[Python Numpy] Broadcasting, array iteration

Article directory

  • Preface
  • 1. What is broadcasting?
  • 2. Broadcast calculation between NumPy arrays
  • 3. Sample code
    • 3.1 Example 1: Addition operation
    • 3.2 Example 2: Multiplication operation
    • 3.3 Example 3: Operating with scalars
  • 2. Iteration of arrays
    • 2.1 What is array iteration
    • 2.2 Use of NumPy array iteration
    • 2.3 Example of array iteration
      • Example 1: Iterate over a one-dimensional array using a for loop
      • Example 2: Using nditer to iterate over a multidimensional array
      • Example 3: Element operations in multidimensional arrays
  • Summarize


In the field of scientific computing in Python, NumPy is a powerful tool that provides functions for manipulating multi-dimensional arrays. Broadcasting is an important concept in NumPy, which makes calculations between arrays of different shapes very flexible and convenient. This article will introduce what broadcasting is and how to use broadcasting for array calculations in NumPy.

In the field of scientific computing in Python, NumPy is a very powerful library for processing and manipulating multi-dimensional arrays. Array iteration becomes a very useful tool when you need to perform a specific operation on the elements in the array. This article will explain what array iteration in NumPy is, how to use it, and provide some examples of how to iterate over arrays.

1. What is broadcast

Broadcasting is a NumPy feature that allows element-wise operations on arrays of different shapes without requiring them to be the same shape. When an operation is performed, NumPy automatically adjusts the smaller array to match the shape of the larger array so that it has the same dimensions, allowing the operation to proceed. This means you can easily perform operations on arrays of different sizes without having to manually extend their dimensions.

Through the above written language, we can interpret it into the following words so that everyone can better understand the concept of broadcasting:
When you cook, sometimes you use a large bowl to mix different ingredients. NumPy’s broadcast is a bit like this process. Imagine you have two bowls of different sizes, but you want to mix them together. Broadcast works like a magic trick that automatically resizes these bowls for you so that they all become the same size so you can mix them together smoothly.
In NumPy, broadcasting comes into play when you want to operate on arrays of different shapes. It allows you to treat arrays of different shapes as if they were arrays of the same shape. It “morphs” smaller arrays into larger ones so that you can perform calculations on them as if they were arrays of the same shape.
Like a spice mix in cooking, broadcasting lets you easily perform mathematical operations between arrays of different shapes without having to manually resize them. This way, you can process the data faster without having to worry about keeping the arrays the same size.

2. Broadcast calculation between NumPy arrays

The rules for broadcasting are as follows:

If the dimensions of the two arrays are different, fill the array with the smaller dimension with 1 until the dimensions of the two arrays are the same.

If two arrays are of different sizes in a dimension, you can make them the same size in that dimension by extending the smaller array to match the larger array.

If the size of the two arrays still does not match in some dimension, and the size of one of the dimensions is not equal to 1, the broadcast operation will raise an error.

In broadcasting, NumPy copies the smaller array so that its size in specific dimensions matches the larger array, without actually allocating new memory.

3. Sample code

3.1 Example 1: Addition operation

import numpy as np

arr1 = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
arr2 = np.array([10, 10, 10])
result = arr1 + arr2

Here we have a two-dimensional array arr1 of shape (2, 3) and a one-dimensional array arr2 of shape (3,). When we try to add them, the broadcast mechanism “extends” arr2 so that it has the same shape as arr1 (2, 3). In this way, arr2 becomes [[10, 10, 10], [10, 10, 10]]. The two arrays can then be added normally.

3.2 Example 2: Multiplication operation

import numpy as np

arr3 = np.array([[1], [2], [3]])
arr4 = np.array([4, 5, 6])
result = arr3 * arr4

Here, arr3 is a two-dimensional array of shape (3, 1), while arr4 is a one-dimensional array of shape (3,). When we perform a multiplication operation, the broadcast mechanism will automatically expand arr3 into a (3, 3)-shaped array [[1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2], [3, 3, 3]], and at the same time Extend arr4 to the same shape [[4, 5, 6], [4, 5, 6], [4, 5, 6]]. Afterwards, the two arrays are multiplied element-wise.

