Follow the official publication of Nature to learn graphing | Dual-axis columnar + polyline scatter plot!

Article Directory Reproduce picture Set the working path and load related R packages Read the data set data visualization Calculate mean and standard deviation Visualization process Follow the “Nature” official publication to learn graphing, and today I reproduce a dual-axis graph in the Nature article – a grouped histogram on the left and a line […]

C# | Chaikin algorithm – Calculate the coordinate points of the smooth curve corresponding to the polyline

Chaikin algorithm – Calculate the coordinate points of the smooth curve corresponding to the polyline This article will introduce an algorithm for calculating the coordinate points of a smooth curve corresponding to a polyline. This algorithm uses the Chaikin curve smoothing method to adjust the smoothness and accuracy of the curve by controlling the tension […]

echarts combines stacked columns and polylines and zooms the chart

ECharts official website address Apache EChartsApache ECharts, a JavaScript-based data visualization chart library, provides intuitive, vivid, interactive, and customizable data visualization charts. Implementation renderings 1. Prepare dom for echarts Be sure to set the width and height, otherwise the chart will not be displayed. <div style=”width: 100%; height: 328px;” id=”institutional-user”></div> 2. Set/get chart data […]

echart displays horizontal and vertical lines on polylines (horizontal and vertical lines are displayed along polylines)

The product has a requirement to display the horizontal and vertical coordinate system on the echart polyline. By default, echart’s axisPointer is displayed at the current position of the mouse, which does not meet the requirement, so it is implemented using markline Online examples and source code First the renderings Implementation ideas The x-axis of […]

[AMAP] Overlay/Draw points/Draw polylines/Draw polygons/Draw rectangles/Draw circles

Official example <!doctype html> <html lang=”en”> <head> <meta charset=”utf-8″> <meta http-equiv=”X-UA-Compatible” content=”chrome=1″> <meta name=”viewport” content=”initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no, width=device-width”> <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”” type=”text/css”> <style> html,body,#container{<!– –> height: 100% } .input-item{<!– –> height: 2.2rem; } .btn{<!– –> width: 6rem; margin: 0 1rem 0 2rem; } .input-text{<!– –> width: 4rem; margin-right:1rem; } </style> <title>Mouse tool drawing</title> </head> <body> […]

[Leaflet.Polyline.SnakeAnim plug-in water flow effect]

Use the Leaflet.Polyline.SnakeAnim plug-in in Leaflet to realize the water flow diversion effect Define the map // mapDiv is the id name, setView parameter 1: map center coordinate position parameter 2: map loading level (the larger the number, the closer the map is loaded) =‘mapDiv’).setView([33.6528734492,104.7626939500], 5) Introducing plugins Link: L.Polyline.SnakeAnim.js import L from […]

How does ObjectARX determine the relationship between points and polylines

Table of Contents 1 Basic ideas 2 Relevant knowledge points 2.1 Overview of the ECS coordinate system 2.2 Other point coordinate conversion interface 2.3 How to get the ECS coordinates of the vertices of the polyline 3 Implementation routines 3.1 Interface implementation 3.2 Test code 4 Realize the effect ?In the secondary development of CAD, […]

c# CAD secondary development class library Create various graphics, straight lines, circles, polylines, squares, points, etc.

c# CAD secondary development class library Create various graphics, straight lines, circles, polylines, squares, points, etc. using Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices; using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System. Linq; using System. Text; using System. Threading. Tasks; namespace_02 create graphics { public static partial class AddEntityTool { /// /// Add the graphics object to the graphics file /// […]