timeit.Timer objects use

Common sample programs

Time consuming

The test method uses the timeit.Timer object, defines some preparation codes by setting the setup, sets the code that needs to test the running time through the stmt, and tests the performance through the timeit method (you can enter the number of runs and calculate the average)
In the actual test, you need to warm up first, that is, run the content that needs to be run once, and then if the running time is less than 1s, you need to run it multiple times to calculate the average.


# Set the code that needs to be tested
timer = timeit.Timer(setup='import numpy as np',
                     stmt='np. zeros((4, 4))')
# Test code that will be used later
def bench_workload(workload):
    """Benchmark a workload

    workload: a method that accepts a num_repeat argument
    and return its total execution time
    # Need to warm up first
    workload(1) # warmup

    # Test the running time of a single time
    # If the word running time is greater than 1s, then run it once
    time = workload(1) # the time to run once
    if time > 1: return time

    # If the word running time is less than 1s, run multiple times to calculate the average
    # The number of repeats to measure at least 1 second
    num_repeats = max(int(1.0 / time), 5)
    return workload(num_repeats) / num_repeats

print('time for np.zeros((4, 4)):', bench_workload(timer.timeit))

Function Call Test
When testing performance, the time it takes to call a function cannot be ignored.
This section uses copyto as an example to test performance and shows the performance test chart.
The abscissa in the figure below is the length of the vector that needs to be copied, and the ordinate is the data transmission efficiency.
As can be seen from the figure, the transmission speed first increases steadily and then reaches saturation. The reason for saturation is that the bandwidth is full.

import timeit
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from IPython import display

def np_setup(n):
    return 'import numpy as np\\
' \
           'x = np.random.normal(size=%d).astype("float32")\\
' \
           'y = np.empty_like(x)\\
'% n

def np_copy(n):
    return timeit.Timer(setup=np_setup(n),
                        stmt='np.copyto(y, x)')

sizes = 2**np.arange(5, 20, 4).astype('int')
exe_times = [bench_workload(np_copy(n).timeit) for n in sizes]

# Picture 1
# one float32 takes 4 bytes
plt.loglog(sizes, sizes*4/exe_times/1e9)
plt.xlabel('Vector length')
plt.ylabel('Throughput (GB/sec)')

# Figure II
plt.loglog(sizes, exe_times)
plt.xlabel('Vector length')
plt.ylabel('Time (sec)')

Modify file encoding



import os
import codecs
import chardet

def convert(filename,out_enc="UTF-8"):
        #if source_encoding in ["UTF-8", "UTF-8-BOM"]:
             #print filename + " " + source_encoding
        print filename + " src_encoding:" + source_encoding
        print filename + " convert_to_encoding:" + out_enc
    except IOError as err:
        print("I/O error:{0}". format(err))

def explore(dir):
    for root,dirs,files in os.walk(dir): # Find all files
        for file in files:
            if os.path.splitext(file)[1] in ['.cpp','.c','.h','.hpp']: # If the pattern matches the pattern, you can use glob .glob simplified
                #print file

def main():

if __name__=="__main__":



import os
import codecs
import chardet

def convert(filename,out_enc="utf-8"):
    with open(filename, 'rb + ') as f :
        content = f. read()
        encode = chardet.detect(content)['encoding']
        if (encode != out_enc):
                gbk_content = content.decode(encode)
                uft_byte = bytes(gbk_content, encoding=out_enc)
                print(filename + "\\
 src_encodeing:" + encode + " convert_to_encodeing:" + out_enc)
            except IOError as err:
                print("convert " + filename + " failed")

def explore(dir):
    for root,dirs,files in os.walk(dir):
        for file in files:
            if os.path.splitext(file)[1] in ['.cpp','.c']:
                #print file
                if file not in ["biz_ocr_charset.c", "biz_ocr_vdpr.c"]:

def main():
    change_dir=os.getcwd() + "/../code/"

if __name__=="__main__":

python glob.glob uses to match all files that meet the conditions and return them in the form of a list

python glob.glob usage

import glob
list = glob.glob(*g’) # Find the full name of the file jpg ending with g

['dog.1012.jpg', 'dog.1013.jpg', 'dog.1014.jpg', 'dog.1015.jpg', 'dog.1016.jpg' ]

file_paths_LIST = glob.glob('%s/**/*%s' % (folder path, suffix name), recursive=True) #Recursively search for files that meet the conditions in the path

1. Use nested loops to print the multiplication table

Idea analysis:

1. Print stars
2. Use nested loops to print stars
3. Replace the stars with multiplication formulas

Print stars using nested loop

row = 1
while row < 10: # Row loop 1,2,...,9 prints 9 rows
    # This line needs to be operated n times to define a loop
    # Column loop: number of operations
    while col <= row: # The number of each row is equal to the current number of rows
        # No line breaks required
        print('*',end='') # There will be line breaks by default, end='', no line breaks
        col + = 1 # number of columns + 1
    # newline
    row + = 1 # number of rows + 1

Replace stars with multiplication formulas

row = 1
while row < 10:# row loop 1,2,...,9 print 9 rows
    # This line needs to be operated n times to define the loop
    # Column loop: number of operations
    while col <= row:# The number of each row is equal to the current number of rows
        # No line breaks required
        print('%d * %d = %d'%(col,row,col*row),end='\t') # There will be line breaks by default, end='\t' , print tabs
        col + = 1 # number of columns + 1
    # newline
    row + = 1 # number of rows + 1

Reverse order multiplication table


Just need to start the line number from 9

row = 9
while row > 0:# row loop 9,8,...,1 prints 9 rows
    # This line needs to be operated n times to define the loop
    # Column loop: number of operations
    while col <= row: # The number of each row is equal to the current number of rows
        # No line breaks required
        print('%d * %d = %d'%(col,row,col*row),end='\t') # There will be line breaks by default
        col + = 1 # column + 1
    # newline
    row -= 1 # row -1


def jmp(target_line):
    target_frame = sys._getframe(3) #Need to jump
    old_trance = target_frame.f_trace
    #target_frame.f_trace_opcode = True
    def new_trace_hook(cur_frame, event, arg):
        if event == 'line' and cur_frame == target_frame:
                cur_frame.f_lineno = target_line
            except ValueError as e:
                print("jmp failed: " + str(e))
            frame.f_trace = old_trance
            return old_trance
        return old_trance
    frame.f_trace = new_trace_hook

decorator ast code modification update function

class updateFunc(ast.NodeTransformer):
    def __init__(self):
    def visit_BinOp(self, node):
        node.op = ast.Mult()
        return node
class warpFunc():
   def __init__(self, func):
       self.func = func
       self.new_func = {<!-- -->}
   def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
       ast_code, src_code = get_code_ast(self.func) # ast.parse inspect.getsourcecode
       ast_code.body[0].decorator_list = []
       trs = updateFunc()
       newast = trs.visit(ast_code)
       global_vars = {<!-- -->**globals(), **locals()}
       local_vars = {<!-- -->}
       exec(compile(newast, "file_temp.py", mode='exec'), global_vars, local_vars)
       return local_vars[self.func.__name__](*args)

def trans(func):
    def _deco(func, *args, **kwargs):
        new_func = warpFunc(func)
        return new_func(*args)

def add(a, b)
    c = a + b
    return c

print(add(3, 5))