The real Python multithreading is here!


[CSDN editor’s note] IBM engineer Martin Heinz wrote that Python is about to usher in a real multi-threaded moment!


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Author | Martin Heinz Editor | Meng Yidan

Translation Tools | ChatGPT

32 years old Python still doesn’t have real parallelism/concurrency. However, this is about to change with the introduction of a new feature called the “Per-Interpreter GIL” in the upcoming release of Python 3.12. We are still a few months away from release (expected in October 2023), but the relevant code is already there, so we can get an early look at how to write truly concurrent Python code using the subinterpreter API.



First, let’s explain how the “Per-Interpreter GIL” solves Python’s lack of proper concurrency.

In Python, the GIL is a mutex that only allows one thread to control the Python interpreter. This means that even if multiple threads are created in Python (e.g. using the threading module), only one thread will run.

With the introduction of the “Per-Interpreter GIL”, individual Python interpreters no longer share the same GIL. This isolation level allows each sub-interpreter to run concurrently. This means that we can bypass Python’s concurrency limitations by spawning additional sub-interpreters, each of which has its own GIL.

A more detailed explanation can be found in PEP 684, which documents this feature/change:


Hands-on experience


To use this latest feature, we must have the latest version of Python installed and build it from source:

git clone
cd cpython

./configure --enable-optimizations --prefix=$(pwd)/python-3.12
make -s -j2
# Python 3.12.0a7 + (heads/main:22f3425c3d, May 10 2023, 12:52:07) [GCC 11.3.0] on linux
# Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

Where is the C-API?

Now that the latest version is installed, how do we use the subinterpreter? Can it be imported directly? No, as mentioned in PEP-684: “This is an advanced feature designed for a small subset of users of the C-API.”

Currently, the Per-Interpreter GIL feature is only available through the C-API, so there is no direct interface for Python developers to use. Such an interface is expected to come out with PEP 554 and, if adopted, should be implemented in Python 3.13, until then we’ll have to figure out how to implement subinterpreters ourselves.

With some scattered documentation in the CPython codebase, we can take the following two approaches:

Use the _xxsubinterpreters module, which is implemented in C, so the name looks a bit odd. Since it’s implemented in C, developers can’t easily inspect the code (at least not in Python);

Or you can take advantage of CPython’s test module, which has example Interpreter (and Channel) classes for testing.

# Choose one of these:
import _xxsubinterpreters as interpreters
from import interpreters

In the following demonstrations, we will mainly use the second method. We’ve found the sub-interpreter, but we also need to borrow some helper functions from Python’s test module in order to pass code to the sub-interpreter:

from textwrap import dedent
import os
# 15665d896bae9c3d8b60bd7210ac1b7dc533b093/Lib/test/
def _captured_script(script):
    r, w = os. pipe()
    indented = script. replace('\\
', '\\
    wrapped = dedent(f"""
        import contextlib
        with open({w}, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as pipe:
            with contextlib.redirect_stdout(spipe):
    return wrapped, open(r, encoding="utf-8")

def _run_output(interp, request, channels=None):
    script, rpipe = _captured_script(request)
    with rpipe:
        interp. run(script, channels=channels)
        return rpipe. read()

Combining the interpreters module with the helper programs described above, the first sub-interpreter can be generated:

from import interpreters

main = interpreters. get_main()
print(f"Main interpreter ID: {main}")
# Main interpreter ID: Interpreter(id=0, isolated=None)

interp = interpreters. create()

print(f"Sub-interpreter: {interp}")
# Sub-interpreter: Interpreter(id=1, isolated=True)

# 15665d896bae9c3d8b60bd7210ac1b7dc533b093/Lib/test/
code = dedent("""
            from import interpreters
            cur = interpreters. get_current()

out = _run_output(interp, code)

print(f"All Interpreters: {interpreters. list_all()}")
# All Interpreters: [Interpreter(id=0, isolated=None), Interpreter(id=1, isolated=None)]
print(f"Output: {out}") # Result of 'print('
# Output: 1

One way to generate and run a new interpreter is to use the create function and then pass the interpreter to the _run_output helper function along with the code to execute.

