If you add image uploading, movement and zooming in based on frame rich text

If you use the quill rich text plug-in according to the framework, but cannot change the size of the uploaded image, you need to download a third-party plug-in quill-image-resize-module to achieve this.

1. Add in vue.config.js

module.exports = {
             new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
                'window.Quill': 'quill/dist/quill.js',
                'Quill': 'quill/dist/quill.js'

2. Download the plug-in

npm install quill-image-drop-module --save
npm i quill-image-resize-module --save
npm install quill-image-extend-module --save

3.Introduce plug-ins into the page

//Rich text image dragging and resizing plug-in
// quill-image-resize-module This plug-in is used to control the size of uploaded images
import ImageResize from 'quill-image-resize-module';
import { ImageDrop } from 'quill-image-drop-module';
import { ImageExtend } from 'quill-image-extend-module';
Quill.register('modules/imageResize', ImageResize);
Quill.register('modules/imageDrop', ImageDrop);
Quill.register('modules/imageExtend', ImageExtend);

4. Add in the page code

         imageDrop: true,
          //Picture drag and drop
          imageResize: {
            // Image scaling ratio
            displayStyles: {
              backgroundColor: 'black',
              border: 'none',
              color: 'white'
            modules: [

The following is the complete code

    <el-upload :action="uploadUrl" :before-upload="handleBeforeUpload" :on-success="handleUploadSuccess"
      :on-error="handleUploadError" name="multiFile" :show-file-list="false" style="display: none" ref="upload"
      v-if="this.type == 'url'">
    <div class="editor" ref="editor" :style="styles" @paste="handlePaste($event)"></div>

import Quill from "quill";
import "quill/dist/quill.core.css";
import "quill/dist/quill.snow.css";
import "quill/dist/quill.bubble.css";
// Rich text image drag and resize plug-in
// quill-image-resize-module This plug-in is used to control the size of uploaded images
import ImageResize from 'quill-image-resize-module';
import { ImageDrop } from 'quill-image-drop-module';
import { ImageExtend } from 'quill-image-extend-module';
Quill.register('modules/imageResize', ImageResize);
Quill.register('modules/imageDrop', ImageDrop);
Quill.register('modules/imageExtend', ImageExtend);

export default {
  name: "Editor",
  props: {
    /* Editor content */
    value: {
      type: String,
      default: "",
    /* high */
    height: {
      type: Number,
      default: null,
    /* Minimum height */
    minHeight: {
      type: Number,
      default: null,
    /* read only */
    readOnly: {
      type: Boolean,
      default: false,
    /* Upload file size limit (MB) */
    fileSize: {
      type: Number,
      default: 5,
    /* Type (base64 format, url format) */
    type: {
      type: String,
      default: "url",
  data() {
    return {
      uploadUrl: process.env.VUE_APP_BASE_API + "/upload", // Uploaded image server address
      Quill: null,
      currentValue: "",
      options: {
        theme: "snow",
        bounds: document.body,
        debug: "warn",
        modules: {
          imageDrop: true,
          //Picture drag and drop
          imageResize: {
            // Image scaling ratio
            displayStyles: {
              backgroundColor: 'black',
              border: 'none',
              color: 'white'
            modules: [
          // Toolbar configuration
          toolbar: [
            ["bold", "italic", "underline", "strike"], // bold italic underline strikethrough
            ["blockquote", "code-block"], // quote code block
            [{ list: "ordered" }, { list: "bullet" }], // Ordered and unordered lists
            [{ indent: "-1" }, { indent: " + 1" }], // indent
            [{ size: ["small", false, "large", "huge"] }], // font size
            [{ header: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, false] }], // header
            [{ color: [] }, { background: [] }], // font color, font background color
            [{ align: [] }], // Alignment
            ["clean"], // Clear text format
            ["link", "image", "video"] // Links, pictures, videos
        placeholder: "Please enter content",
        readOnly: this.readOnly,
  computed: {
    styles() {
      let style = {};
      if (this.minHeight) {
        style.minHeight = `${this.minHeight}px`;
      if (this.height) {
        style.height = `${this.height}px`;
      return style;
  watch: {
    value: {
      handler(val) {
        if (val !== this.currentValue) {
          this.currentValue = val === null ? "" : val;
          if (this.Quill) {
      immediate: true,
  mounted() {
  beforeDestroy() {
    this.Quill = null;
  methods: {
    init() {
      const editor = this.$refs.editor;
      this.Quill = new Quill(editor, this.options);
      // If the upload address is set, customize the image upload event
      if (this.type == 'url') {
        let toolbar = this.Quill.getModule("toolbar");
        toolbar.addHandler("image", (value) => {
          this.uploadType = "image";
          if (value) {
          } else {
            this.quill.format("image", false);
        toolbar.addHandler("video", (value) => {
          this.uploadType = "video";
          if (value) {
          } else {
            this.quill.format("video", false);
      this.Quill.on("text-change", (delta, oldDelta, source) => {
        const html = this.$refs.editor.children[0].innerHTML;
        const text = this.Quill.getText();
        const quill = this.Quill;
        this.currentValue = html;
        this.$emit("input", html);
        this.$emit("on-change", { html, text, quill });
      this.Quill.on("text-change", (delta, oldDelta, source) => {
        this.$emit("on-text-change", delta, oldDelta, source);
      this.Quill.on("selection-change", (range, oldRange, source) => {
        this.$emit("on-selection-change", range, oldRange, source);
      this.Quill.on("editor-change", (eventName, ...args) => {
        this.$emit("on-editor-change", eventName, ...args);
    // Check format and size before uploading
    handleBeforeUpload(file) {
      const type = ["image/jpeg", "image/jpg", "image/png", "image/svg"];
      const isJPG = type.includes(file.type);
      // Check file format
      if (!isJPG) {
        this.$message.error(`Picture format error!`);
        return false;
      // Check file size
      if (this.fileSize) {
        const isLt = file.size / 1024 / 1024 <this.fileSize;
        if (!isLt) {
          this.$message.error(`Uploaded file size cannot exceed ${this.fileSize} MB!`);
          return false;
      return true;
    handleUploadSuccess(res, file) {
      // If the upload is successful
      if (res.code == 200) {
        // Get rich text component instance
        let quill = this.Quill;
        // Get the cursor position
        let length = quill.getSelection().index;
        //Insert image res.url is the image address returned by the server
        quill.insertEmbed(length, "image", res.msg);
        //Adjust the cursor to the end
        quill.setSelection(length + 1);
      } else {
        this.$message.error("Picture insertion failed");
    handleUploadError() {
      this.$message.error("Picture insertion failed");

