chatgpt enables python: Python reads hyperlinks in xlsx

Python reads hyperlinks in xlsx

xlsx is a commonly used spreadsheet file format, which is often used in daily work and life. Hyperlinks can be included in the xlsx file as a supplement and extension of the data in the file. As a powerful programming language, Python can help us easily read hyperlinks in xlsx files, and further realize data processing and analysis.

In this article, we will introduce how to use Python to read hyperlinks in xlsx files, and give sample codes. At the same time, we will also explore how to optimize the code so that the program can process large amounts of data more efficiently.

What is an xlsx hyperlink

A hyperlink is a link inserted in text or an image, which can point to an association between two files, or to a web page on the Internet. In spreadsheets, hyperlinks can be used to establish associations between table data and other information, for example, inserting a hyperlink in a cell to another cell, or inserting a hyperlink to a file or web page .

How to read xlsx hyperlink

Python provides a very convenient xlrd package, which can be used to read various data in xlsx files, including hyperlinks. The xlrd package can be installed with the pip install xlrd command.

After starting the Python environment, we first need to open the xlsx file, and then use the xlrd package to read the hyperlink data. Here is the sample code:

import xlrd

# open xlsx file
workbook = xlrd.open_workbook('example.xlsx')

# read the first sheet
worksheet = workbook. sheet_by_index(0)

# Read the hyperlinks in the first row and first column
hyperlink = worksheet. hyperlink_map. get((0,0))

# output hyperlink
print(hyperlink. url_or_path)

In this code, we first use the open_workbook() function to open an xlsx file, and then use the sheet_by_index() function to read the first sheet in the file.

Next, we use the hyperlink_map.get() function to get a hyperlink object. This object contains various properties of the hyperlink, such as link address, text, prompt and other information. In this example, we simply print out the address of the hyperlink.

How to batch read xlsx hyperlinks

When we need to read hyperlinks in a large number of xlsx files, we can use Python loop statements and lists to read data in batches. Here is a sample code to read hyperlinks in multiple xlsx files:

import xlrd
import os

# Traverse all xlsx files in the specified directory
path = '/Users/coco/workbooks/'
for filename in os.listdir(path):
    if filename.endswith('.xlsx'):
        filepath = os.path.join(path, filename)
        workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(filepath)
        sheet = workbook. sheet_by_index(0)

        for row in range(sheet.nrows):
            for col in range(sheet.ncols):
                hyperlinks = sheet. hyperlink_map. get((row, col))
                if hyperlinks:
                    print(filepath, row, col, hyperlinks. url_or_path)

In this code, we first define a file path path, and then use the os.listdir() function to traverse all xlsx files in this directory. When the file is found, we use the open_workbook() function to open the file, and then read the data according to the index value of the sheet.

Next, we traverse each cell in the sheet to find out if there is a hyperlink in it. If it exists, print out the filename, line number, column number, and address of the hyperlink.

How to optimize code performance

Reading hyperlink information can be very time consuming when dealing with a large number of xlsx files. If we need to read data quickly, we can cache before reading the xlsx file and save the result in a list. In this way, we can avoid repeatedly reading files and improve program performance.

Here is a sample code that includes caching functionality:

import xlrd
import os

# Traverse all xlsx files in the specified directory
path = '/Users/coco/workbooks/'

# define cache list
cache = {<!-- -->}

for filename in os.listdir(path):
    if filename.endswith('.xlsx'):
        filepath = os.path.join(path, filename)

        # If there is no data corresponding to the file in the cache, read the hyperlink information in the file
        if filepath not in cache:
            workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(filepath)
            sheet = workbook. sheet_by_index(0)

            # Read hyperlink information and save it in the cache list
            hyperlinks = []
            for row in range(sheet.nrows):
                for col in range(sheet.ncols):
                    link = sheet. hyperlink_map. get((row, col))
                    if link:
                        hyperlinks.append((row, col, link.url_or_path))
            cache[filepath] = hyperlinks

        # Obtain the hyperlink information in the file directly from the cache
        hyperlinks = cache[filepath]
        for row, col, url in hyperlinks:
            print(filepath, row, col, url)

In this sample code, we first define a cache list cache, and then traverse all xlsx files in the specified directory. If a file has not been read, we use the open_workbook() function to read the file and save the hyperlink information in the cache list.

When we need to read the hyperlink information of a file, we can get it directly from the cache list. In this way, the situation of reading the same file multiple times is avoided, and the running time of the program is reduced.


Python provides a powerful xlrd package that can help us quickly read hyperlink information in xlsx files. When a large number of xlsx files need to be processed, we can use loop statements and lists to read data in batches. In addition, we can also optimize program performance through caching technology to avoid repeated reading of the same file.

In practical applications, we can further optimize the code as needed, for example, we can use multithreading or process pool to process a large number of xlsx files concurrently, so as to improve the operating efficiency of the program.

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