An easier way is:

interp = interpreters. create()
interp. run(code)

Use the run method in the interpreter. However, if we run any of the above codes, we will get the following error:

Fatal Python error: PyInterpreterState_Delete: remaining subinterpreters
Python runtime state: finalizing (tstate=0x000055b5926bf398)

To avoid such errors, some dangling interpreters also need to be cleaned up:

def cleanup_interpreters():
    for i in interpreters. list_all():
        if == 0: # main
            print(f"Cleaning up interpreter: {i}")
            i. close()
        except RuntimeError:
            pass # already destroyed

# Cleaning up interpreter: Interpreter(id=1, isolated=None)
# Cleaning up interpreter: Interpreter(id=2, isolated=None)


While it is possible to run code using the above helper functions, it may be more convenient to use the familiar interface from the threading module:

import threading

def run_in_thread():
    t = threading.Thread(target=interpreters.create)
    t. start()
    t. join()


# <Thread(Thread-1 (create), initial)>
# <Thread(Thread-1 (create), started 139772371633728)>
# <Thread(Thread-1 (create), stopped 139772371633728)>
# <Thread(Thread-2 (create), initial)>
# <Thread(Thread-2 (create), started 139772371633728)>
# <Thread(Thread-2 (create), stopped 139772371633728)>

By passing the interpreters.create function to Thread, it will automatically generate a new sub-interpreter inside the thread.

We can also combine the two approaches and pass a helper function to threading.Thread:

import time

def run_in_thread():
    interp = interpreters.create(isolated=True)
    t = threading.Thread(target=_run_output, args=(interp, dedent("""
            import _xxsubinterpreters as _interpreters
            cur = _interpreters. get_current()

            import time
            time. sleep(2)
            # Can't print from here, won't bubble-up to main interpreter

            assert isinstance(cur, _interpreters. InterpreterID)
    print(f"Created Thread: {t}")
    t. start()
    return t

t1 = run_in_thread()
print(f"First running Thread: {t1}")
t2 = run_in_thread()
print(f"Second running Thread: {t2}")
time.sleep(4) # Need to sleep to give Threads time to complete

Here, we demonstrate how to use the _xxsubinterpreters module instead of the one in We also sleep for 2 seconds in each thread to simulate some “work”. Note that we don’t even have to call the join() function to wait for the thread to finish, we just clean up the interpreter when the thread finishes.


If we dig into the CPython test module, we also find that there are implementations of RecvChannel and SendChannel classes, which are similar to Channels in Golang. To use them:

# 15665d896bae9c3d8b60bd7210ac1b7dc533b093/Lib/test/
r, s = interpreters. create_channel()

print(f"Channel: {r}, {s}")
# Channel: RecvChannel(id=0), SendChannel(id=0)

orig = b'spam'
s. send_nowait(orig)
obj = r.recv()
print(f"Received: {obj}")
# Received: b'spam'

# Need clean up, otherwise:

# free(): invalid pointer
# Aborted (core dumped)

This example shows how to create a channel with receiver (r) and sender (s) ends. We can pass data to the sender using send_nowait and read it on the other side using the recv function. This channel is really just another sub-interpreter – so same as before – we need to clean up when we’re done.

Dig deeper

Finally, if we want to interfere with or tweak subinterpreter options set in C code, we can use the code in the module, specifically run_in_subinterp_with_config:


def run_in_thread(script):

code = dedent(f"""
            from import interpreters
            cur = interpreters. get_current()

# Interpreter(id=7, isolated=None)
# Interpreter(id=8, isolated=None)

This function is a Python API for calling C functions. It provides some sub-interpreter options, like own_gil, which specify whether the sub-interpreter should have its own GIL.



Having said that – and as you can see, the API call is not simple, unless you already have C language expertise, and desperately want to use the word interpreter, it is recommended to wait for the release of Python 3.13. Or you can try the extrainterpreters project, which provides a friendlier Python API for working with subinterpreters.

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