Initialization program of 3-axis acceleration sensor QMA6100P

QMA6100P attitude sensor initialization program Article directory Preface 1. Brief description 2. Usage steps 1.IIC basic configuration (iic.c file) 2. Register address of QMA6110P (qma6100p.h file) QMA6100P ID and data reading function (qma6100p.c file) main program Foreword The initialization program of the domestic 3-axis acceleration sensor QMA6100P, the HK32 MCU, and the entire project can […]

Trajectory planning simulation of articulated six-axis manipulator based on MATLAB

Trajectory planning in Cartesian space is divided into linear trajectory planning and arc trajectory planning. This article is a matlab simulation analysis of arc interpolation method in Cartesian space. Table of Contents 1 Experimental purpose 2 Experimental content 2.1 Standard D-H parameter method 2.2 Matlab functions used in experiments 3 all codes 4 Simulation results […]

[[FIFO to BRAM IP interconnection, that is, AXIstream is transferred to the verilog code on BRAM]]

FIFO to BRAM IP interconnection, that is, AXIstream is transferred to the verilog code on BRAM control.v module control #( parameter TDATA_WIDTH = 32 , parameter BRAM_A_ADDR_WIDTH = 15 , parameter BRAM_din_WIDTH = 32 , parameter BRAM_B_ADDR_WIDTH = 15 )( input [TDATA_WIDTH – 1 : 0] tdata , input tvaild, input sys_clk, input sys_rst_n , […]

04-Echarts simplified series: Cartesian coordinate system xAxis and yAxis

For the X-axis and Y-axis in the graph, there are at most two x-axes in a grid. More than two axes need to be configured through the offset property. 1. xAxis and yAxis attribute configuration of coordinate system option={ xAxis:[ { id:’1′, //Component ID show:true, //Whether to display the x/y axis gridIndex:0, //The index of […]

Follow the official publication of Nature to learn graphing | Dual-axis columnar + polyline scatter plot!

Article Directory Reproduce picture Set the working path and load related R packages Read the data set data visualization Calculate mean and standard deviation Visualization process Follow the “Nature” official publication to learn graphing, and today I reproduce a dual-axis graph in the Nature article – a grouped histogram on the left and a line […]

Qwt QwtScaleDraw custom coordinate axis

1. Overview QwtScaleDraw is a class in the Qt drawing library Qwt, used to draw axis ticks and tick labels. It provides methods and properties to set the style, layout, and alignment of tick marks and labels. The following is the class inheritance relationship: 2. Commonly used methods Tag related methods: setLabelRotation(double angle): Set the […]

VTK OrientationMarker direction three-dimensional coordinate system camera coordinate axis custom coordinate axis

This article is developed in Python language When we develop 3D software, we often use the camera coordinate axis to indicate the current spatial position; Coordinate axis effect: Camera direction coordinate axis Cube coordinate axis Custom axis: Code: Axes def main(): colors = vtkNamedColors() # create a Sphere sphereSource = vtkSphereSource() sphereSource.SetCenter(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) sphereSource.SetRadius(0.5) […]

echarts sets the colors of different vertical intervals, and the x-axis customizes the axis scale range.

Requirement: Set the vertical range interval. Different range intervals have different colors and different prompt information. Then modify the fixed spacing range of the x-axis, so that 0-200-400-600 is changed to 0-340-476-754. Here I It is implemented using markLine. Here I also use the flipping of the x-axis so that the display is mirrored. 1. […]

Kalman filter fuses six-axis IMU data

Kalman filter Kalman filter is a commonly used state estimation method. Its basic principle is to optimally estimate the system state. The main idea is to divide the state of the system into a priori state and a posteriori state, and obtain the optimal estimated state by weighting the a priori state and the observed […]

Solving AttributeError: Unknown property axisbg

Table of Contents Solving AttributeError: Unknown property axisbg Problem Description Solution Step 1: Check matplotlib version Step 2: Modify the code Step 3: Run the code Summarize Step 1: Check matplotlib version Step 2: Modify the code Step 3: Run the code Solving AttributeError: Unknown property axisbg When using matplotlib to draw graphics, you sometimes […]