How NLP technology empowers search engines

In the era of globalization, search engines not only need to provide users with accurate information, but also need to understand multiple languages and dialects. This article explores in detail how search engines handle multiple languages and dialects through NLP technology to ensure high-quality search results for users in different regions and cultures. It also provides implementation examples based on PyTorch to help you understand the technical details behind it more deeply. .


1. Application of NLP keyword extraction and matching in search engines

In the field of natural language processing (NLP), search engine optimization is a long-term research topic. Among them, keyword extraction and matching is one of the core technologies of search engines. It involves extracting key information from users’ queries and matching them with documents in the database to provide the most relevant search results.

1. Keyword extraction

Keyword extraction is the process of extracting the most representative or important words or phrases from text.


For the text “Apple Inc. is a leading global technology company focused on designing and manufacturing consumer electronics products”, possible keywords include “Apple Inc.”, “technology” and “consumer electronics products”.

2. Keyword matching

Keyword matching involves comparing the keywords in the user’s query with documents in the database to find the best match.


When a user enters “Apple’s new products” into the search engine, the search engine will extract “Apple’s” and “new products” as keywords and match them with documents in the database to find relevant results.

Python implementation

The following is a simple Python implementation that shows how to use the jieba library to extract Chinese keywords and use a TF-IDF-based method for keyword matching.

import jieba
import jieba.analyse

# Keyword extraction
def extract_keywords(text, topK=5):
    keywords = jieba.analyse.extract_tags(text, topK=topK)
    return keywords

# example
text = "Apple is a leading global technology company focused on designing and manufacturing consumer electronics products"

# Keyword matching (based on TF-IDF)
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer

# Assume there are the following document collections
docs = [
    "Apple launches new iPhone",
    "Technology companies are racing to develop new products",
    "The consumer electronics market is changing rapidly"

vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer()
tfidf_matrix = vectorizer.fit_transform(docs)

# Match the user's query
query = "Apple's new products"
response = vectorizer.transform([query])

# Calculate matching degree
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity

cosine_similarities = cosine_similarity(response, tfidf_matrix)

This code first uses jieba to extract keywords, then uses the TF-IDF method to match the user’s query, and finally uses cosine similarity to calculate the matching degree.

2. Application of NLP semantic search in search engines

Traditional keyword search is mainly based on direct matching of text without considering the deeper meaning of the query. As technology evolves, semantic search has become a key part of modern search engines, which strive to understand the actual intent and context of user queries to provide more relevant search results.

1. Definition of semantic search

Semantic search is a search method that understands the semantics or intent of a query, rather than just matching keywords. It takes into account the word’s synonyms, synonyms, context, and other relevancy factors.


Users may search for the word “apple”. They may want to find information about “Apple Company”, or they may want to learn about “apple fruit”. Semantic-based search engines can determine the user’s true intent based on context or the user’s historical data.

2. The importance of semantic search

With the explosive growth of information on the Internet, users expect search engines to understand their complex query intentions and provide the most relevant results. Semantic search not only improves the accuracy of search results, but also enhances the user experience by providing content that better matches the query.


When users query “how to bake an apple pie,” they expect a cooking method or recipe, not a definition of the words “apple” or “pie.”

Python/PyTorch implementation


Below is a simple semantic search implementation based on PyTorch, we will use the pre-trained BERT model to calculate the semantic similarity between queries and documents.

import torch
from transformers import BertTokenizer, BertModel
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity

# Load the pre-trained BERT model and tokenizer
model_name = "bert-base-chinese"
model = BertModel.from_pretrained(model_name)
tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name)

# Calculate BERT embedding of text
def get_embedding(text):
    tokens = tokenizer(text, return_tensors='pt', truncation=True, padding=True, max_length=512)
    with torch.no_grad():
        outputs = model(**tokens)
    return outputs.last_hidden_state.mean(dim=1).squeeze().numpy()

# Assume there are the following document collections
docs = [
    "Apple launches new iPhone",
    "Apple is a very popular fruit",
    "Many people like to eat apple pie"
doc_embeddings = [get_embedding(doc) for doc in docs]

# Match the user's query
query = "Tell me something about Apple"
query_embedding = get_embedding(query)

# Calculate matching degree
cosine_similarities = cosine_similarity([query_embedding], doc_embeddings)

In this code, we first use the pretrained BERT model to calculate embeddings for documents and queries. We then use cosine similarity to compare the similarity between the query and each document embedding to get the most relevant documents.

3. Application of NLP personalized search suggestions in search engines

With the advancement of technology and the development of big data, search engines are no longer satisfied with providing the same search suggestions to all users. Instead, they began to provide personalized search suggestions to better meet the needs of each user.

1. Definition of personalized search suggestions

Personalized search suggestions are search suggestions provided to users based on their historical behavior, preferences and other contextual information, with the aim of providing users with a more relevant search experience.


