Qwt QwtScaleDraw custom coordinate axis

1. Overview QwtScaleDraw is a class in the Qt drawing library Qwt, used to draw axis ticks and tick labels. It provides methods and properties to set the style, layout, and alignment of tick marks and labels. The following is the class inheritance relationship: 2. Commonly used methods Tag related methods: setLabelRotation(double angle): Set the […]

openpnp – modify source code – SlotSchultzFeederConfigurationWizard

Article directory openpnp-src modify-SlotSchultzFeederConfigurationWizard Overview notes Remark END openpnp – src modify – SlotSchultzFeederConfigurationWizard Overview When assigning components to SlotSchultzFeeder, I found that the Part names generated in the coordinate file were spelled together and the names were very long. When selecting from the feeder component drop-down list, I don’t feel confident because I can’t […]

openpnp – SlotSchultzFeeder source code bugfix

Article directory openpnp – SlotSchultzFeeder source code bugfix Overview notes openpnp source code debugging environment Troubleshooting ideas Open a git branch Issues found – 1 Issues found – 2 Issues found – 3 Logical corrections to address the above issues D:\my_openpnp\openpnp_github\src\main\java\org\openpnp\machine\reference\driver\wizards\GcodeDriverConsole.java D:\my_openpnp\openpnp_github\src\main\java\org\openpnp\machine\reference\driver\GcodeDriver.java D:\my_openpnp\openpnp_github\src\main\java\org\openpnp\machine\reference\driver\GcodeAsyncDriver.java D:\my_openpnp\openpnp_github\src\main\java\org\openpnp\machine\reference\feeder\wizards\SlotSchultzFeederConfigurationWizard.java D:\my_openpnp\openpnp_github\src\main\java\org\openpnp\machine\reference\driver\GcodeDriver.java D:\my_openpnp\openpnp_github\src\main\java\org\openpnp\Main.java Remark END openpnp – SlotSchultzFeeder source code bugfix Overview […]

PromptScript: lightweight DSL script to accelerate diverse LLM testing and verification

TL;DR version PromptScript is a lightweight Prompt debugging DSL (Yaml) script for quickly using and building Prompt. PromptScript documentation: https://framework.unitmesh.cc/prompt-script Why PromptScript? A few months ago, when studying LLM to improve research performance, we built the DevTi project under UnitMesh (https://github.com/unit-mesh) for batch data processing and prompt verification– For example, verify whether the generated UML […]

Wi-Fi network scoring mechanism 04_ThroughputScorer (default scorer)

ThroughputScorer is the currently used scorer. The scoring algorithm is relatively complex and uses many terms related to protocols and wireless communications. Detailed scoring process Since the scorer code is relatively complex, the complete scoring process will be analyzed below, and finally the code for throughput estimation will be introduced separately. rssi and throughput score: […]

Spring instantiation source code analysis ComponentScanAnnotationParser (4)

In the previous chapter, we analyzed ConfigurationClassParser, the parsing source code analysis of configuration classes. During the parsing process of candidate configuration classes modified by ComponentScans and ComponentScan annotations, we need to have an in-depth understanding of the parse execution process of ComponentScanAnnotationParser, why the SpringBoot startup class is written like this, why there is […]

NTSC and PAL sync signal analog output

NTSC and PAL sync signal analog output Reason: Because I want to output a synchronous black field of NTSC system and PAL system, I only need to output the synchronization signal, and then output the rgb signal to ADV (7123) and then output it to the display screen. The following is a summary of my […]

QT + TSC barcode printer to print the corresponding product barcode label

QT + TSC barcode printer to print the corresponding product barcode label QT TSC barcode printer prints the corresponding product barcode label foreword QT calls TSCLIBDLL library operation skills and steps The solution to the crash of the running application when calling the library foreword TSC barcode printer Windows DLL function library is a dynamic […]