instanceof in Java

The instanceof operator in Java is a very useful tool that helps us dynamically determine the type of an object at runtime. By using instanceof, we can easily check whether an object is an instance of a specified type (or its subclass). This article will introduce in detail the usage, characteristics and some practical application scenarios of the instanceof operator.

1. Basic usage of instanceof operator

In Java, the syntax of the instanceof operator is as follows:

object instanceof type

Among them, object is the object to be checked, and type is the type to be checked. The instanceof operator returns a Boolean value that returns true if the object is an instance of the specified type, false otherwise.

Let’s look at an example:

public class Animal {<!-- -->
    //Definition of Animal class

public class Dog extends Animal {<!-- -->
    //Dog class inherits from Animal class

public class Cat extends Animal {<!-- -->
    // Cat class inherits from Animal class

public class Main {<!-- -->
    public static void main(String[] args) {<!-- -->
        Animal animal = new Animal();
        Dog dog = new Dog();
        Cat cat = new Cat();

        System.out.println(animal instanceof Animal); // true
        System.out.println(dog instanceof Animal); // true
        System.out.println(cat instanceof Animal); // true

        System.out.println(dog instanceof Dog); // true
        System.out.println(cat instanceof Dog); // false

In the above example, we have created Animal, Dog and Cat classes and used instanceof operator in the main method of the Main class to check the type of the object. We can see that animal is an instance of Animal class, so it returns true; dog is an instance of Dog, a subclass of Animal class, so it also returns true; and cat is an instance of Cat, a subclass of Animal class, and it also returns true. In addition, dog is an instance of the Dog class and returns true; but cat is not an instance of the Dog class, so it returns false.

2. Characteristics of instanceof operator

There are several key features to note when using the instanceof operator:

2.1. instanceof only applies to reference types

The instanceof operator only works on reference types and not on basic data types. This is because basic data types have no inheritance relationship in Java, so instanceof cannot be used to check their types. For example:

int x = 10;
System.out.println(x instanceof int); // Error! An error occurred while compiling

The above code will cause an error during compilation because int is not a reference type and cannot be used for instanceof operations.

2.2. instanceof can handle inheritance relationships

The instanceof operator can handle inheritance relationships. When we use the instanceof operator to check whether an object is of a specified type, instanceof will return true if the object is an instance of the specified type, or an instance of a subclass of that type. This makes it easier for us to do some type-based operations. For example:

public abstract class Shape {<!-- -->
    public abstract void draw();

public class Circle extends Shape {<!-- -->
    public void draw() {<!-- -->
        System.out.println("Drawing a circle");

public class Rectangle extends Shape {<!-- -->
    public void draw() {<!-- -->
        System.out.println("Drawing a rectangle");

public class Main {<!-- -->
    public static void main(String[] args) {<!-- -->
        Shape shape1 = new Circle();
        Shape shape2 = new Rectangle();

        if (shape1 instanceof Circle) {<!-- -->
            Circle circle = (Circle) shape1;

        if (shape2 instanceof Rectangle) {<!-- -->
            Rectangle rectangle = (Rectangle) shape2;

In the above example, we defined an abstract class Shape and two concrete subclasses Circle and Rectangle. In the main method of the Main class, we create a Circle object and a Rectangle object and check the type of the objects using the instanceof operator. If the object is an instance of the Circle class, we convert it to the Circle type and call the draw method; if the object is an instance of the Rectangle class, we convert it to the Rectangle type and call the draw method. This way we can perform different operations depending on the type of object.

It should be noted that when performing type conversion, we need to ensure that the actual type of the object and the converted type are compatible, otherwise a ClassCastException will be thrown. Therefore, before using the instanceof operator, it is best to check with instanceof to ensure the safety of the type conversion.

2.3. instanceof can handle interface types

In addition to handling inheritance relationships, the instanceof operator can also handle interface types. When we use the instanceof operator to check whether an object implements a specified interface, instanceof will return true if the object implements the interface. This is useful for working with interface type objects. For example:

public interface Drawable {<!-- -->
    void draw();

public class Circle implements Drawable {<!-- -->
    public void draw() {<!-- -->
        System.out.println("Drawing a circle");

public class Rectangle implements Drawable {<!-- -->
    public void draw() {<!-- -->
        System.out.println("Drawing a rectangle");

public class Main {<!-- -->
    public static void main(String[] args) {<!-- -->
        Drawable shape1 = new Circle();
        Drawable shape2 = new Rectangle();

        if (shape1 instanceof Drawable) {<!-- -->

        if (shape2 instanceof Drawable) {<!-- -->

In the above example, we defined an interface Drawable and two classes Circle and Rectangle that implement this interface. In the main method of the Main class, we create a Circle object and a Rectangle object, and use the instanceof operator to check whether the object implements the Drawable interface. If the object implements the Drawable interface, we call its draw method. In this way, we can perform different operations based on whether the object implements the specified interface.

3. Practical application of instanceof operator

The instanceof operator is very commonly used in actual development, especially when different operations need to be performed based on the type of object. Here are some examples of practical application scenarios:

3.1. Type conversion and method calling

We can use the instanceof operator to check the type of an object, then perform type conversion based on the type and call the corresponding method. For example, suppose we have a List collection that contains objects of different types. We can use the instanceof operator to check the type of each object and call different methods based on the type. This avoids type conversion errors when processing collection elements.

public interface Printable {<!-- -->
    void print();

public class Book implements Printable {<!-- -->
    public void print() {<!-- -->
        System.out.println("Printing a book");

public class Magazine implements Printable {<!-- -->
    public void print() {<!-- -->
        System.out.println("Printing a magazine");

public class Main {<!-- -->
    public static void main(String[] args) {<!-- -->
        List<Printable> printables = new ArrayList<>();
        printables.add(new Book());
        printables.add(new Magazine());

        for (Printable printable : printables) {<!-- -->
            if (printable instanceof Book) {<!-- -->
                Book book = (Book) printable;
            } else if (printable instanceof Magazine) {<!-- -->
                Magazine magazine = (Magazine) printable;

In the above example, we defined an interface Printable and two classes Book and Magazine that implement this interface. In the main method of the Main class, we create a List collection and add a Book object and a Magazine object to it. We then use the instanceof operator to check the type of each element in the collection and perform type conversion based on the type and call the corresponding print method.

3.2. Type judgment and processing

In some cases, we may need to determine the type of an object and perform different processing based on the type. For example, suppose we have a method that handles form data. This method receives an Object object as a parameter and performs different processing based on the type of the object. We can use the instanceof operator to determine the type of object and perform corresponding processing logic. For example:

public class FormData {<!-- -->
    //Definition of form data

public class Main {<!-- -->
    public static void processFormData(Object formData) {<!-- -->
        if (formData instanceof FormData) {<!-- -->
            //Logic for processing form data