq, target_seq[:,:-1]], target_seq[:,1:], batch_size=64, epochs=10)
# Generate summary
def generate_summary(input_text):
    input_seq = input_tokenizer.texts_to_sequences([input_text])
    input_seq = pad_sequences(input_seq, padding='post', maxlen=input_seq.shape[1])
    initial_states = model.predict([input_seq, np.zeros((input_seq.shape[0], 1))])
    target_seq = np.zeros((1, 1))
    target_seq[0, 0] = target_tokenizer.word_index['<start>']
    eos_token = target_tokenizer.word_index['<end>']
    summary_text = ""
    while True:
        output, h, c = model.predict([input_seq, target_seq, initial_states])
        predicted_token_index = np.argmax(output[0, -1, :])
        predicted_token = target_tokenizer.index_word[predicted_token_index]
        if predicted_token == '<end>' or len(summary_text.split()) >= max_summary_length:
        summary_text + = ' ' + predicted_token
        target_seq = np.zeros((1, 1))
        target_seq[0, 0] = predicted_token_index
        initial_states = [h, c]
    return summary_text.strip()
# Test summary generation
input_text = 'Long input text 4'
summary = generate_summary(input_text)
print('Original text:', input_text)
print('summary:', summary)

This example code uses Tensorflow’s seq2seq module for text summarization. We first preprocess the data, then build the model, compile the model and train it. Finally, we define a function ??generate_summary?? to generate a summary of the input text. You can replace your own input text into the ??input_text?? variable and run the code to generate the corresponding summary. I hope the above example can help you to better understand how to use the seq2seq model for text summarization when solving the error??TypeError: ms_error() got an unexpected keyword argument 'labels'?? generate.

The seq2seq (Sequence to Sequence, also known as Encoder-Decoder model) module is a versatile deep learning architecture for processing sequence-to-sequence tasks. This module mainly consists of two parts: Encoder and Decoder. The encoder is responsible for encoding the input sequence, and the decoder is responsible for generating the output sequence. The encoder receives an input sequence and converts it into a fixed-length vector representation, also known as a context vector. The context vector can be viewed as a semantic summary of the input sequence. The encoder uses a recurrent neural network (such as LSTM or GRU) to process the elements of the input sequence one by one and pass the hidden state of each element to the next time step. Finally, the encoder converts the hidden state into a fixed-length vector representation and returns this vector as the input to the decoder. The decoder receives a context vector and a start token as input and generates an output sequence. The decoder also uses a recurrent neural network, which uses the hidden state and context vector of the previous time step to generate the output of the current time step. The output can be a single word or a sequence of multiple words, depending on the task. When generating output at each time step, the decoder can also use attention mechanisms to better focus on the parts of the input sequence that are relevant to the current prediction. During the training phase, we need to provide the decoder with the target sequence as a supervision signal. The decoder generates the output of the current time step based on the input of the current time step and the hidden state of the previous time step, and compares it with the target sequence to calculate the loss function. Through the backpropagation algorithm, we can update the parameters of the model so that the predicted sequence gradually approaches the target sequence. During the inference phase, we no longer have the target sequence available. We obtain the context vector from the input sequence and use the decoder to generate the output sequence until an end marker is encountered or the maximum length is reached. The seq2seq module can be applied to a variety of tasks, such as machine translation, text summarization, dialogue generation, etc. It has good scalability and flexibility and can be customized and improved according to actual needs.

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