.ql-toolbar {
  white-space: pre-wrap !important;
  line-height: normal !important;

.quill-img {
  display: none;

.ql-snow .ql-tooltip[data-mode="link"]::before {
  content: "Please enter the link address:";

.ql-snow .ql-tooltip.ql-editing a.ql-action::after {
  border-right: 0px;
  content: "Save";
  padding-right: 0px;

.ql-snow .ql-tooltip[data-mode="video"]::before {
  content: "Please enter the video address:";

.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-size .ql-picker-label::before,
.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-size .ql-picker-item::before {
  content: "14px";

.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-size .ql-picker-label[data-value="small"]::before,
.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-size .ql-picker-item[data-value="small"]::before {
  content: "10px";

.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-size .ql-picker-label[data-value="large"]::before,
.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-size .ql-picker-item[data-value="large"]::before {
  content: "18px";

.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-size .ql-picker-label[data-value="huge"]::before,
.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-size .ql-picker-item[data-value="huge"]::before {
  content: "32px";

.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-header .ql-picker-label::before,
.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-header .ql-picker-item::before {
  content: "text";

.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-header .ql-picker-label[data-value="1"]::before,
.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-header .ql-picker-item[data-value="1"]::before {
  content: "Title 1";

.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-header .ql-picker-label[data-value="2"]::before,
.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-header .ql-picker-item[data-value="2"]::before {
  content: "Title 2";

.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-header .ql-picker-label[data-value="3"]::before,
.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-header .ql-picker-item[data-value="3"]::before {
  content: "Title 3";

.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-header .ql-picker-label[data-value="4"]::before,
.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-header .ql-picker-item[data-value="4"]::before {
  content: "Title 4";

.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-header .ql-picker-label[data-value="5"]::before,
.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-header .ql-picker-item[data-value="5"]::before {
  content: "Title 5";

.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-header .ql-picker-label[data-value="6"]::before,
.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-header .ql-picker-item[data-value="6"]::before {
  content: "Title 6";

.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-font .ql-picker-label::before,
.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-font .ql-picker-item::before {
  content: "Standard font";

.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-font .ql-picker-label[data-value="serif"]::before,
.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-font .ql-picker-item[data-value="serif"]::before {
  content: "serif font";

.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-font .ql-picker-label[data-value="monospace"]::before,
.ql-snow .ql-picker.ql-font .ql-picker-item[data-value="monospace"]::before {
  content: "monospaced font";