Pangushi Final Binary Program Analysis

Pangushi Final Binary Program Analysis

1. Analyze hacker computers, what is the control program transmission protocol? [Answer format: http]


The control file can be found directly in the hacker’s d drive

At a glance, it looks like a python file

python control end.exe

Generally speaking, the python exe is decompiled using as above

We can get a folder in which serve is the pyc file we want, but the file at this time cannot simply add .pyc. This behavior will cause the file to be unable to be decompiled.

The reason is that the corresponding version of the file header is missing (as shown below)

Because the file headers of different versions are different, you cannot directly copy the local ones, which is very uncomfortable.

So where is the header of this file?


Compare the position of E3

We can see that the 4-byte file header is 550D0D0A

We only need these 4 bytes but need to add 16 bytes in front to keep the position of E3 consistent.

At this point the file can be decompiled

Usually the following method is used

However, uncompyle6.exe only supports versions 3.8 and below.

So if you are connected to the Internet, just search for online tools or use pycdc

The effect is very average. Let’s take a detour.

Bytecode is fine

Use gpt to restore it bit by bit

It may not be accurate, but it can be read

# uncompyle6 version 3.8.0
# Python bytecode 3.8.0 (3413)
# Decompiled from: Python 3.7.4 (tags/v3.7.4:e09359112e, Jul 8 2019, 20:34:20) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
# Embedded file name:
import socket,json
def decrypt_config():
    data_str = ''
    with open('config.txt', 'rb') as (f):
        byte =
        byte_to_int = int.from_bytes(byte, byteorder='big')
        data = byte_to_int ^ 41
        dataB = data.to_bytes(1, byteorder='big')
        data_str + = dataB.decode()
        while byte:
            byte =
            if byte:
                byte_to_int = int.from_bytes(byte, byteorder='big')
                data = byte_to_int ^ 41
                dataB = data.to_bytes(1, byteorder='big')
                data_str + = dataB.decode()
    data_dict = json.loads(data_str)
    return (data_dict['address'], data_dict['port'])
def input_data() -> bytes:
    data = input('Please enter the command')
    data = Crypt_data(data)
    return data.encode()
def Crypt_data(data) -> str:
    if isinstance(data, str):
        data = data.encode('utf-8')
    temp = b''
    for i in data:
        data_int = i ^ int.from_bytes(b'p', byteorder='big')
        data_bytes = data_int.to_bytes(1, byteorder='big')
        temp + = data_bytes
            temp = temp.decode()
            return temp
def deal(data: bytes):
    with open('?.txt', 'wb + ') as (f):
class connect:
    def __init__(self):
        self.address = decrypt_config()
    def tcpServer(self):
        with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as (s):
            while True:
                conn, addr = s.accept()
                while True:
                        data = conn.recv(1000000)
                        data = Crypt_data(data)
                    except BlockingIOError as e:
                            data = b''
                            e = None
                            del e
                        if not data == '2a':
                            if data == 'ok':
                                send_data = input_data()
                            if data == 'er':
                                print('!!!! Operation failed, please try again!!!!')
                                send_data = input_data()
                        if data == 'end':
                        elif data == b'':
if __name__ == '__main__':
    con = connect()
# okay decompiling server.pyc

In the end, some parts couldn’t be translated, but it’s okay,

gpt also said it is obviously tcp

2. Analyzing the hacker computer, what is the size of the data buffer received by the control program? [Answer format:100]


Nothing to introduce

3. Analyze the hacker’s computer. How many instructions does the control program receive and judge? [Answer format: 1]


Five, notice that two are the same

4. Analyze the hacker computer, what is the command to end the connection of the control program? [Answer format:xxx]


There are two instructions to terminate the loop. The name is end.

5. Analyze hacker computers, what is the decryption function of the control end program configuration file? [Answer format: x_x]


It can be determined based on the name and function body.

6. Analyze the hacker’s Trojan horse program. What is the program’s control end IP address? [Answer format:]

No shell, go to ida first

But the address was not found in ida

Since I have the address, I will definitely send it.

Just try blind adjustment with od step.

It only took a few steps and it was successful.

7. Analyzing the hacker’s Trojan horse program, the program calls the Sleep function at address 0x00410CA4. How many seconds will the function pause? [Answer format: 3]


G jumps directly to the address

f5 disassembly

Right click and change format

5000 is 5 seconds

8. Analyze the hacker’s Trojan horse program. There are two pictures under the “png” type resource of the program. What is the MD5 value of the picture corresponding to the program icon? [Answer format: lowercase letters]


Open with resource viewer

Just save and calculate the hash

9. Analyze the hacker’s Trojan horse program. Which function directly calls the HOST type resource? [Answer format:sub__1234]


View cross-references (ctrl+x) after searching directly within a string (shift+f12)

Found two

You can see that the first function loads resources

10. Analyze the hacker’s Trojan horse program. Which anti-virus software will this program bypass? [Answer format: Tencent]


Just search for the kill string directly

This exe is Jinshan virus