If a user often searches for information related to “basketball games”, the next time he enters “basketball”, the search engine may recommend related search suggestions such as “basketball games”, “basketball teams” or “basketball news”.

2. The importance of personalized search suggestions

Providing users with personalized search suggestions can reduce the time they spend looking for information and provide more accurate search results. In addition, personalized recommendations can also increase user satisfaction and loyalty to search engines.


When a user plans to travel and enters “trip” in the search engine, the search engine may recommend related suggestions such as “beach travel”, “mountain camping” or “city sightseeing” based on the user’s previous travel history and preferences.

Python implementation

The following is a simple Python implementation of personalized search suggestions based on user historical queries:

from collections import defaultdict

# Assume that there are search histories of the following users
history = {
    'user1': ['basketball game', 'basketball news', 'NBA schedule'],
    'user2': ['tourist attractions', 'mountain tourism', 'beach vacation'],

# Build a query suggestion library
suggestion_pool = {
    'Basketball': ['basketball game', 'basketball news', 'basketball shoes', 'basketball team'],
    'Travel': ['tourist attractions', 'mountain tourism', 'beach vacation', 'travel guide'],

def personalized_suggestions(user, query_prefix):
    common_suggestions = suggestion_pool.get(query_prefix, [])
    user_history = history.get(user, [])
    # Prioritize recommended users’ historical queries
    personalized = [s for s in common_suggestions if s in user_history]
    for s in common_suggestions:
        if s not in personalized:
    return personalized

# Example
user = 'user1'
query_prefix = 'basket'
print(personalized_suggestions(user, query_prefix))

This code first defines a user’s history queries and a pool of suggestions based on query prefixes. Then, when a user starts a query, the function will prioritize suggestions related to the user’s historical queries before recommending other general suggestions.

4. Application of NLP multi-language and dialect processing in search engines

With globalization, search engines need to handle queries in various languages and dialects. In order to provide accurate search results across languages and dialects, search engines must understand and adapt to the characteristics and differences of multiple languages.

1. Definition of multilingual processing

Multilingual processing refers to the ability of a computer program or system to understand, interpret, and generate multiple languages.


When users search for “mobile phones” in the UK, they are likely to use the term “mobile phone”; in the US, users are likely to use “cell phone.”

2. Definition of dialect processing

Dialect processing refers to the ability to process different dialects or varieties of the same language.


In Mandarin, “Hello” is a greeting; in Cantonese, the same greeting is “How are you?”

3. The importance of multi-language and dialect processing

  • Diversity: There are thousands of languages and dialects in the world, and search engines need to cater to the needs of different users.

  • Cultural Differences: Language and dialects are often closely related to culture, and handling them correctly can enhance the user experience.

  • Information Acquisition: In order to obtain a wider range of information, search engines need to transcend language and dialect barriers.

Python/PyTorch implementation


The following is a simple multi-language translation implementation based on PyTorch and the transformers library:

from transformers import MarianMTModel, MarianTokenizer

# Select a translation model, here we choose the model from English to Chinese
model_name = 'Helsinki-NLP/opus-mt-en-zh'
model = MarianMTModel.from_pretrained(model_name)
tokenizer = MarianTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name)

def translate_text(text, target_language='zh'):
    Translate text into target language
    # Encode the text
    encoded = tokenizer.encode(text, return_tensors="pt", max_length=512)
    # Use model for translation
    translated = model.generate(encoded)
    # Convert translation results to text
    return tokenizer.decode(translated[0], skip_special_tokens=True)

# Example
english_text = "Hello, how are you?"
chinese_translation = translate_text(english_text)

This code uses a pre-trained multi-language translation model that can translate English text into Chinese. By using different pre-trained models, we can achieve translation between multiple languages.

5. Summary

With the advent of the information age, search engines have become an indispensable tool in our daily lives. However, the technological advancements behind it all, especially natural language processing (NLP), are often overlooked by most users. As we dive into how search engines handle multiple languages and dialects, you can see the depth and breadth of technology involved.

Language, as the cornerstone of human civilization, has its own unique complexity. Different cultural, historical and geographical factors lead to the diversity of languages and dialects. Therefore, it becomes an extremely challenging task for computers to understand and interpret this diversity. It is in this challenge that search engines have successfully provided cross-language search experiences for hundreds of millions of users around the world with the help of NLP technology.

The most noteworthy thing is that such technological innovation not only meets functional needs, but also invisibly shortens the distance between different cultures and regions. When we can easily search and understand information from other cultures, understanding and communication between people will be smoother. This is the profound impact technology has brought to society.

Finally, we should not just stay at the application level of technology, but should think about how to integrate these technologies more closely with humanities, society and culture to create truly valuable and meaningful solutions. In future technological exploration, NLP will continue to show us its endless possibilities and charm.

The article is reproduced from: techlead_krischang

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