3.3 Example 3: Operation with scalars

import numpy as np

arr5 = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
result = arr5 + 100

In this example, we have a 2D array arr5 of shape (2, 2). When we try to add it to a scalar value (say 100), the broadcast mechanism “extends” this scalar value so that it has the same shape as arr5 (2, 2). In other words, the scalar value 100 becomes an array of shape (2, 2), where all elements are 100: [[100, 100], [100, 100]]. The two arrays can then be added element-wise.
The broadcast mechanism enables

2. Array iteration

2.1 What is array iteration

Array iteration means going through the elements in an array and performing some operation or operations on each element. In NumPy, you can use different iteration methods to access the elements of an array, whether it is a one-dimensional array or a multi-dimensional array.

2.2 Use of NumPy array iteration

NumPy provides several methods for array iteration, including:

Use a for loop to iterate over array elements.
Use NumPy functions such as nditer to iterate over arrays.
These methods can be selected based on your needs to traverse and manipulate data in the array more efficiently.

2.3 Example of array iteration

Here are some examples of array iteration:

Example 1: Using a for loop to iterate a one-dimensional array

import numpy as np

arr = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
for element in arr:

This example demonstrates how to use a standard Python for loop to iterate over a one-dimensional NumPy array. First, you need to import the NumPy library. Then, you create a one-dimensional array arr, containing the integers 1 to 5. Next, use a for loop to iterate through each element in the array, store each element in the variable element, and then print it. This loop will iterate through the array and print out the value of each element.

Example 2: Using nditer to iterate multidimensional arrays

import numpy as np

arr = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
for element in np.nditer(arr):

This example demonstrates how to use NumPy’s nditer function to iterate over a multidimensional array. Again, you need to import the NumPy library and create an array arr containing multidimensional data. Then, use np.nditer(arr) to create an iterator object that will iterate over all elements in the multidimensional array. In this example, the iterator is stored in element and the value of each element is printed. This allows you to easily iterate over all elements in a multidimensional array without needing to nest multiple for loops.

Example 3: Element operations in multi-dimensional arrays

import numpy as np

arr = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
for x in np.nditer(arr, op_flags=['readwrite']):
    x[...] = x * 2

This example demonstrates how to use the nditer function to iterate over a multidimensional array, allowing you to modify the array elements while iterating. First, you import the NumPy library and create an array arr containing multidimensional data. Then, use np.nditer(arr, op_flags=[readwrite’]) to create an iterator object that allows you to read and write array elements. In the loop, x represents the current element in the iterator, and the element can be modified through x[…], where the value of the element is doubled. Finally, print out the modified array arr and you will see that all elements in the array have been doubled.

These examples demonstrate different ways to iterate over NumPy arrays, from simple one-dimensional array traversal to element-wise operations on multi-dimensional arrays, demonstrating the power of NumPy in array handling and manipulation.


Broadcasting is a powerful feature in NumPy that allows us to perform element-by-element operations between arrays of different shapes, thereby simplifying the complexity of array calculations. By understanding the rules and usage examples of broadcasting, you can better utilize NumPy to process and analyze data, and improve the readability and efficiency of your code. Broadcasting is a very useful tool when working with multidimensional arrays, allowing you to easily perform various operations without having to manually reshape the array.

In NumPy, array iteration is a powerful tool for traversing an array and performing various operations on the elements within it. You can use a for loop or the nditer function to iterate over an array. This is useful for data processing, manipulation and analysis. Whether it is a one-dimensional array or a multi-dimensional array, array iteration can help you better utilize NumPy to process data. Hopefully the examples and explanations in this article will help you better understand and use array iteration in NumPy.