If you add image uploading, movement and zooming in based on frame rich text

If you use the quill rich text plug-in according to the framework, but cannot change the size of the uploaded image, you need to download a third-party plug-in quill-image-resize-module to achieve this. 1. Add in vue.config.js module.exports = { … configureWebpack:{ … plugins:[ new webpack.ProvidePlugin({ ‘window.Quill’: ‘quill/dist/quill.js’, ‘Quill’: ‘quill/dist/quill.js’ }), ] } } 2. Download […]

The text at both ends of echarts dataZoom is not fully displayed. Set the label below the handle.

Problem: When the echarts dataZoom is as long as the chart, and when start=0 or end=100, the text at both ends is not fully displayed, as shown below Solution: You can put the text below and manually change the horizontal position when start90 <template> <div ref=”echartsBox” class=”echartsBox”></div> </template> <script lang=’ts’ setup> import * as echarts […]

GDI Fancy Exploration Based on C# Four: Image Zoom and Coordinate Transformation

1. Two lengthy sentences When playing with GDI, you cannot avoid images after all. Maybe at the beginning, I could try to assign the bitmap directly to the Image of the pictureBox to load the image, but it is a dead thing after all. Often when loading images, they basically have the function of zooming […]

Customize the window drag and zoom after setting the NoResize property of the WPF window

Add the following controls in xmal to mark the left, right, upper, and lower edges and the upper left, upper right, lower left, and lower right corners respectively. When the mouse moves in, out, or clicked, it triggers setting the mouse icon and resetting the icon respectively. , trigger resize and other operations <Path x:Name=”ResizeNW” […]

Appium touch operations (short press, long press, zoom, slide, etc.) [2]

Table of Contents 1.Introduce the object: TouchAction: touch A. Click (tap) operation: B. Slide the screen multiple times: C. Long press 2.MultiAction —– Multi-touch zoom in and out operation 2.1 Zoom in and out based on analytical gesture operations 2.2 Another method for zooming in/out: zoom/pinch 3. Sliding screen operation: A. driver.swipe(x1, y1, x2, y2,duration) […]

Android uses CameraX to implement operations such as previewing/photography/recording video/image analysis/focusing/zooming/switching cameras.

1. CameraX architecture See official documentation CameraX architecture There is the following passage Using CameraX, you interact with your device’s camera with the help of abstract concepts called “use cases.” Preview: Accepts a Surface used to display previews, such as PreviewView Image Analysis : Provides a CPU-accessible buffer for analysis (e.g. machine learning) Picture Capture […]

Solve the problem of incomplete exported image data after echarts configures scrolling (dataZoom)

First display an echarts and configure dataZoom. Each page can have up to 10 pieces of data, which exceeds scrolling. <div class=”echartsBox” id=”echartsBox”></div> onMounted(() => { nextTick(() => { var chartDom = document.getElementById(‘echartsBox’); myChart = echarts.init(chartDom); option = { grid: { left: ‘0px’, // Chart left margin right: ’50px’, // right margin of chart top: […]

echarts combines stacked columns and polylines and zooms the chart

ECharts official website address Apache EChartsApache ECharts, a JavaScript-based data visualization chart library, provides intuitive, vivid, interactive, and customizable data visualization charts. https://echarts.apache.org/zh/index.html Implementation renderings 1. Prepare dom for echarts Be sure to set the width and height, otherwise the chart will not be displayed. <div style=”width: 100%; height: 328px;” id=”institutional-user”></div> 2. Set/get chart data […]

[itext7] Use itext7 to merge multiple PDF files and pictures into one PDF file, rotate and zoom the pictures

This article mainly introduces the use of itext7 to merge multiple PDF files and pictures into one PDF file, image rotation and image scaling. Table of Contents 1. itext7 merge PDF 1.1. Introducing dependencies 1.2. Introduction to merging PDFs 1.3. Read PDF files using byte array method 1.4. Merge multiple PDF files 1.5. Merge images […]