Java elegant empty judgment


Optional provides three initialization methods:

public class OptionalTest {<!-- -->

    public void testOptional() {<!-- -->

empty returns an empty Optional object.
of will report an error when encountering null, but the purpose of using Optional is to prevent null pointers, so ofNullable is generally used more often.


ifPresent–If exists then xxx

public void testOptional() {<!-- -->
        Student student = new Student();

        // Common practice
        if(student != null){<!-- -->
        // Optional common usage
        Optional<Student> optional = Optional.ofNullable(student);
        if(optional.isPresent()){<!-- -->
            Student student1 = optional.get();

        // Correct usage Function<Student, String>() {<!-- -->
            public String apply(Student student) {<!-- -->
                return student.getName();

// Simplify;

orElse and orElseGet

If there is no object, a method that creates the object is called.
orElse is similar to Hungry style. If the current object is not empty, the current object is used. If it is empty, the method is called to create a new object.
orElseGet is similar to the lazy style. It will be called only when the current object is empty. OrElseGet is usually used more often.

The current object is not empty:

 public void testOptional() {<!-- -->
        Student student = new Student();
        Optional<Student> optional = Optional.ofNullable(student);
        Student student1 = optional.orElse(createStudent());
        // orElseGet receives a Suppilier, an anonymous inner class, and calls the get method to process the logic
        Student student2 = optional.orElseGet(new Supplier<Student>() {<!-- -->
            public Student get() {<!-- -->
                return createStudent();

    private Student createStudent(){<!-- -->
        System.out.println("create student");
        return new Student();

The current object is empty:

 public void testOptional() {<!-- -->
        Student student = null;
        Optional<Student> optional = Optional.ofNullable(student);
        Student student1 = optional.orElse(createStudent());
        // orElseGet receives a Suppilier, an anonymous inner class, and calls the get method to process the logic
        Student student2 = optional.orElseGet(new Supplier<Student>() {<!-- -->
            public Student get() {<!-- -->
                return createStudent();

    private Student createStudent(){<!-- -->
        System.out.println("create student");
        return new Student();


 public void testOptional() {<!-- -->
        Student student = new Student();
        Optional<Student> optional = Optional.ofNullable(student);
        optional.filter(student1 -> student1.getAge() > 1).ifPresent(student1 -> System.out.println(student1.getAge()));

map and flatMap

Optional is a container class in Java used to handle values that may or may not contain values. Optional provides several methods to operate on these values, including map and flatMap.

    • The map method is used to convert or operate on the Optional if it contains a value.
    • If the Optional contains a value, map will pass the value to the provided function and return a new Optional containing the result of the conversion.
    • If Optional is empty, map does not perform any operation and directly returns an empty Optional.
    • The signature of map is as follows: Optional map(Function mapper)
Optional<String> optional = Optional.of("Hello");
Optional<Integer> lengthOptional = -> s.length());

In the above example, optional contains a string value “Hello”, and the map method calculates the length of the string and returns a new Optional Contains the result of the calculation, which is an integer.

  1. Optional.flatMap:
    • The flatMap method is used to perform a flat map if the Optional contains a value, and it expects the passed-in function to return another Optional.
    • If Optional contains a value, flatMap passes that value to the provided function, which returns an Optional and then flatMapReturn this new Optional.
    • If Optional is empty, flatMap does not perform any operation and directly returns an empty Optional.
    • The signature of flatMap is as follows: Optional flatMap(Function> mapper)
Optional<String> optional = Optional.of("Hello");
Optional<Integer> lengthOptional = optional.flatMap(s -> Optional.of(s.length()));

In the above example, optional contains a string value “Hello”, and the flatMap method calculates the length of the string and returns a new Optional Contains the result of the calculation, which is an integer. Note that the flatMap function returns Optional, not Optional>, because flatMap will automatically flatten the nested Optional into a single layer.


  • map is used to convert the contained value and return a new Optional.
  • flatMap is used to flat map the contained value and return a new Optional, which is usually used to solve the problem of nested Optional.

Overall use

public void before8(List<Student> Students) {<!-- -->
    for (Student student:Students) {<!-- -->
        if (student != null){<!-- -->
            if (student.getAge() > 18){<!-- -->
                Integer score = student.getScore();
                if (score != null & amp; & amp; score > 80){<!-- -->

public void after8(List<Student> students) {<!-- -->
           .filter(Objects::nonNull) // Filter out empty student objects
           .filter(student -> student.getAge() > 18) // Filter by age
           .map(Student::getScore) //Map to score
           .filter(score -> score != null & amp; & amp; score > 80) // Filter by score
           .map(Student::getName) //Map to name
           .ifPresent(System.out::println); //Print if name exists

public void after8(List<Student> Students) {<!-- -->
        for (Student student:Students) {<!-- -->
            Optional<Student> studentOptional = Optional.of(student);
// 2
         Integer sorce = studentOptional
                 .filter(s -> s.getAge() > 18)
                 .orElse(0);//.orElse(0) returns a default value to prevent null pointer control
         if (sorce > 80){<!-- -->

// 3
         String name = studentOptional
                 .filter(s -> s.getAge() >= 18)
                 .filter(s -> s.getScore() > 80)
                 .orElse("wu");//.orElse(0) returns a default value to prevent null pointer control
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